Evo Racer and other new members

  • Thread starter Jordan


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Let's see just how good some of you new members are...  ðŸ˜ˆ

Car:  Suzuki Escudo
Track:  Laguna Seca

You can do all the laps you want, and you can do any modifications to the Escudo.  Just get the fastest possible lap time and you've won the challenge.

Good luck!  :D

Well, unfortunately you can't prove that.  You just have to trust your fellow members.  

Anyone who cheats that way is a real loser, and I don't want to race against them anyway.
well ok. I'll remember not to cheat. I'll just give you the best lap time possible. But I hate that one turn in Laguna Seca which is a hill with a sharp turn to the left then right.

Now.... for the settings of the car Im going to give careful tuning. I'll post the laptime tomorrow. Because thats when I'll race.
Yeah, you've just gotta love the corkscrew.  

Be extra careful coming off the hill right before it traveling at such high speeds in the Escudo.
Be extra careful coming off the hill right before it traveling at such high speeds in the Escudo.

On second thought, ignore that advice...  :D
I actually tried alternate routes through the corkscrew, to find a path to fly over the hill and then land.  Of course, if that invisible barrier in the air was gone, and you applied very little downforce, it might be possible...
Invisible barrier in the air?! I remember the front of the escudo went up because of so much speed flying off the hill. But theres a certain way to hit the hill. you come at the hill very close to the right barrier. Then go inward. In mid air turn the wheels right and hold on the brakes. That makes lap times shorter.
Yeah, I'm talking about the one above the track barrier.
Sector 1: 0:21.556

Sector 2: 0:18.160

Sector 3: 0:13.804

Sector 4: 0:14.542

Total Laptime: 1:08.062

Max Speed: 198.63

Drive Setting: Automatic

Hey Talentless got a good time! Im just a few seconds away!:)

I just need to work on the corkscrew and last turn into the final strip.
Usually the very last turn gives me the more trouble than the rest of the course.  :mad:
Ah, good, I'm glad to hear that.  :D
Total: 1:02.628

Top Speed: 197.14

Sector 1: 19.893
Sector 2: 16.136
Sector 3: 12.784
Sector 4: 13.815

Great times guys.  I love the sound of this challenge.  Too bad I dont have time right now.  Ill be back soon, so keep up the good challenges.  I miss this place so much....... . . .  .  .   .   .    .    .     .
:(  That sucks, misnblu.  Well, at least you'll be back just in time for some great GT3 challenges.
I can't wait for a challenge around Complex String in an F1 car.  :D