Red Bull Launches $124,000 RB18 Simulator Built Into a Full-Size F1 Show Car

  • Thread starter Famine
There's no way everything included in that rig is worth half of $100,000.

At least design it around a motion rig if you're going to charge that much for what amounts to a really fancy carbon fiber desk with a wheel and a curved monitor.

Any wealthy person who has the money to burn could buy a Supra, or a Cayman, or even a Radical instead and have way more fun for less money doing what this is designed to emulate. (plus those are road legal vehicles so they'd be more useful due to providing transportation)
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Ouch! :lol: at least built a proper motion sim rig for that price, or a full scale F1 car replica. I'm sure people with that much money to spend on toys will have enough space in their house(s).
Screen too high, too small and in that price range, I would expect it include the best vr headset too. Price definitely seems too steep thought but hey its a f1 merch so not surprised.
Problem #1: Most people won’t be able to fit in to that. And if they can, getting in and out of it seems more tedious than fun.

Problem #2: TF is the point of the halo? Especially given how high the screen is that’s going to get in the way a lot.

Problem #3: The price point is a joke, and you get so little for it. It’s been pointed out a few times that you can get a lot better for a whole lot less. Anyone who can afford this, and has the space to fit half of an f1 car in their house would probably rather buy a real car for that price.

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