Formula C league on PS4

  • Thread starter seslab
Hello everyone,

Coming from GTS and new at PC2, I'm having lots of fun racing the Formula C.
Unfortunately there aren't many lobbys going on for that specific car.
I'm wondering if some racers out there would be interested in a Formula C league.
Thanks for letting me know:tup:
Hey man,
We had a FC league awhile back. Its tough to find people are interested in the car. Very slow and odd car to drive. I miss the FC from PCars1. That car was a blast!
Hey man,
We had a FC league awhile back. Its tough to find people are interested in the car. Very slow and odd car to drive. I miss the FC from PCars1. That car was a blast!
Thank you for your reply :cheers:
Can't speak for PC1, don't have it.
I'm a follower of the European F3 series, and was looking forward to the FC before I bought the game. I quickly found out that it needs some proper tuning to be fun to drive. But also realized that not many seem to like the FC.
At least if you plan a FC league in the future, I'll be in ;)
Thank you for your reply :cheers:
Can't speak for PC1, don't have it.
I'm a follower of the European F3 series, and was looking forward to the FC before I bought the game. I quickly found out that it needs some proper tuning to be fun to drive. But also realized that not many seem to like the FC.
At least if you plan a FC league in the future, I'll be in ;)

Yes, I think the only thing the game is missing is a Proper junior formula car.
There are many leagues. If you're starting one, you need to say when! And many other details. I will check back for updates, LOL.