Multi-Monitor - Method of Client Connection to Avoid Manual Intervention when IP Address Changes

GBO Possum

Not quite the oldest member. Yet.
United States
The current implementation has the clients looking for the server based on the last known IP address. If the server IP address has changed since last session, there is no automatic connection. This then requires user intervention to quit client mode, and either provide the new correct IP address or tell the client PS3 to search for the server, and reestablish the client/server relationship.

I suggest that clients should search the LAN for the server based on a numeric token which would be identical across all members of a multi-monitor group. Clients could join their servers by polling the local IP addresses for available servers and verifying that they are part of the same group by comparing tokens.

This would continue to allow multiple multi-monitor groups on a LAN, avoid the need for user intervention and automate the process of reestablishment of the multi-monitor group of PS3s.
Since I don't have a multi-screen setup myself, forgive me if I'm wrong here. But could you not assign the PS3 server a fixed IP address on the router itself? As indeed you could with the clients (if that would help). You can usually lock an IP address to the appropriate MAC number of the PS3.*
Therefore all IP address's would remain the same even on reboots - including the router.

However I do see merit with your automated token method - since not everyone knows how to "mess" around with the router settings.
The more automated "stuff" the better - when it works.

* I've done this with mine (along with various other settings) to help reduce possible connection problems.