Got it early

  • Thread starter Frosty
I work at Best Buy here in my home town. It was very stupid how every store like CompUSA released it early, and a store which is better and makes more biz that that, like Best Buy, released it on Thursday the 12th. Anyway, I got mine from work on the 11th, cuz eventhough it wasn't released until the 12th, BestBuy sold them all day on the 11th. PLUS I GOT MINE ON A EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT AT WORK! HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THEM APPLES?!
Ya BestBuy rules. I went in on Wednesday (the 11th), didn't see any on the shelves, but some kid was playing it on the tv display. So I just asked one of the clerks, he brought me over to one of the desks or whatever and handed me a copy.
The big conglomo store chains like Best Buy held it over to create artificial demand. (from people driving all over town like crazy trying to find a game that the big stores were holding over until thursday). I just walked into my neighborhood software store, same one i've been buying games at since the NES, and picked it up on the 10th at about 10:00 AM. No hassle at all.