"Go To New Post" function not working

  • Thread starter DK


No-one's having an A1 day
When I logged in today, sometimes when I clicked the [NEW] button next to a thread, when I have left that thread it still showed up as having new unread posts, even if the last post was hours ago. If I click the [NEW] button again, instead of getting a notice telling me that there haven't been any new posts, it takes back to whatever the first new post was.

Is this a problem that other users are getting, or is it because I have a slow Internet connection?

EDIT: Here's an image showing my problem:
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It happens to me too. Threads still show up as new even if I've already checked them, not sure if it's a problem or not. No big deal. I usually click the user's name to the far right and that usually takes me to the latest post.
Yup I noticed this last night as well. Seems to be ok right now though.
I made some changes to the server configuration last night which might have affected your sessions. Clear your cookies, or sign out and then back in again.
The problem has re-emerged for me over the past few days. I've already tried signing out and then back in again, but the problem hasn't gone away.

Mines fine.


The minute I went out of this thread it stopped working.


Seems to work in some places and not in others.
There haven't been any recent changes to the software, and the feature is working OK on my end.

When you sign out, make sure you clear your browser's cookies so you get a fresh batch the next time you sign in.
Jordan I did notice that in the Site Support forum it isn't working, but most other it is. I did what you said and it made no effect.
I have been able to re-create this issue now; like you guys have reported, it's very intermittent and inconsistent. Are you all using Chrome?
Yes, searching was disabled while the server was under high load from the GT6 announcements. It's available now.