Newbie blues

  • Thread starter stjohn
Trying to get some cash up. Firstly, can anyone reccomend a ggod car to start with? Also, in the races , I can only win £1000, do you have to race all three courses in that section to win some serious cash?

If u win all three reaces, elts say in the SUnday Cuo, you do nnot get any extra cash, but u do win a new nar if u get Golds in each of the SUnday CUp Races.  And The Harder the races the more money u get.  Farther down the set of cups in the BEgininer leagues u can win about 5000 for a first place victory.  I would buy the Miata MX-5 if u do not have t he time to wan a Miata LS by gettnig all golds in the B Licence section.