NFS 2021 - A Thread

Clanky Deer

Now it looks like Heat won't have another update unfortunately.

So I decided to make an official thread about the next NFS game.

You can reply with questions, answers, whatever you want!

- Will Nfs 2021 be good as Heat?
- Which cars you expect to see making their debut and cars you expect to see making a return to the series?
- Will customization come back?
- Will the circuit races be closed like Heat or they will be opened again?
- Do you expect any story?
- What Nfs 2021 should have in multiplayer and single player that HEAT didn't have?
- The soundtrack will be rap, Latin or they will divide the soundtrack by genre (Pop, Rock, Eletro, Dance, Rap, Latin)?
- Will cops be strong as in Heat or they'll be similar to NFS 2012 cops?
- Do you expect Challenge Series to return?
- We will be able to select and or create our avatars like in Heat?
- Will Drag Race return?

Comment anything you want below.

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