Clean Race Bonus Broken?

  • Thread starter slthree
United States
Fact Central Florida
Was getting clean race bonus on every race and I was thinking to myself, wow, they're letting us put our elbows out a little more than previously.

I was sure there were a few times I did not deserve it but I kept getting it.

Now I know something is wrong because I'm doing the Tokyo expressway challenge and I'm bouncing off the walls on every lap multiple times and I still got the clean race bonus.

Is this broken?
Same here. I've hit every car and wall, and still got my Clean Race bonus. One of the few times it's ok that the game isn't working right...
I know they've changed it to be more strict with the updates, but now it just feels completely random. In one race I'll have AI smash me into the wall and I'll still get the bonus. Then I have a flawless race where I don't hit anything or go off track at all and I don't get the bonus.

There seems to be absolutely no logic or pattern to it. I want to know what this game is smoking.
Ok as I figured this out with my 2nd account, when you are a "rookie" according to the game, the clean race bonus is very relaxed and as you progress further into the books the clean race bonus gets more restricted, going off track, hard hits on walls, and hard taps on AI cars rear bumper will void the bonus.
On the 700 championship the first race almost always gives the bonus unless you do something aggregious.The second race is much harder you really have to race very clean. Then at nurburgring its just imposible ive never gotten it there in many many tries even just at cruising speed you cannot get the clean race to pop up no natter what
Ok as I figured this out with my 2nd account, when you are a "rookie" according to the game, the clean race bonus is very relaxed and as you progress further into the books the clean race bonus gets more restricted, going off track, hard hits on walls, and hard taps on AI cars rear bumper will void the bonus.
Definitely noticing this too.

I've been using Autopolis Touring Car 700 as my go-to grind race, and have done the race twice today (in two different cars), but have failed to get the CRB both times, in spite of staying on the track 100%.

Both races did have very minor bumps with other cars, but in every case it was the AI driving into me, and yet it now feels like any contact whatsoever is enough to lose the CRB, whereas before I was even able to go off track and maintain the bonus in some cases.


What would be helpful is a CRB indicator that shows you exactly when you lose the bonus, as right now I cannot tell what specific moment(s) of the race are causing me to lose much-needed credits.