speed racer

  • Thread starter psycho
Car: Cerbera LM Edition
Track: Super Speedway
Beat This: 28.342
Don't know speed. Just remember time.
Im not lying.
Uh, you guys probably won't count this since it's an Escudo, but:

Car: Suzuki Escudo Pike's Peak Edition
Track: Super Speedway
Lap: 0:22.27
Speed: 263

It really doesn't count I guess, I mean...Who can't press the gas button, and let a 1800HP car smash into the wall until they get a 22 second lap time...?
No, any car is sufficent. I was messing around on the track and then thought mmmmmmm this would make a great challenge. Fast speed, fast times. that would be dandy. :cool:
f090/s 23.445 on super speedway, lancer evo 6 rs 28.396, u dont count the escudo but 19.353
Yo Zero, I'll believe those outrageous times when I see screenshots!!!

I say no way is the F/090s capable of sub 25's and to run a 23.4??? No Way

Me and my brother were in 090s's drafting off of each other the whole time, we probably tried it 40+ laps just trying to make a cool replay, and our awesomest laps were low 25's.

Call me crazy, maybe I just don't remember correctly, but those times sound too fast to be true.:rolleyes: