Braking realism?

I was wondering, would you consider the braking in this game to be more realistic to that of Gran Turismo 3? More specifically, I was refering to times when u have the braking balance bias set more towards the front or rear (even slighty). When its set more the the rear, the tail flies out, sometimes uncontrollably. When its set more to the front, the car won't turn... at all.. it just heads steadily in a straight line... off the track.. into the grass... long the wall... *ahem*... u get my point.

My current real world car is a Honda Del sol, and while I don't reach these kind of speeds that I do in game, when I brake I don't get yanked straight, or fly sideways... I was wondering if you guys consider this type of braking to be accurate... or rather.. extreme? ( Please note I'm not talking about fully pressing on the brake, but rather more like 50% or maybe 70% pressure on the brake pedal )
It's very realistic, if your going off the track, your either bracking far too hard in the game or/and your suspension and other settings need alot of work.