Has heavy damage in GT1 been a success?

  • Thread starter watto79

Has heavy damage in GT1 improved the racing experience?

  • Yes

  • No

  • No difference

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United Kingdom
Now that we've had a full season of heavy damage I was wondering how people were feeling about this being a thing in GT1 races. There was a lot of speculation when this was announced that this could either ruin the racing or help clean things up.

Personally I've not been negatively affected by the change and have seen a lot of clean racing, but I'm interested in others experiences.

I will add that repairing damage in the pits appears to be glitchy, and this really needs to be addressed (if it hasn't already, not 100% sure).
I’ll go with no, the victim typically gets the worst of the damage anyways, so the Perp still gets off easy, while my race is even more ruined with real damage, than it would have been with partial damage. If people could be trusted, then real damage would be better. But they can’t be, not even a little bit.
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It's a double edge sword. I got damage in the GV race because someone around me was driving like a tool; I had just pit for my softs and he was on worn [whatevers] and really wanted to fight and dive on me on my out lap, costing us both a lot of time (he would pit on that lap anyway). Just let me go, we aren't racing each other!

Anyway, as I had mentioned I just pitted for my Soft stint so I had to live with the damage for the next 12 laps (or whatever it was). That really hurt my race whereas the offender was in the pits at the end of that lap anyway, thus his damage didn't have time to hurt him anyway.

In theory I like the idea, but it all comes back to what Pigems said... if both parties get punished then it can cause more trouble than it helps. This all goes back to PD's ability to successfully program which person is at fault in every situation, which is basically impossible so I can't blame them for that.

That being said, I do appreciate them trying something new to see how it works. In real racing, you, as an innocent by stander, can have your race ruined by someone else making a mistake so it's definitely the most realistic option. It would be cool if they could use Sophy as a "control" for the pen system. Like, what would Sophy have done in this situation to avoid the contact, when would Sophy have braked, what line would Sophy have taken in this situation, etc., and whoever did the opposite gets the punishment.
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It’s not even a question in my opinion… GT is a game for anyone to pick up, but there are extremely fast and talented drivers on the game. (GT1) Heavy damage is a must in that league. For me it changed the dynamics of the race big time! The races were way more intense.. granted I understand what you guys are saying about getting damage from other drivers but that’s just racing. Out of the 5 races I had, I got into one incident and it was at the Suzuka race. Porsche driver was being a tad too aggressive and hit me in the rear.. other than that I had a clean ManuCup.

We also gotta take in consideration about how heavy damage makes the stakes higher in the races because you can actually mess up your own race if you are not clean! I can’t tell you how many races I did well in because some of the top drivers went off and caught damage and ruined their race.. That is real racing in my opinion… Without heavy damage what’s the reward of being extremely clean driver? Without heavy damage I wouldn’t have had a chance against those top drivers in my split for even if they crashed… they could just come back and outpace me… Heavy damage is a game changer and drastically changes the racing dynamics of the race! My favorite race this season was the Nurburgring round! The high stakes of hitting your time and not catching damage that whole race was exhilarating! I actually took third because the GTR slid off and hit the barrier hard.. and he had me by 5 sec start of the lap! If it wasn’t for heavy damage that would have never been the case!

In the end for me. As a person who watches a lot of Iracing, Acc streams and in those games the damage model is way more aggressive! That’s why I love watching those guys race on those platforms… I was getting the same sensation watching the streamers compete in the ManuCup with heavy damage… the race just felt more realistic in my opinion.
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Perhaps if they didn't have DT Seaside and the dumbass draft they had at Deep Forest, otherwise I'd say no, it negatively impacted races
For leagues with clear/set rules on how to handle issues that arise from heavy damage, then sure.

Rando lobbies - no
I loved the fact we had full damage in the GT1 league races . . . even though it did bite me in the end so-to-speak.
  • Suzuka: Out of the pits I spun like a top. Suspension damage that I had to live with.
  • Grand Valley: Had a jackhole dive and smash my rear on lap 1 going into the sharp hairpin by the cliff. They quit soon after while I continued to drive my stint.
  • Barcelona: A driver (who was flashing lights the entire race, wove back and forth on the straights, etc.) decided to use me as a brake and destroyed my rear spoiler. Again, I had to deal with it for the rest of the race.
While the above examples are certainly negative, it was better to have this knowing that if I got damaged it was very likely that the offending car got damaged as well.

It also punishes forgetful drivers (Suzuka, looking at you here) who don't have situational awareness with track conditions coming out of the pits.

Hopefully this will continue and we'll have full damage in coming seasons.
It’s not even a question in my opinion… GT is a game for anyone to pick up, but there are extremely fast and talented drivers on the game. (GT1) Heavy damage is a must in that league. For me it changed the dynamics of the race big time! The races were way more intense.. granted I understand what you guys are saying about getting damage from other drivers but that’s just racing. Out of the 5 races I had, I got into one incident and it was at the Suzuka race. Porsche driver was being a tad too aggressive and hit me in the rear.. other than that I had a clean ManuCup.

We also gotta take in consideration about how heavy damage makes the stakes higher in the races because you can actually mess up your own race if you are not clean! I can’t tell you how many races I did well in because some of the top drivers went off and caught damage and ruined their race.. That is real racing in my opinion… Without heavy damage what’s the reward of being extremely clean driver? Without heavy damage I wouldn’t have had a chance against those top drivers in my split for even if they crashed… they could just come back and outpace me… Heavy damage is a game changer and drastically changes the racing dynamics of the race! My favorite race this season was the Nurburgring round! The high stakes of hitting your time and not catching damage that whole race was exhilarating! I actually took third because the GTR slid off and hit the barrier hard.. and he had me by 5 sec start of the lap! If it wasn’t for heavy damage that would have never been the case!

In the end for me. As a person who watches a lot of Iracing, Acc streams and in those games the damage model is way more aggressive! That’s why I love watching those guys race on those platforms… I was getting the same sensation watching the streamers compete in the ManuCup with heavy damage… the race just felt more realistic in my opinion.
Damage in iRacing is stupid, It’s even worse than GT1 for idiots ruining your races. And I’m not talking about the lower rookie series either, GT3 is full of idiots who “think they can drive”, and will dive every corner, and without a radar, it’s just chaos, and that’s in A license.
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I think it's pretty meh whatever way you look at it.

Short of rally driving or some touring car races damage of 2 1 tonne car hitting each other is pretty race ending for most involved.

The concept is great have this fake aero and engine damage that essentially just limits speed. The reality is that it should be race ending. Sucks but it's true.

Conversely if the penalty system was better then it's all moot as the game mechanics can stay as they are to a degree.

Ultimately is a "different" take on trying to replicate real life incidents but keep the game playable (not fun though) and it's true to the core of the franchise. Is it really esports grade? I don't know.

Especially in GT1 leagues where it is not a rock up and have a go, it takes some effort to get to A and A+ so the standards and risk/reward should be higher.

In the lower leagues it's fine but in the top league it's a bit of a cop out to be honest and not addressing the fundamental issue of:

Realism vs better penalty system.

It's a half way house at the moment that doesn't seem to suit anyone.
I think overall, it's been a success, and I hope it stays. It also finally justifies the GT1/2/3 split. The driving has been clean, and if you make a mistake, you should be punished. It would really help if they fixed the aero repair bug though, that just turns races into gigantic feel-bads.
It's a double edge sword. I got damage in the GV race because someone around me was driving like a tool; I had just pit for my softs and he was on worn [whatevers] and really wanted to fight and dive on me on my out lap, costing us both a lot of time (he would pit on that lap anyway). Just let me go, we aren't racing each other!

Anyway, as I had mentioned I just pitted for my Soft stint so I had to live with the damage for the next 12 laps (or whatever it was). That really hurt my race whereas the offender was in the pits at the end of that lap anyway, thus his damage didn't have time to hurt him anyway.

In theory I like the idea, but it all comes back to what Pigems said... if both parties get punished then it can cause more trouble than it helps. This all goes back to PD's ability to successfully program which person is at fault in every situation, which is basically impossible so I can't blame them for that.

That being said, I do appreciate them trying something new to see how it works. In real racing, you, as an innocent by stander, can have your race ruined by someone else making a mistake so it's definitely the most realistic option. It would be cool if they could use Sophy as a "control" for the pen system. Like, what would Sophy have done in this situation to avoid the contact, when would Sophy have braked, what line would Sophy have taken in this situation, etc., and whoever did the opposite gets the punishment.
The difference is, in real life there are real consequences for smashing someone else’s car, like having to pay for the damage, or being kicked from the racing you are doing. In sport mode, no one is ever held accountable for anything, even iRacing will ban people for crap driving, but PD doesn’t do ANYTHiNG AT ALL. So no, real damage in GT is not a good thing. Gt isn’t IRacing, or ACC, and should stop trying to be. Both of those games have a smaller player base than GT, because GT is so much more accessible. Leaning to far into realism, is just gonna chase off anyone who isn’t a hardcore.
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GTWS GT1 races with heavy damage sucks ..for most of my races I have been struck by others and then the race is finished choice is to pit or to continue with 2s loss per lap…