GT7 VR (maybe dumb) question

  • Thread starter luv2drive
United States
So I did a race in the new VR. Are we not able to see the leaderboard display anymore in VR, the view that shows how far you are behind the leader, car in front, and how far ahead of the car behind you are?

I use this extensively during a race and I can't figure out how to enable it in VR.
Can't get that information in VR as far as I know.

I think PD should add a couple menus in the HUD part where you get the radar, weather map, etc., one to see the leaderboard and one to see your lap history.
Would help for VR but also players who choose to use the new HUD with only car info but still want to check the leaderboard from time to time.
I registered here for that very reason! And sorry for bringing the old thread up again.

Playing in VR is a big joy for me, and I would like to compete in privately organised championships now and again, but up till date Polyphony was not able to bring the live rankings into VR.

Is there something I have overlooked in the options? I just want the rankings visible in VR when racing online. Technically it cannot be difficult to implement. And I don't buy the argument that it was left out for a greater immersion as there are other menus still on display in VR while driving.

Does anybody here know when the display of the live rankings will be made available for VR? Or where this functionality might be hidden in the menus?

In the little hope that Polyphony is accidentally stumbling over this thread, please fix that issue and many people playing in VR would be able to use proper race strategies again with the so important information regarding live rankings on display.
I registered here for that very reason! And sorry for bringing the old thread up again.

Playing in VR is a big joy for me, and I would like to compete in privately organised championships now and again, but up till date Polyphony was not able to bring the live rankings into VR.

Is there something I have overlooked in the options? I just want the rankings visible in VR when racing online. Technically it cannot be difficult to implement. And I don't buy the argument that it was left out for a greater immersion as there are other menus still on display in VR while driving.

Does anybody here know when the display of the live rankings will be made available for VR? Or where this functionality might be hidden in the menus?

In the little hope that Polyphony is accidentally stumbling over this thread, please fix that issue and many people playing in VR would be able to use proper race strategies again with the so important information regarding live rankings on display.
As far as I'm aware, there hasn't been a single UI adjustment made for PSVR2 since its launch a year ago.
I think it's safe to say that it's not coming.
I think this is something we were all sure would be amended in the first month or two after release.

Yet, here we are almost at the one year anniversary with the entire thing still in its original state.
I have given up on any VR updates entirely in the game I play and enjoy the most, which is weird.

The PSVR2 feels orphaned by Sony. Aside from GT7 it is a totally redundant piece of electronics to my quest 2, let alone a quest 3.
I always turn the hud off in vr for full immersion, gt7 is the best vr game i ever played, resident evil village and 4 remake is very good to