Forza Horizon 5 Season Change: Rain on Your Wedding Day

  • Thread starter Famine

If you're struggling with this week's Trail Blazer try this tune on a Mitsubishi GTO, keep it in manual and it's an easy run. Start at the stadium to get a good run up. It is doable in automatic but you'll need to rewind after each tree you hit.

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If you're talking about my post bud it's a Mitsubishi GTO. If you're talking about Famines post it's a Chevrolet Stingray.
Dang that things ugly, but then again Hot Wheels design has been on the decline for years now. Look what happened to the Twin Mill lol
Well... it's a real car - as per the description in the article.

A dude built it, out of a tube-frame chassis and a Z32 rear subframe. Then it won the Hot Wheels Legends Tour in 2018, and they made it into a Hot Wheels.
I did their stupid Stingray challenge and it said Challlenge Complete!. Where's my treasure?!


At least give us the playlist points... :(
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The underside? I drove all the way around.
Well, one of the expansions was codenamed "Upside Down". Perhaps Vecna has hidden it.

I've had an intangible chest before but never invisible. Mine was fixed by shutting the game down fully, hard rebooting the console, and loading back up afresh.
The treasure hunt is bugged for many people. Mostly on PC. I have the icon of the chest, but no chest to be seen.
Same. I'll try again tomorrow or Monday and see if it appears.

On the plus side, I did find the last 1,000 XP board I hadn't smashed.
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