g con  gun or whatever you call it

  • Thread starter coolrules
its called the gun con , which is for time crisis, and theres a new gun coming out called the interact lightblaster. its awsome, it works with silent scope also! if you would like more info on Periphials or any other thing thats about the PS2 console, join my site http://communities.msn.com/virtualgamer :cheesy:
Quote: from Boarder X on 4:10 pm on Aug. 4, 2001[br]its called the gun con , which is for time crisis, and theres a new gun coming out called the interact lightblaster. its awsome, it works with silent scope also! if you would like more info on Periphials or any other thing thats about the PS2 console, join my site http://communities.msn.com/virtualgamer :cheesy:
time crisis is good.....

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