Quit playing a year ago, came back but no new content???

  • Thread starter SkiAndFish
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No new missions and only a couple new menu books.

This is kind of disappointing, I am not even going to start back up playing because finishing the few new menu books will only take a day or two.

You would think it would be easy to introduce new missions, but i guess they do not care about single player content.

Over 1 year has passed since the last missions were added. And also since then you didn't have a single Endurance race added and also not a single Championship. Although Endurance races are going to be Missions by themselves because ... ... just because.

Café Menu Books are literally World Circuit races that just give you a crap prize after completing 3 of them, and since almost all World Circuit races are crap other than the meta, I can't even consider this as new propper content.

Extra Menus are basically PD's way of telling you to grind races you've already done and collect cars and receive a crap prize in return, ergo, no content at all.

3 completely new tracks (not layouts) and 50 new cars is basically what you've gotten since GT7's launch 1 year and ~4 months ago.

Kind of disappointing is one hell of an understatement if I do say so myself.
No new missions and only a couple new menu books.

This is kind of disappointing, I am not even going to start back up playing because finishing the few new menu books will only take a day or two.

You would think it would be easy to introduce new missions, but i guess they do not care about single player content.
If you can't get pleasure from driving any of the nearly 50 cars that have been added from launch, GT7 (and Gran Turismo as a whole) is not the game for you.
If you can't get pleasure from driving any of the nearly 50 cars that have been added from launch, GT7 (and Gran Turismo as a whole) is not the game for you.
Gran Turismo is not Assetto Corsa though.
If you can't get pleasure from driving any of the nearly 50 cars that have been added from launch, GT7 (and Gran Turismo as a whole) is not the game for you.
I have played GT1-6, but skipped sport.

You may be right, it is not the game for me, but i had my hopes up. I like single player missions in my racing games.
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Gran Turismo is not Assetto Corsa though.
Problem With ac car mods can be good but many times the models can be crap to, every model in gran turismo is at least create more equal qualitywise to each other, ac physics are better if you driving on a wheel, but the cars dont have same options as gt7 cars while ingame, driving around cars is quite good in gt7 they feel pretty good and you can notice the changes when you upgrade much more that could be feeled in previous titles,
And that is proably the best part about gt7 in my opinion
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I have played GT1-6, but skipped sport.

You may be right, it is not the game for me, but i had my hopes up. I like single player missions in my racing games.
I like single player races in my games, we have half a dozen of those from launch and a then the endurance Missions that were added. The games single player racing content is incredibly poor. If I enjoy racing in single player, the game isn't for me I guess.

Personally, I'm disappointed, but fine with it. Which is a shame as I love the franchise, but GT7 is the most dissapointing GT game to date and I've played them all.

On a technical level, it certainly has the capability to be the best. But if has failed to live up to my expectations which were set by the prelaunch marketing, reviews, and previous games. Where @AmyUD06 is right, is this may not be the game for us, where she is wholly wrong is that the series isn't for us, as up to GT6 it very much was, and everything seemed to be pointed to GT7 being a return to pre GT Sport gameplay, which absolutely isn't the case at all.

That doesnt make GT7 a bad game, I understand why some people like it and the bulk of that appears to based on Sport mode and online races which, although aren't without their own issues, seem to be better catered to than the single player career loving crowd who long for the old career structures of past titles.

I have no issues with being given 50 free cars and 3 new tracks to date in free updates. I just dislike the games structure overall and lack of a single-player career. That won't change. That's evident this far in. Maybe GT8 will provide that, maybe not. I'm certainly not buying a PS5 for it, though. If I happen to own a PS5 by then anyway, which is a possibility for other games, then depending on how the game turns out, I may buy it a month or so after release. It won't be a preorder or day 1 buy though, it'll be a more considered purchase, if it is a purchase at all.
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I have played GT1-6, but skipped sport.

You may be right, it is not the game for me, but i had my hopes up. I like single player missions in my racing games.

Have you or would you be willing to look in to finding a good weekly group to race with?

And what single player content (races) are your favorite?
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If I happen to own a PS5 by then anyway, which is a possibility for other games, then depending on how the game turns out, I may buy it a month or so after release. It won't be a preorder or day 1 buy though, it'll be a more considered purchase, if it is a purchase at all.
You bring up an interesting point here, and I'm surprised this isn't discussed more often (or perhaps I don't see it). I personally never buy games at release. Even for big titles, there are usually sales sometime within the first year of release. I believe I bought GT7 for $30-$40 maybe 8 months after release. By this time there's usually a lot of content for reviews or gameplay demos that are more in depth that what could be available pre-release.

I often have a pretty modest backlog of games to keep me busy while I wait for a sale, then when the game goes on sale, snatch it up. Then play it when you can work it in. There's the added benefit that if you don't enjoy the game, it stings a bit less when you don't pay $60-$70. Games typically have also had many bug patches and possibly added content during that time.

I highly recommend waiting for sales.
You bring up an interesting point here, and I'm surprised this isn't discussed more often (or perhaps I don't see it). I personally never buy games at release. Even for big titles, there are usually sales sometime within the first year of release. I believe I bought GT7 for $30-$40 maybe 8 months after release. By this time there's usually a lot of content for reviews or gameplay demos that are more in depth that what could be available pre-release.

I often have a pretty modest backlog of games to keep me busy while I wait for a sale, then when the game goes on sale, snatch it up. Then play it when you can work it in. There's the added benefit that if you don't enjoy the game, it stings a bit less when you don't pay $60-$70. Games typically have also had many bug patches and possibly added content during that time.

I highly recommend waiting for sales.

I doff my cap to you, that's an excellent stratergy to go by. It's just about that self-restraint not to give in to feeling like you're missing out. I buy some games day 1 and others I'm happy to wait for sales/more reviews but I know for a fact I wouldn't feel as bad about GT7 if I got it for half price. I did wait for GT Sport and managed to pick that up for £20 and thought it was a bargain at that price.
Why are the online races so fraught with crashers and why in the world when no pit is required do I keep getting put somewhere 6th or below even when I win? I just won 2 in a row on Grand Valley reverse and both times it was taken from me as if I didn't pit. Funny thing is I tried pitting 3 or 4 times and.it still robbed me of my place...What gives? Sorry can't find the right place to bring this up....
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Why are the online races so fraught with crashers and why in the world when no pit is required do I keep getting put somewhere 6th or below even when I win? I just won 2 in a row on Grand Valley reverse and both times it was taken from me as if I didn't pit. Funny thing is I tried pitting 3 or 4 times and.it still robbed me of my place...What gives? Sorry can't find the right place to bring this up....
I already answered this on your profile post - you probably didn't use the mandatory Hard tyre - and we have a very large Daily Races thread that would have been much easier to find than this six-month dormant one:

Why are the online races so fraught with crashers and why in the world when no pit is required do I keep getting put somewhere 6th or below even when I win? I just won 2 in a row on Grand Valley reverse and both times it was taken from me as if I didn't pit. Funny thing is I tried pitting 3 or 4 times and.it still robbed me of my place...What gives? Sorry can't find the right place to bring this up....
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