ceSniper presents himself

  • Thread starter cesniper
hey sniper nice vid, really impressive especially with that zonda...i dont get one thing though

ive been playing for a while..ive been trying and practicing. can you help explain to me how you prevent your car from sliding off the track on the far side and how you prevent it from driving into the wall on the inside edge of the turn? (ie. turning left, hitting left wall after 2 seconds.)

ty if you can help
cesniper & mark90

Welcome to GT Planet to both of you, its always good to see new members here.

I do however have to draw your attention to the following section of the AUP (which you agreed to when joining GT Planet).

No slang words that promote laziness, ie; "r", "u", "plz", etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums.

Your posts in this thread violate this section of the AUP and I would ask that you take steps to keep in line, it will make you posts far easier to read (and as we have a good number of members for whom English is not a first language its important) and you will almost certainly get better replies from existsing members as well.

Thanks in advance

cesniper & mark90

Welcome to GT Planet to both of you, its always good to see new members here.

I do however have to draw your attention to the following section of the AUP (which you agreed to when joining GT Planet).

Your posts in this thread violate this section of the AUP and I would ask that you take steps to keep in line, it will make you posts far easier to read (and as we have a good number of members for whom English is not a first language its important) and you will almost certainly get better replies from existsing members as well.

Thanks in advance


Im not english but I´ll do my best :)
Nope, its not mean or anything. If you thought I was mean, you should go hangout in the Rumble Strip.

...or to Irak for that matter :dunce:

I do my best and try to improve, I don´t see anything positive in your comment or decent feedback, so not really interested in someone patronizing me :yuck:
I dont get how you think his post as mean, if anything its advice.

I´ll show you then:

Where is the "hi, welcome" as Scaff did?
I don´t know anyone of you and I am being polite and expect the same, not only good grammar.

Where is the feedback on the video?

How should I work my countersteer?

why should I cut down on Initial D videos?

c´mon no wonder this place is always dead......:grumpy:

bye i didnt come here for approval but just to share
Nope, its not mean or anything. If you thought I was mean, you should go hangout in the Rumble Strip.

I'm quite sure that the intention was not to be mean or cause offence in any way, but I can see how it could have come across as a bit blunt.

It is one of the problems with communication over the net, without any visual information posts can almost always be taken in a number of different ways.

So how about everyone keeps cool on this one and starts over again, I think that would be a far better option than me having to get involved in any other way.

So how about it guys?



BTW - @cesniper - If you need to add more to a post you can use the Edit button to open up your last post, rather than double posting. It's just the way we prefer to do things here, again it helps to keep the threads nice and tidy. 👍
well, scaff, thanks for the reply and I agree. I´ve been in lots of forums and I´m used to being welcomed as I welcome people to my Forum :)

As you say things can sometimes get confused if you don´t have the person in front, and that is why you have to make sure that you are not missunderstood.
I´m not english and I do my best so everyone can understand my point, and I feel he could have typed a bit more if he wanted to be positive about the whole thing...I can take all criticism, but let´s get into detail...is too easy to say "hey, man, I just don´t like it"
Again, I came here to share and try to improve, so I want to have nice chats...is just that I see no way I can improve based on his comments
ceSniper does a lot of things in third person. Reminds me of The Rock.

But yes, I've seen MANY of your vids on YouTube, pretty cool stuff.

P.S. The first line was a pun, just so I don't get misunderstood ;)
ceSniper does a lot of things in third person. Reminds me of The Rock.

But yes, I've seen MANY of your vids on YouTube, pretty cool stuff.

P.S. The first line was a pun, just so I don't get misunderstood ;)

now we are getting somewhere :sly:

hi, nice meeting you...didnt get the 3rd person joke :guilty: can you explain? :dopey: you mean ceSniper goes....:) :) ...oh I see, you´ve seen that my videos are usually ceSniper whatever :):):) good point!! never thought of it that way lol
I´ll show you then:

Where is the "hi, welcome" as Scaff did?
I don´t know anyone of you and I am being polite and expect the same, not only good grammar.

Where is the feedback on the video?

How should I work my countersteer?
" More fluid" you have your counter steer going to a big angle then to a small one(more gas bigger steering, less gas little steer, etc etc etc)) Watch the "DRift King's"(Keiichi Tsuchiya)Drift bible and look at his counter steer, then compare it to yours.

why should I cut down on Initial D videos?
We had problems in the past and the majority of racers here, like 99.0% Drifting in GT4

c´mon no wonder this place is always dead......:grumpy:
People have moved on, members left or veterans left
ok now we are talking.....

believe or not, I see I car I like, I buy all the parts and then do 3 or 4 laps with it..and then move to the next one, I usually make a video in 4 or 5 hours...drifitng and editing...so I don´t spend much setting the car up and some of them are hard to control..better setups would help. I dont use steering wheel either
I tell you what, I am gonna spend more time on it and not post a nice video until i give it a week or so, I should get some good drifting :sly:

I´ve seen the Drift Bible already :)
ok now we are talking.....

believe or not, I see I car I like, I buy all the parts and then do 3 or 4 laps with it..and then move to the next one, I usually make a video in 4 or 5 hours...drifitng and editing...so I don´t spend much setting the car up and some of them are hard to control..better setups would help.
I tell you what, I am gonna spend more time on it and not post a nice video until i ive it a week or so :sly:
Try this, just grab a FR layout car and try to drift it with Sims, if you think it needs work then add LSd or what not. Try from there, don't just waste all that money because somethings( Like power ) isn't really needed.
Try this, just grab a FR layout car and try to drift it with Sims, if you think it needs work then add LSd or what not. Try from there, don't just waste all that money because somethings( Like power ) isn't really needed.

I don´t save the changes, so no money is spent, I setup a car everytime I try it :sly:
They just kinda use Initial D clips and then like 2 minutes of their own drifting.

Anywho, yeah, high power drifting is fun, but low power drifting with more setup works better for cooler vids.

P.S. Do a Search and search for "GT4 Drift Settings Depot" they list drift settings for a number of cars of all types, so you can work from there :)
They just kinda use Initial D clips and then like 2 minutes of their own drifting.

Anywho, yeah, high power drifting is fun, but low power drifting with more setup works better for cooler vids.

P.S. Do a Search and search for "GT4 Drift Settings Depot" they list drift settings for a number of cars of all types, so you can work from there :)
I don't think that GT4 works with GT3.

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