FM3 Photomode Competition Week 1

  • Thread starter Spencer

"Ready, Set, Action"

Cars: Use a car which you almost never see in any shot here.
Track: Any track
Explanation: If it is moving and has a car in it, its fine

Don't vote for yourself
Photoshopping is allowed

Entries due by Midnight Eastern on Nov. 10th.

PM or post your entries whichever you choose is fine.

thanks to GR21 for the banner
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Sweet, I'm in. And if you want r8man, I can help you whip up a little banner for the comp.
Just sent in my entry. :D

Used the Volvo C30, just FYI. I bought the car, took a handful of shots and was going to pick out of those. Then I started playing around with the livery editor, came up with something I liked, so I took a handful more shots, one of which I just loved.

I decided not to try and use Photoshop. I'm not very knowledgeable on Photoshop, so I'd probably just be applying filters haphazardly until the image was utterly ruined. So I just used Forza's photo effects as tastefully as I could.
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Why do they have to PM it? In the GT4 comps you could always post it in the thread. Much more fun, and you can see the work of the people earlier, and comment on it. Only for tourneys we had to PM our entries, but that was neccesary.
Why do they have to PM it? In the GT4 comps you could always post it in the thread. Much more fun, and you can see the work of the people earlier, and comment on it. Only for tourneys we had to PM our entries, but that was neccesary.

Yeah, I'd like to post my photo... but I'll wait until I get the ok from the OP.
To clarify: is this also a livery contest? If not, someone should make another comp for liveries. I personally prefer to keep those seperate, as it is easier to judge a photo without judging the livery too.

How big a resolution are the photo's at max? Oh and I think that a preview of 400*x would do well too.
To clarify: is this also a livery contest? If not, someone should make another comp for liveries. I personally prefer to keep those seperate, as it is easier to judge a photo without judging the livery too.

How big a resolution are the photo's at max? Oh and I think that a preview of 400*x would do well too.
Well, the photos are 1280x720... I don't think there's any other size options. The 400*x previews are a good idea though. 👍

Not sure about the livery issue. Personally I don't think the use of liveries should matter. It's kind of a double-edged sword... a good livery can make a photo moderately better, while a bad one could make it moderately worse. I don't think a livery will have any profound impact on the quality of the photo though, and since anyone can choose to use a livery or not, I don't think the use of liveries should be regulated despite the contest not really being about liveries.

My two cents, anyway.

nothing fancy but i love the look of it, no special filters or anything. this is just more to share as some can appreciate it, not really trying to contend. :)👍
Cool pic.

EDIT: Hope some more pictures roll in...
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