Lewis Wins!

  • Thread starter MistaX


Deus Rex
United States
North Jersey

40 Seconds left in the 8th round, Lewis killed Tyson.

Tyson didnt fight, he just stood there and took punches
Tyson is all talk and no show. I think Tyson likes getting punched in the face. He bleed from both eye lids. I also feel sorry for those who paid $55.00 for the match.

Scrambled tv rocks! :D
I just saw the highlights - Tyson got slaughtered, Lewis hit with so many HUGE shots - that one that knocked him out, man, just to see that mouthguard go flying - fixed that ugly thug right up. Fantastic!
Yeah ! I'm so glad Lewis won :D

Originally posted by Talentless
I think Lewis was actually born in Canada.

I think he was born in Jamaica, then moved to Guelph, Ontario. He lived there for years, trained there, and won us a gold medal at the olympics.

When he turned Pro, there's no money to be made in Canada being a pro fighter (from what I gather), so he packed up and moved over to England and has been filthy rich ever since.
That was a great fight by Lewis. Although Tyson didn't fight very well, Lewis was just a class above him. I wonder if this is the last fight for both of these. There was talk before the fight of Lewis retiring if he won, and because it was so one-sided I don't think theres much of a possibility of a rematch.
Tyson didn't have a chance, I still can't understand why so many people thought he would win. He's so far past his prime, and there is much better competition (Tyson's original run was during a huge drought in boxing talent) running around the ring these days. Add in mental instability, and the fact that he can't make it out of the first three rounds with any gas left (in this case he didn't make it out of round 1 with any) and he was bound to lose. It's all about hype with him now, and he's going for money and little else. I doubt that even Tyson thought that he could win that fight.