(Feature Suggestion) Quick Match races

  • Thread starter Jufr
TLDR: Quick online races where the game would randomly choose a Car (same car for all players) and a Track. No qualifying (random grid placement). 2/3 Laps depending on the track so the race would last less than 10 minutes.

Am I the only one who doesn't play a lot of Sports mode races because they take a lot ot time? Even the Daily Races take a lot because you need to train before racing so you can get a good qualifying time. I'm a B rank player so I need at least 10 minutes around the track to get a decent lap time. Then you need to wait for the next race to begin. Then you warmup and race and when the 1st race finishes you're already playing the game for almost an hour! I think that is a lot of time for a single competitive online race. I think most of the adults with a 8 hour job agree that it's hard to find 1 hour a day to play!

I know Lobbies are an alternative but it's hard to find a competitive one like the Sports mode races.

I also know GT6 had a Quick Match (I've played GT6 but never online so I'm only speaking from what I've read online) and my suggestion is something similar to that:
  • Random Car (same for all players)
  • Random Track
  • Random Grid Placement (no qualifying)
  • 2/3 laps (depending on the track - the goal here is that the race would take under 10 minutes)
Would you guys play this mode? Is there an official feature request channel we can use to reach out to Polyphony Digital with this idea? Only if I get a lot of support of course...

PS: I think this mode would also give some credit to the "car collecting" part of all GT games, as it would "force" players to play with cars that they don't own and never played with. This could be good for Polyphony Digital as it could increase the number of car purshaces in the game as players find out cars they loved to race with.
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Probably no. GTS is dirty enough as it is. Add in genuine mistakes from people out braking themselves and randomly crashing and trying dodgy overtakes in car / track combos that they have not practiced, it would be carnage.
Probably no. GTS is dirty enough as it is. Add in genuine mistakes from people out braking themselves and randomly crashing and trying dodgy overtakes in car / track combos that they have not practiced, it would be carnage.
I understand your concern, but if the matchmaking puts you against players of your Driving and Sportsmanship Ranks, it shoudn't be different from the Daily Races carnage :).
I do understand the idea but in a game like this i think will not work, dailys are a good example of how people behave when only DR matters you can imagine how will be if people don´t take the time to pratice, SR will not matter people only care about SR in FIA Races and even there sometimes it´s a mess.
Like @Steer mentioned will be a total carnage, thats not the path PD whants for GT.

One thing i do like to see was a FIA competition based on Teams like the GTplanet league yesterday..., i think communitys will be even more strong and will have a more range in terms of pilots and strategys, very intense races indeed.
I would like it.

Navigating through people who either don't know how to control their car or aren't as familiar with the track happens all the time anyway. I don't have much time to play this game, but if I want to maintain my DR and SR for better and accurate FIA race matchmaking, I am forced to practice and set a decent qualy time when racing my main account in daily races, because that's what everyone else does. But if I knew there would be an even playing field with random cars and random tracks, it would make it more fair to those who either don't have time or simply want to race immediately. Yes there would be a certain amount more carnage, but that's part of what makes racing fun, navigating through traffic and you know, actually racing.
I would play that mode in a heartbeat. I like sport Mode, but some of the races get boring by the end of the week, and I enjoy changing cars and tracks as it is.

Anyone saying “it won’t work”, “it’ll be too dirty”....these kind of races already existed in GT6, and we had Shuffle Racing in GT5. Neither of these were any more dirty than Sport Mode

Like I said, I like sport Mode, but I don’t always want to be in “try hard” mode. Sometimes I want to start mid pack and just goof around without the pressure of losing SR and DR. Random grid order shuffles races from GT5 were some of my favourite events ever in GT games.
Am I the only one who doesn't play a lot of Sports mode races

You would probably be surprised at just how many people don't play Sport Mode for a host of different reasons.
Many of us are looking for better updates to other parts of this game. I definitely want more options like GT6 had for lobby racing. I also think shuffle racing should make a return from GT5.
I’d love
TLDR: Quick online races where the game would randomly choose a Car (same car for all players) and a Track. No qualifying (random grid placement). 2/3 Laps depending on the track so the race would last less than 10 minutes.

Am I the only one who doesn't play a lot of Sports mode races because they take a lot ot time? Even the Daily Races take a lot because you need to train before racing so you can get a good qualifying time. I'm a B rank player so I need at least 10 minutes around the track to get a decent lap time. Then you need to wait for the next race to begin. Then you warmup and race and when the 1st race finishes you're already playing the game for almost an hour! I think that is a lot of time for a single competitive online race. I think most of the adults with a 8 hour job agree that it's hard to find 1 hour a day to play!

I know Lobbies are an alternative but it's hard to find a competitive one like the Sports mode races.

I also know GT6 had a Quick Match (I've played GT6 but never online so I'm only speaking from what I've read online) and my suggestion is something similar to that:
  • Random Car (same for all players)
  • Random Track
  • Random Grid Placement (no qualifying)
  • 2/3 laps (depending on the track - the goal here is that the race would take under 10 minutes)
Would you guys play this mode? Is there an official feature request channel we can use to reach out to Polyphony Digital with this idea? Only if I get a lot of support of course...

PS: I think this mode would also give some credit to the "car collecting" part of all GT games, as it would "force" players to play with cars that they don't own and never played with. This could be good for Polyphony Digital as it could increase the number of car purshaces in the game as players find out cars they loved to race with.
100% agree.

I really don’t know why PD don’t have such an option in place. Also give us a healthy prize award and I’d be on it all the time.
Just thinking about it more:

Overall, I really like the match making of Sport Mode. It eliminates the hassle of trying to find lobbies (and find lobbies that don’t have completely wacko settings), and it removes the necessity for a core aspect of the game to be run through a few private individuals (the regular people who consistently host the “good” lobbies).

What I dislike about sport Mode is the slow weekly rotation, combined with the fact that in any given week, at least one of the races will be a one-make. I enjoy the odd one-make race every now and then, but what I really enjoy doing is trying out all the cars that are available for a certain race, see how they’re different from one another. Back in GT6 Quick Races or whatever they were called, many of the races were restricted by PP, but it was up to each player to pick and tune their car. I had countless hours of fun trying different builds on different cars to see if I could keep up with the meta cars. There was no better feeling than cruising past a meta car in my Datsun 510 :lol: Look at this week for example - two of the races are 1-Make races, so there’s no variety available there. Race A will be all but empty by the end of the week, the Mitsubishi GTO is an awful car to drive, Tsukuba is pretty terrible for wheel to wheel racing. It’s only Monday, but we basically already know which handful of cars will be he meta for Race B. Think about it this way - anyone who also enjoys playing games like Battlefield or COD....would you want to play the same map, with the same gun, every night, for a week straight??

The other thing I dislike about Sport Mode is that it’s always ranked matches. I’m sure I’m not the only one here who plays other games that also have Ranked match making.....I don’t know very many people who want to play Ranked ALL the time. Apex Legends has a Ranked Mode in it now - it’s super fun, really competitive, almost a completely different way of playing the game. But I definitely don’t want to play ranked all the time. I know that in regular public lobbies, I should expect my teammates to be worse, expect more trolling, etc....but for me, the downside of non-Ranked matches doesn’t cancel out the easy-going and purely fun nature of regular matches.

It’s the same thing with Sport Mode. I like it, and I appreciate the fact that racing is different than shooting games, and that the Rankings in Sport Mode help to keep things clean....but I have more than enough practice dodging trolls in non-ranked races that it really doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is being rammed by a troll in a ranked match, I cop a penalty for it and they don’t. If I’m in a non-ranked match and get bumped off the road, I honestly don’t care. If I’m in a ranked match and get bumped off the road, I get pissed off.

Over the course of GTS, I have a LOT of occasions where I’ve turned the game on, kind of had half an inclination to do some racing...but while waiting for the Sport Mode Race to start, I get this feeling of, “ehh, my head’s not really in it right now,” or, “I’m too tired to fully concentrate on a ranked race,” and I end up withdrawing my entry, and often times just shut the game off (or go find a cruising lobby or something).

I fully get why people want ranked match making, and why they want things like SR rating and whatnot. I want it too. But I also would like easy going, chill racing available through match making as opposed to private lobbies.

It’s almost like a chicken and egg thing. Yes, ranked match making should make the racing more clean. The massive gaping holes in the penalty system though, make it so that ranked match making isn’t necessarily cleaner, you just pay big consequences for the actions of others. In non-ranked races, sure things have potential to be dirtier since there’s no authority algorithm watching your moves, but if things do go sideways, it’s a complete non-issue.
The other thing I dislike about Sport Mode is that it’s always ranked matches. I’m sure I’m not the only one here who plays other games that also have Ranked match making.....I don’t know very many people who want to play Ranked ALL the time. Apex Legends has a Ranked Mode in it now - it’s super fun, really competitive, almost a completely different way of playing the game. But I definitely don’t want to play ranked all the time. I know that in regular public lobbies, I should expect my teammates to be worse, expect more trolling, etc....but for me, the downside of non-Ranked matches doesn’t cancel out the easy-going and purely fun nature of regular matches.

Now this is something most people who do not play Sport Mode could probably get behind. A public Sport Mode race with no ranking. Not everyone once to be in a race that's taking so seriously all the time. Some people just want to have fun without the worry of ruining someone else's race.
Penalties and all that can still be applied to help with the stupid ones who are out to ruin others races. I think a more laid back approach to one selective race just might help or it might not but it's worth a shot.
Honestly I'd rather have some sort of Team based racing event instead.

I'd rather have say an extra weekly race that is literally just a team race, whereby you queue up and everyone is split into two teams maybe making sure each team has an even amount of people from different driver scores or whatever (just so you can't choose teams and just come in as a clan...)

And then your position contributes points to a teams overall score at the end, with the winner obviously being the team with the highest score at the end.

Its literally the same thing they did in Blur, and was one aspect I enjoyed about that game but don't see it more often.

Id rather see something like that, which is different, instead of just another boring formal type of race with more arbitrary options.
You would probably be surprised at just how many people don't play Sport Mode for a host of different reasons.
Many of us are looking for better updates to other parts of this game. I definitely want more options like GT6 had for lobby racing. I also think shuffle racing should make a return from GT5.
Easy: Because you need PS Plus to use the feature, and PS Plus is a paid service.
The problem about fast rotations and quick matchs is that Gt will turn into a Forza 4..., that´s not racing it´s just a bump fest overall.
For shure can be fun but if they make it available keep it outside ranks, to make clean and professional races peolple must pratice and get used to the tracks.
The problem about fast rotations and quick matchs is that Gt will turn into a Forza 4..., that´s not racing it´s just a bump fest overall.
For shure can be fun but if they make it available keep it outside ranks, to make clean and professional races peolple must pratice and get used to the tracks.
I'm ok with those races not counting for your rankings. I would just like to have the matchmaking using your current rank to find opponents. Otherwise an A player starting last on a grid of C and D players would increase the probabilities of carnage right on the 1st corner :). And I also thing the penalty system should apply for these races to try to make them as clean as possible.

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