PS4 digital version to PS5 disc

Hi all,

I really can't find a descent answer online.

I have bought the 25th Anniversary Edition of GT7 which gives you access to the digital version of GT 7 on the PS4.
In the box you also get the disc version of GT7 for PS5.

I've been playing on PS4 since the release and today I finally got the call that a PS5 is waiting for me at a local store.

How is it going to work for me now?
Do I just pop in the PS5 disc of GT7 and I can just continue where I left off, or do I have to do other things?

Online I'm only finding guidelines for PS4 disc version to PS5 (10 dollar download and use the PS4 disc in your PS5).
Or digital to digital.

No mention of digital PS4 to disc PS5.

Thanks in advance
Thanks guys, it really was that simple indeed.
And yeah, guess I'll have to earn my trophies all over again.

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It's up to you, but the digital would be better if you didn't want to keep having to put the disc in, plus after the disc is scratched so many times the disc won't read. So I would go with the digital version (ps4/ps5).
It's up to you, but the digital would be better if you didn't want to keep having to put the disc in, plus after the disc is scratched so many times the disc won't read.
The game gets a full install anyways, once that's done the only job the disc has is to tell the PS that the user has bought the game (and still owns it). In theory it wouldn't be needed anymore.
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