Differences in game modes.

  • Thread starter ImaRobot
United States
Los Angeles, CA
Was just wondering something recently.

I spend a lot of time tuning and spend a good amount of time in "Test Drive" through the upgrade menu and there's some things that have been bothering me.

I set up my car and get it how I want it, and after thats all said and done, I move to rivals to test out my tune. When in rivals I notice that my car feels different then what I had just made while in the upgrade menu. It seems to grip(I think? I acnt really pinpoint whats going on) a bit more, causing it to understeer more then what I had intended. Its not that the tires arent heated, because once they get up to temperature, I still notice a difference. Has anyone else noticed this?

I also noticed that tracks with multiple layouts all have a different feel for each layout you're racing on. One track I'll notice that my car is more prone to oversteer, while another I notice that I have a bit more grip than the other (not related to the situation above.)
I noticed something similar when tuning an Indy Car to run the speedway 200 (or something) mile challenge.

I had the tune locked down in tune setup, with the minimum downforce that I could carry with full throttle all the time (30+ laps spent tuning). Ran that tune in the online event, and it was a disaster. No forward bite at all, into the wall every time I didn't back waaay out of it in the turns.

I don't know if it's tire grip, aero, or something else, but it sure felt like there was a difference to me.
Wasn't there supposedly a feature where grip levels would increase as more layers of rubber were put down on the pavement?
Wasn't there supposedly a feature where grip levels would increase as more layers of rubber were put down on the pavement?
I'm not sure, but either way that wouldn't add up because its noticeable on the first lap of each mode.
I don't think it's the game mode that does it. When I'm playing online the same thing happens between laps. One lap my SLR will be loose and oversteery, the next I can confidently plant it on the floor as soon as I reach the apex of a turn, only to find that next lap I start getting a little understeer.
I don't think it's the game mode that does it. When I'm playing online the same thing happens between laps. One lap my SLR will be loose and oversteery, the next I can confidently plant it on the floor as soon as I reach the apex of a turn, only to find that next lap I start getting a little understeer.
I know what you mean, but IMO I think it is te modes. It's hard to explain but the car feels completely different. It's not just one lap either, it's the whole time. I can really notice it because ill spend 45-1hr in test drive, and as soon as I switch to rivals it's noticeable from the get go.
Thinking tyre temp might be it
It was the first thing I thought aswell but it's noticeable from the first few laps. Ill check out the telemetry next time and see how it is at the beginning and end of the sitting.
I'm not sure, but either way that wouldn't add up because its noticeable on the first lap of each mode.
Maybe I misunderstood you, but my take was that in rivals mode you were noticing a lack of grip. My thought is that in test mode track grip is always at peak, but in Rivals you have to put down a few laps before it gets to that level.
Maybe I misunderstood you, but my take was that in rivals mode you were noticing a lack of grip. My thought is that in test mode track grip is always at peak, but in Rivals you have to put down a few laps before it gets to that level.
If thats the case then that would explain a few things.
Maybe I misunderstood you, but my take was that in rivals mode you were noticing a lack of grip. My thought is that in test mode track grip is always at peak, but in Rivals you have to put down a few laps before it gets to that level.

Thats exactly what it is, after 3 laps the tires should be warmed up. That of course is on a avg size track.
Thats exactly what it is, after 3 laps the tires should be warmed up. That of course is on a avg size track.
Well there's the tires that need to be warmed up, but some of the original reports on FM5 talked about an increase of traction on the surface of the track as layers of rubber were built up. I'm not sure if that actually ever came to fruition given the 3-lap races.
Wasn't there supposedly a feature where grip levels would increase as more layers of rubber were put down on the pavement?

Not that I'm aware, though I've always wanted rubber-in, like what we had in F1 2010. (I haven't got around to 2011/2012/2013.) That's one of several things I wish Turn 10 would borrow from Codemasters.
I wish T10 would use the same methodology they have with their cars (accessible with all assists on, straight up sim with assists off) and apply it to other aspects like racing etiquette, qualifying, lap count, etc...
I wish T10 would use the same methodology they have with their cars (accessible with all assists on, straight up sim with assists off) and apply it to other aspects like racing etiquette, qualifying, lap count, etc...
Me too but the lap configurable free play this time around is a step in the right direction. I'd love to see a GRiD Autosport style frontend though. Perhaps after Project CARS hits T10'll be forced to play catch up.
I have not noticed that. Maybe something isn't being saved correctly. When you go back in to the tuning menu does it show the changes?
I have not noticed that. Maybe something isn't being saved correctly. When you go back in to the tuning menu does it show the changes?
Everything has saved correctly. I will check it out again this weekend and see if I can figure out anything.
Everything has saved correctly. I will check it out again this weekend and see if I can figure out anything.

While you're troubleshooting. Try not to rule out the possibility that you might be driving slightly different than you do in the test drive. I spend tons and tons of time in test drive. While I haven't noticed, it certainly doesn't mean its not there.

There was a patch awhile back that fixed a problem with downloaded tunes not applying the front suspension changes, IIRC.

Next time I get around to tuning I'll report back and really pay attention to see if there's something weird that I can notice.
wht might be happening happens in GT6. When you tune offline you are not having to send data back and forth to the servers and you are getting the true feel of the car. Then when you race online it feels different because it is technically lagging just a tiny bit while sending the data.

In GT6 it give the feeling of less grip though, not more. An example would be going through the corkscrew at laguna seca. offline you can go full throttle on the way out but online you have to ease on the throttle or you'll break traction. It's small but noticeable.

When online in GT6 your times will always be about a 10th behind you offline times because of this.

Just my guess at what you might be experiencing :)

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