Racers Reunited, Thanks chaps, Target 84 is over for now. Good racing with you, cheers!

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Sorry for leaving before the third track, the Wise Infallible Fabulous Entity used super powers to remove me from the PS3. Thanks for the racing action, especially on Lakeside Park, a perfect match for the Rocket. :)👍

Are you able to watch them @tarnheld ?
The first two videos are blocked because of GEMA music issues. I hope someday there will be a fair use law for private noncommercial videos, but i guess we have to wait a while for that. Until then you might check some legal music for videos: https://creativecommons.org/legalmusicforvideos/. :)
They all work for me!? And very good they are as well. Thanks for making them Jocke. 👍
That'll be Rush's Lakeside Park at Lakeside Park then. Good last lap.

And thanks to all for coming yesterday. :cheers:

The tracks seemed to work quite well.
The first one was definitely the trickier of the 3 and takes a few laps to really get up to speed. Lakeside Park had a nice flow to it with some good overtaking possibilities. And the blast in the desert was a blast.

To boost or not to boost that is the question. :P
The first two videos are blocked
They all work for me
I can see all videos Jocke
Can seem them all now. Weird.
The videos all worked for me.
Thanks for the feedback, guys.
There's normally never a problem with the videos even if you add studio music,
eight out of ten times the copyright holder will allow their music to be used (as long as they
get the money from the ads), the ninth time you get a notification saying that the video have
been blocked in certain countries (as with Germany on this occasion ^) and the tenth time it
can say that "Your video can't be played on some devices. This can include mobile phones, video game consoles, or set-top boxes."

It all depends on how much of a stickler the copyright claimant is, the majority won't mind their music
being used but some companies (thankfully in the minority) will block you from using their content
and/or demand the video gets taken down. I always make sure to never tick the box where you can earn money from the views, it's their content so there's no reason to get involved in a copyright issue with
anybody or any company.

To boost or not to boost that is the question.
I quite like the boost feature, but only if tuning is set to prohibited so all cars are equal and
only if the races are casual and not part of a proper championship.
It takes away too much fairness if drivers have spent time tuning their cars.
I quite like the boost feature, but only if tuning is set to prohibited so all cars are equal and
only if the races are casual and not part of a proper championship.

I liked the light boost in the last races too -- it was perfect for a track i was learning on the go, even with a spin i was able to catch up to the pack again but it didn't feel unnatural in the tight battles. It's a good equalizer for casual racing on new tracks. :)👍
Thanks for the feedback, guys.
There's normally never a problem with the videos even if you add studio music,
eight out of ten times the copyright holder will allow their music to be used (as long as they
get the money from the ads), the ninth time you get a notification saying that the video have
been blocked in certain countries (as with Germany on this occasion ^) and the tenth time it
can say that "Your video can't be played on some devices. This can include mobile phones, video game consoles, or set-top boxes."

It all depends on how much of a stickler the copyright claimant is, the majority won't mind their music
being used but some companies (thankfully in the minority) will block you from using their content
and/or demand the video gets taken down. I always make sure to never tick the box where you can earn money from the views, it's their content so there's no reason to get involved in a copyright issue with
anybody or any company.

I quite like the boost feature, but only if tuning is set to prohibited so all cars are equal and
only if the races are casual and not part of a proper championship.
It takes away too much fairness if drivers have spent time tuning their cars.

I'm the opposite, I think boost is pointless and stupid with stock cars but with tuned different cars at a certain pp, or even better tuned to a certain weight/power, it's really fun.
The link looks OK @buybon355 but for some reason doesn't work for me. Error code 418?!

Try this one instead KINGLASS PARK

I've saved it but not tried it out yet.

Boost - but with tuned different cars at a certain pp, or even better tuned to a certain weight/power, it's really fun.
When you say "tuned" do you mean vehicles with just their weight and power adjusted? Or having the complete works done - suspension, gearbox etc? I could see it working on the former to produce a fairly even race between differing cars. But wouldn't it, to some extent, negate any setup tweaking efforts on the latter? Which I think Jocke was referring to.
It's a shame that the only options are full tune available or none.

I thought that, by using only the first stage thrusters, Rocket Booster Racing© worked quite well.
Three wide along the fast section of Lakeside Park was smile inducing.

I must admit some of the funest races I've had have been with light boost on. But only with fellow like minded clean and fair drivers. It's great for casual stuff in helping keep the pack together - which is really where the fun lies. Especially in rooms with with fewer people. Driving around by yourself is only just like offline lapping.

The saying "No driver left behind" is apt.

After saying that I completely agree that it's not appropriate for every occasion/event. And also understand that not to everyone's taste.
I enjoyed the boost! It was light enough to not really be noticed, but strong enough to keep us reasonably close together, always giving us someone to race. For casual friendly race nights, it's quite a good shout. Points scoring series would not be much fun with it though.

Thanks for the link info Paul, once you get on it, let me know what you think.

I'll not be around tomorrow as my race room is having some work done, but all should be ok for next week. Might see if I can make the cobras on Wednesday as a substitute to get my mid week race fix.
Hi chaps, finally got back. Ready for having a damn good weee tonight! Actually, I'm not ready, sod all practice, but I hope to be by 8.30.

See you then............

Cheers, Zo. (I think it's premium Jocke)
Hey excellent racing again! I really enjoyed that track! I found using the curbs in certain corners really helps get the car pointed the right way. Also, I think the key to my fast laptime was not braking until 1meter after the finish line, and then holding on for dear life hoping to make the first right hander!
I did a few TT''s to learn the track enough to do thre laps without going off track, then went and did some races against the AI. I find the TT's help you learn the fastest line and racing the AI helps you learn what happens to the car when your forced off the optimal line.
The only problem with my practise was I forgot about the tire wear! Once the tires got worn a bit it really affected the braking distances, hence my late race spin out! Anyways, congrats to the winner and everyone else, unfortunately I forgot to save the wualifyer and I wasn't able to save the main race...boo for psn network issues! Till next time.
Hi chaps. Bit of a bugger that the connection gods dumped on us for the final T84, but that's life. I really enjoyed the race anyway, especially after that amazing quali time from Zeus. I thought I'd never get near him, and then when Suts shot away in to the distance I thought I was well stuffed. Oh tyre wear joy 👍

So, that's it over chaps. I hope that all who took part enjoyed it, I know I did. Onwards to Paul's Rocketty Racing........

Cheers, Zo.
Whenever I add music to my videos lately I get these notifications that the video is blocked in Germany.
No other country, only Germany for some reason. Are you able to watch them @tarnheld ?
Anybody else having trouble watching them?

Go to Youtube, sign in, go to your channel and on the left hand side click Create, then Music Policies. From there you can type in the name of the song you wish to use. When it pops up, click on it to see if it falls under copyright-protected material or if there are any other restrictions. No point in putting a song on your video if it's blocked in 255 countries, or worse, has a Content ID claim on it. It's a great tool and I use it all the time:tup:
Thanks Joe.
or worse, has a Content ID claim on it
This one doesn't bother me as much.
I've never had monetization enabled on any video as I'm not out to make money from them. We're probably talking dimes and cents here anyway so I'm just fine with letting the claimants have all.
Thanks for hosting Target 84. It was perfect as it did even the field up and allowed guys like me to have a chance at racing with the faster kids on the block! :cool: I thought it worked really well and with the use of interesting cars and tracks I had great fun with all the gentleman racers when I could attend.:)

Your commentary of the race on my weird track is still the funniest thing ever!!:lol::lol:
Eat your heart out Murray Walker. My only comment is, I can only get better!

Look forward to whatever comes next. I'm definitely up for Paul's Rockets but I have to confess I'd like some regular tracks as well as custom ones ESP Spa! 👍:D

I think he peaked too soon

You've hit the nail on the head there Paul. I started suffering from 'Second Album Syndrome' as soon as I'd got it done. And then the camera I used to make the recording went missing (it had 'fallen' into the wife's bag :crazy:).

I promise I'll have another go with something in the future, and see what I can come up with.

And to echo Sut's sentiments, thanks for running your T84 Zo. I too think it worked well. 👍

Thanks to everyone who took the time to join in, I'm really glad that people enjoyed it. We had seven individual winners across the whole series, and it's something I'll definitely try again.

Onwards and upwards!

Cheers, Zo.