
  • Thread starter -sinkevin-
The name basically copied need for speed.. cant they be more origional??? U hafta move the car using the mouse... and the graphics are terrrible. Y do people even bother making a game like this:confused:
I thought this thread was about Ass Asians? I guess not.

The LFS team obviously did not copy Need For Speed, since Live for Speed is a simulation and not an arcade racer like Need For Speed is. The mouse is not the only way you can control your car in LFS. You can also use a wheel, if you have one, or even a gamepad or a joystick. The graphics in LFS are pretty damn good. Since they have no money or a big company to back them up. People do these things because it is a hobby to them and because it is a challenge. Once completed, they can sit back and say that they did that, and no one else.

Please learn how to spell, or at least use spell check -sinkevin-. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.