Pack Racing Redux

  • Thread starter GTP_Nail
United States

When the Ring Rats originally started with @roamer2629 , @Gravitron , @TEX36 ,and me @GTP_Nail we met on Tuesday nights to run short boost races, usually on the Nordschliefe . We knew that the boost worked due to my having run a very successful boost series in SNAIL. Fun was had by all and it was a useful tool in increasing our situational awareness.

Long Version...Boost works like this...the algorithm boosts your car relative to your position vis a vis the leader, but it will not boost you faster than your actual demonstrated ability level. For example if I had fallen off and was 30 seconds behind, the boost will strongly assist me, decreasing as I get closer until I hit my“normal” speed. In no case will it assist you passing someone who is a “faster” driver. What this does is pack everybody up where they can experience door to door and multiple car packs requiring the exercise of continuous situational awareness that you normally do not experience.

Short get to pack race and if you fall off you will be aided to quickly resume your position at the back of the pack. From then on ....its up to you.

Time: Tuesday afternoons at 1330 Central US ( zulu minus 5)
Tuesday nights at 2030 Central

Cars: Spec Gr4 cars with BOP and no Tuning. We will start with the Viper.

Room: Friends Only. FR me @GTP_Nail and @roamer2629 who may host when he can get to our races.

Race length: Usually 15 to 20 minutes but we have run enduros in the past which were extreme fun!

OLR: We adhere to the WRS OLR...but the short version is ....Do not dive bomb and do not hit people. While bumps and brushes are more likely to happen in boost racing it is not an ecxuse to abuse normal rules of civility. Have fun but DO NOT act like an idiot!

Faster guys must be patient and exercise surgically precise over takes.

If you have someone off you must concede the position. Track re-entry must be cautious.
Note: offenders will be “sat down” for a week or two to “ cool down”
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Going to be up in about 30 min if anyone wants to play

Nordschliefe room up for fun!
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Sorry I couldn't make it today, I had to work which was unusual for a Tuesday. I'll try to be there next week
The overall feeling after the first two sessions of Pack Racing was “Holy 🤬“. I really had forgotten how much fun it is to race closely for a win....I GOT ONE !! When we finished after four or five two lappers I was exhausted, smiling, and satisfied. Comments from first timers were overwhelmingly positive so if you have spare time show up on Tuesday nights. No practice required so ARRIVE AND DRIVE.

The new boost algorithm promotes much closer racing than the old one. When I can sit behind @ConnorWolf and wait for him to over cook it ( not likely) it really works and the Rubber Band effect where the last guy way back gets “oversped” seems to have been mellowed. But it still seems that if the leader gets over 10 sec ahead he is on his own. So if the leader gets 10 sec we will throw a “ competition yellow” and go again.

Pack Racing week two is today at 1330 US CENTRAL.

We had a Ring Rats two hour race on Sunday and I screwed up big time and left the boost on weak . About lap two of the Nordschliefe we figured it out. Fun was had butt we learned that you CAN NOT use Heavy damage , but you can use tire and fuel settings. In RR we have a 5 minute forced pit stop every hour ( some of us need that for bodily really screwed up the boost so we will not do that in Pack Racing.
copied from Ring Rats...

Well, we just had our first full blown test of endurance racing under boost. Which was not intentional guys...really. Hey that was fun....if a bit discombobulated.
The first clue was the wonderful pack of cars slicing and dicing. I didn't question the fun but my hanging on to Monoha, and Setted burried in the pack sorta clued me in.

Then Rob’s fastest lap of 6’59.xx showed up and we all realized that Dorothy had clicked the heels of her little red slippers and we were no longer in Kansas ( apologies to The Wizard of Oz!)

1. While the algorithm’s speed up/slow down “rubber band” was there , it appears to vanish when a faster car comes upon slower cars and you have to pass at the same degree of boost on you natural ability thus forming packs of cars ( well, it is pack racing:lol:) . Once past you resume your pace or it recalculated it....maybe?
2. It has no clue how to deal with damage or 5 min pit stops....really screws up its brain....or logic
3 It does not seem to have problems with fuel or tyres.

your comments guys please....

again I’m wait...I’m not.
I’m going to be a few minutes late so whoever gets there first open room at Nordschliefe
Gr4 Bop
no tuning
race length 2 laps
boost weak
no tyre or gas
Well it was looking kind of grim... I was testing in an empty room-when @aceboy127 showed up, then @MasterGT , then @MSgtGunny , then @AngryEater , then @ConnorWolf , then @TEX36 , and then @Rednose58 . Thanks guys...I was literally just about to head for Netflix.

We tried strong boost and it was manageable and provided much closer racing...and I even started over 45 seconds behind and caught the top three by the straight on the second lap... so the boost is limited to a maximum and does not seem to hinder the leader (slow him down) like it used to in previous versions. The car drove normally without the previous editions scary speed ups. While it must be on all the time when you are behind it REALLY kicks in on the straights where the leading cars can gain no advantage by being faster in he twisty bits. As the Wood Brothers used to say...nothing is better than out handling the other cars on the straight!!
Guys I have to go get an Xray as part of the arthroscopic invasion of my right shoulder so I will be late this afternoon by at least an hour. Start w/o me.
room settings same as RR but damage off and boost as you like it. I think Gr 4 cars are best as the Gr3 cars are short on reaction time when things go pear shaped:lol: which they.

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