Forza doesn't read, neither does Titanfall

  • Thread starter maciej908
United Kingdom
Slightly off topic but I'm quite desperate at this point
Today I received my first Xbox One. After setting it up I've put in Forza 5 disc and encountered error 0x80820002 "Try an Xbox One game, a music CD, or a movie on Blu-Ray or DVD".

After getting this error when reading Titanfall disc I decided to give my Xbox One back to the shop. So now I have my second Xbox One in time of 2 hours.

The second one shows the same error when reading game discs but READS all my Blu-Ray's and all my DVD's...

Did anyone encounter this issue with their Xbone?

Should I get a replacement or look to see whether the game discs are faulty?

Many thanks
did you buy the games used? do you have any friends that also own an xb1? you could try their disks to see if it's actually a disc error. It's not a common error for a bad disk drive, but the community did have a few at launch with that error on game discs. if the store allows you a third swap, try that route, otherwise the Microsoft support system will have you paying for shipping.

If it's reading BD movies, then my guess is the discs before the console itself, particularly if you bought them used.

If you end up needing MS support, the link you want is here: - either way, when you have the console you want be sure that you register it.

[edit] you can try what the guys in here are saying: - run a game that isn't installed via disc, but i'm guessing you don't have one. If you have XBL gold, you could download and install one of the free GWG games to try that theory, I guess.
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