Perfect DualShock button mapping?

  • Thread starter ManRT
Hello, I've been playing a lot to Enthusia lately and I realised I wasn't using the clutch at all, just in some very precise situations... I use the right thumbstick to accelerate and brake, and I'm losing the chance of using the three pedals at the same time, what a shame! Now I've started practicing with R2 as the accelerator, R1 as the brake pedal (you can even use the same finger for both pedals just as you use your leg in real life) and L2 for the clutch. Circle is the hand brake (usually at your right on real life, at least for us EU drivers) and square and X for the gear change, but I wonder how gearing would feel with the right thumbstick, maybe my brain would feel confused and my thumb would try to replicate the H shape x-)

I have an ancient "GT Force" from Gran Turismo 3 but my TV and table aren't in the best position to use it, it's been years since I played with it... soOooo, what's your perfect DualShock button mapping?

Extra: What's the "Impact Flash Effect? you can turn on/off in the options menu?

P.S: I finished Driving Revolution years ago, I needed that R8, I even have the 1:18 model! I'm at 99% on Free Race (infernal 3 no-black-flag laps on Nurburgring) and I've been playing custom grid FR races for years. aAand watching replays for those wonderful custom grid races x-) My EL save remained untouched for several years and I've been playing a lot lately, now I'm #1 but I still have to get to the ffinal event. I'd like to level up a good amount of cars and race all kind of events after the credits. Long live EPR!
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ManRT,The Impact Flash Effect is a optional effect which only happens if you put the camera to firstperson view.
Basically,if you are at high speed and slide the front of your car to a wall,the game will goes in a slowdown mode and when you crash into the wall,the screen will flash white,almost simulating the colision shock
I use L2/R2 for brake and throttle, clutch on L1 (only for clutch kicks or playing around), handbrake on circle, and X and square for up- and downshifting. A shoulder button is certainly more comfortable than X for the throttle, and IMO the pressure sensitivity is easier to manipulate than the right analog stick, due to EPR's excessive deadzones on that input.

I believe the Impact Flash Effect is meant to be sort of like a "life flashing before your eyes" thing. The whiteout can delay you from regaining control, so it does at least a little bit to punish you for crashing.
woOow! After so many years I discovered the "impact flash" real effect..! You need to crash VERY hard, that's why I wasn't noticing anything... Cool effect, thank you!
Ok ok... I got back to the old "right thumbstick accel-brake" scheme. I felt a lose of precission with the accelerator and the brakes on the shoulder buttons, I was spending too much time looking at the pressure gauges and I wasn't taking advantage of the three pedals. I chose the worst moment to try a new scheme, starting with the racing cars on EL!

P.S: I love how the 22B sounds whent it tunes up!