Looking for casual room hosts list that will enforce clean racing.PS4 

United States
United States
Probably the main difference between my old experience of clean racing on GT5/6 and now on PC2 is the loss of 'return position' enforcement in clean casual rooms. Take away the advantage from contact, and it's amazing how many aggressive drivers can modulate their driving to pass cleanly. So GT5/6 SNAIL, WRS and most 'clean or kick' type rooms had the basic rule that virtually ALL contact from the rear that effected a pass was self-penalized by returning position on track, ASAP without causing safety issues.

Without room titles, PC2 is hard to find rooms run like this. So perhaps it might be good to gather a list of people willing to host open casual rooms, and enforce this basic racing etiquette rule. At least this way, if we can't look for room labeled 'ProClean or Kick' we can look for hosts' names that are willing to ask this basic rule.

Any takers?
I'd love to try applying the SNAIL Sunday night model to PCars2. Not as many road cars but so many more tracks. Certainly no shortage of combinations, but some problems like no text chat or lobby names. I'm sure we could make something work.
I'd love to try applying the SNAIL Sunday night model to PCars2. Not as many road cars but so many more tracks. Certainly no shortage of combinations, but some problems like no text chat or lobby names. I'm sure we could make something work.
Right on. I love SNAIL but GTS not so much lol be nice to get a similar league on pcars2 i run a couple at the moment but would replace gts on sunday w pcars2
Probably the main difference between my old experience of clean racing on GT5/6 and now on PC2 is the loss of 'return position' enforcement in clean casual rooms. Take away the advantage from contact, and it's amazing how many aggressive drivers can modulate their driving to pass cleanly. So GT5/6 SNAIL, WRS and most 'clean or kick' type rooms had the basic rule that virtually ALL contact from the rear that effected a pass was self-penalized by returning position on track, ASAP without causing safety issues.

Without room titles, PC2 is hard to find rooms run like this. So perhaps it might be good to gather a list of people willing to host open casual rooms, and enforce this basic racing etiquette rule. At least this way, if we can't look for room labeled 'ProClean or Kick' we can look for hosts' names that are willing to ask this basic rule.

Any takers?

I'm in, in a clean driver. I'll send you friend request, all of you actually. @TVV0_ is that your psn?

I'm adding you all, my osn is Cano_Motorssport
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Yes @Kano Manel that is my psn as well i have a spec leafie in trying to kick start as well i send out invites each sunday randon car and track at the moment no tune one make.
I hosted yesterday night, is actually very easy and my connection is very strong (fiber, and I'm just beside the box on the road). I have a ton of upload strength, no problems whatsoever.

It is very easy, I'm happy to host regularly. I'll be on tomorrow Saturday about 16:30.

GTE class

Nurburgring GP -
Fuji -

that is the menu (but I don't know if this tracks are in a private DLC actually).
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