Is GT the WoW of racing games?

  • Thread starter Met Entso
United Kingdom
WoW had many things well done, at least at the beginning, until WoTLK, but this is not important now. What I want to talk about is the controls, the feeling you had when handling your character. In WoW the precision was perfect (is). You felt naturally connected to the movements and actions of your avatar, it was intuitive. I think this is one major contributor to the success of WoW. Other MMOs felt laggy, clunky, inconvenient. Not smooth at all.

I feel the same with GT, whether it be with the controller, a wheel, or now VR, you instinctively feel connected to the car, it feels completely natural. It might not be the best simulator regarding features and physics maybe, but the responsiveness from the controls more than make up for it, and for me it brings GT to the simulator spectrum of the racing games, not many lately that's true, but didn't get that feeling of smoothness, precision, control, as I get in GT.
.....It might not be the best simulator regarding features and physics maybe, but the responsiveness from the controls more than make up for it, and for me it brings GT to the simulator spectrum of the racing games, not many lately that's true, but didn't get that feeling of smoothness, precision, control, as I get in GT.
I don't know about comparing it to WoW (I don't typically play MMoRPGs), but I will agree that this game does do well in the way it immerses me in the driving experience.

I've played other iterations of the franchise but I have to say that the feeling is more so with GT7. .....and I think a lot of that has to do with the haptic feedback of the DualSense controller on the PS5. Obviously, other aspects play a role but the DS has really helped in that respect (for me).

GT7 still has a lot of warts with certain game design choices, etc., but it also has a lot of redeeming qualities IMO and the way it connects me with the cars in the game is part of that.
I feel the same with GT, whether it be with the controller, a wheel, or now VR, you instinctively feel connected to the car, it feels completely natural......the responsiveness from the controls more than make up for it.
I'm not having the same experience with GT7. On a PS4 with a controller, for me it is the worst since GT2. I feel totally disconnected from the car, and my performance shows this. I've gone from an A/S driver in GT Sport to quitting sport in GT7 altogether because I struggle to stay ahead of last place. In career mode, before some races I have to switch to beginner difficulty to win the race.
EQ was it for me.

And yes, with a dd pro 8nm and psvr2 the games a revelation. With one or the other, its still a game. With both, its almost as good as actual driving.
EQ was my first MMO! The best ever (before PoP expansion in 2002). Good times!

I'm using Logitch G Pro and PSVR2 and yes it's something else.
If you need yourself reminding how good actually GT is just look how tragic this year’s F1 looks. My god…
It's sad to see something like ACC and then look at the state of the official F1 games. It's not unsurprising since F1's much wider appeal lends itself to a more traditional sport game than a sim, but it's easy to think about just how good it could be.
It's sad to see something like ACC and then look at the state of the official F1 games. It's not unsurprising since F1's much wider appeal lends itself to a more traditional sport game than a sim, but it's easy to think about just how good it could be.
Not played any in a while but the early Codemasters ones were fairly good.

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