GT2 NTSC 1.0 Autopilot and AI Car Sound (if Possible) Request

  • Thread starter Tegardee
I don't have
hey there, someone have a GT2 NTSC 1.0 Autopilot cheat? I found an code of the Autopilot for this version some months ago, but the code is breaked (I mean, during the Endurance Races, the A.I doesn't make a Pit Stop). Another request I want from your guys is, there is a code for this version that make my car's Sounds Like the CPU cars? (If Possible). Any help will be appreciated.
Yeah, every car has their own sounds... When the A.I drives their cars, they just use the cars own sound. So I don't get why do you want the sounds, you can just drive those cars and get the sounds??
I like the A.I cars sounds, by this reason I created this topic requesting the codes. Xenn's has the code, but only for the 1.2 version. I need for 1.0 version.
I like the A.I cars sounds, by this reason I created this topic requesting the codes. Xenn's has the code, but only for the 1.2 version. I need for 1.0 version.
Well, I still don't understand, as A.I cars use the same sounds,...?
Well, I still don't understand, as A.I cars use the same sounds,...?
The A.I. cars don't use the regular engine sounds, they use generic sounds depending on car type: turbocharged, NA or high-rev NA (used by the DTM machines and Espace F1).
The A.I. cars don't use the regular engine sounds, they use generic sounds depending on car type: turbocharged, NA or high-rev NA (used by the DTM machines and Espace F1).
Oh, thanks for clearing it up. I still don't understand though why would anyone want those... I have played GT1 and GT2, and there's nothing interesting in those sounds.
@MMRivit There's actually only the N/A and Turbo sounds for the AI, the high rev is simply the N/A played very high. I have them both extracted =P
Interesting info... I remember someone here did a cheat to change the cars' max RPM, I wonder how turbo A.I. cars would react to that.
@MMRivit I can change cars RPM to a certain extent by applying a N/A mod to a car. But that's it. I 've found a long time ago a code that was supposed to allow you to set up the car's RPM and redline yourself without having to apply a mod, but it never worked for me.

Here's my list of N/A mods.
It works on both Turbo, N/A, race cars... every car actually. =)
The HP and RPM values are tested on a Lancer Evo 6 RS which revs stock up to 6500 RPM. It scales the same on pretty much every car in the game.
So a car that revs to 7000RPM with the 7000 RPM mod wil rev up to 7500RPM now (it adds 500RPM).

Some codes will not work properly. What happens is that the RPM doesn't change, the torque curve becomes extremely late (therefore losing power overall) and the clutch become abnormally slow on some cars.

"Hybrids codes\Atmo tuning
801CD5B6 ????
$C822 ~Stock RPM 321hp
$8FF3 Stock RPM 387hp
$2103 Stock RPM 395hp Single Turbo like
$03E7 Stock RPM 598hp
$0AAA ~Stock RPM 1535hp
$25D5 5 000 RPM 270hp
$DCDF 5 750 RPM 332hp
$9316 7 000 RPM 323hp
$0248 7 000 RPM 370hp
$00EE 7 000 rpm 401hp
$37F1 7 000 RPM 429hp
$8B11 7 000 RPM 546hp
$2015 7 500 RPM 433hp
$5555 7 500 RPM 528hp
$278B 7 750 RPM 353hp
$4EBC 7 750 RPM 394hp
$8888 8 000 RPM 214hp
$0333 8 500 RPM 771hp
$0464 8 500 RPM 762hp
$DDD5 9 000 RPM 262hp
$5FF7 9 000 RPM 541hp
$56CE 9 500 RPM 425hp
$0D05 9 500 RPM 556hp
$4DA4 9 500 RPM 633hp
$0AB1 9 750 RPM 574hp
$085B 10 000 RPM 882hp
$7A02 10 750 RPM 657hp
$08AE 13 000 RPM 919hp
$6C06 14 000 RPM low torque 625hp
$292F 15 000 RPM linear 677hp
.Base Evo 6 RS 6500RPM 305hp
@Zero McDol Like I said earlier, there are only 2 sound sample that the AI uses. One for N/A which is also reused from GT1, and one for Turbo. The N/A just happens to be strangely fitting on the S2000, that's all.

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