Renault GTP Clio Cup (PS4) (ALMOST FULL)Open 

  • Thread starter adstomko
I'm happy with what ever the choice ends up, but I would just say this thread started off as the Clio Cup, therefore this is what has attracted the attention of people!

Maybe as a suggestion, we could propose/ vote for what comes next!

Hopefully we will be a good group of people and enjoy some great racing... this to me is more important.
If i may .....touououoring cars s'il vous plaît (please) but if you stay with those lovely clio's nooo problem .
And if you would change to Touringcars .....please let the racers chose whatever car they like in this class me think so .
Just saying:P
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Guys, due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be able to run this competition by myself. HOWEVER, I can enter a number of races, so if everyone organises the calendar or someone takes responsibility, that would be great :)
Apologies for the inconvenience, but this was basically to get everyone together at the least, I'm sure it'll still go ahead!
Guys, due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be able to run this competition by myself. HOWEVER, I can enter a number of races, so if everyone organises the calendar or someone takes responsibility, that would be great :)
Apologies for the inconvenience, but this was basically to get everyone together at the least, I'm sure it'll still go ahead!

That's a shame, but i'm sure we can keep the momentum moving forward. 👍
I've been thinking about setting something up themed around a full Race Weekend 💡, so maybe this would be an opportunity to takes over the reins (so to speak). However I do still have some concerns about the online side of the game, and the functions available to us to set-up/organize Races... :odd: So maybe we can just start by running some practice events, until we are either happy with the way it works, or there are some patches!

Either way, I want to get SOMETHING going soon, be it by my own organisation or with others!

I have quite a few different ideas, some would require a massive investment to run while others could be manage by an individual, but as I've come to learn many times, a job shaded is a job halved.
I don't know about many of you here, but a lot of my fellow races are either yet to upgrade to the PS4 or have migrated altogether to the PC!, so there is also a balance of building new friendships and finding out who is reliable, clean, like minded etc to run these type of events with.

I only say this, as without the commitment of members/group all the effort to run our own championship will be wasted if numbers dwindle away... If it ends up with a room full of AI, we may as well race offline!

I want to be positive though so lets get to more interesting details!


General Idea,
  • Weekly / Fortnightly Championship Event
  • 1 Location Per "Race Weekend" event
  • Several Races
  • 3 Different car classes e.g
  1. Touring (Clio's)
  2. GT (RUF GT3)
  3. Formula (Rookie Class)
  • Variable factors, Weather, Fuel, tyre wear etc (depending on game bugs!)
The general focus would be a driver would run all three classes, to determine the over "RACE DRIVER" Champion, plus Class Champions.

There is probably many other things to think about, and/or question etc. But If any one is interested in taking part in this, please Like or PM me.

I would probably suggest that a new thread is created in time, but for now its just an idea.

I myself will be away on holiday until first week in June, so nothing will happen from my part at least, until I get back.

Thanks for taking the time to read through, please let me know your thoughts at least.

Laters :cheers:
That's a shame, but i'm sure we can keep the momentum moving forward. 👍
I've been thinking about setting something up themed around a full Race Weekend 💡, so maybe this would be an opportunity to takes over the reins (so to speak). However I do still have some concerns about the online side of the game, and the functions available to us to set-up/organize Races... :odd: So maybe we can just start by running some practice events, until we are either happy with the way it works, or there are some patches!

Either way, I want to get SOMETHING going soon, be it by my own organisation or with others!

I have quite a few different ideas, some would require a massive investment to run while others could be manage by an individual, but as I've come to learn many times, a job shaded is a job halved.
I don't know about many of you here, but a lot of my fellow races are either yet to upgrade to the PS4 or have migrated altogether to the PC!, so there is also a balance of building new friendships and finding out who is reliable, clean, like minded etc to run these type of events with.

I only say this, as without the commitment of members/group all the effort to run our own championship will be wasted if numbers dwindle away... If it ends up with a room full of AI, we may as well race offline!

I want to be positive though so lets get to more interesting details!


General Idea,
  • Weekly / Fortnightly Championship Event
  • 1 Location Per "Race Weekend" event
  • Several Races
  • 3 Different car classes e.g
  1. Touring (Clio's)
  2. GT (RUF GT3)
  3. Formula (Rookie Class)
  • Variable factors, Weather, Fuel, tyre wear etc (depending on game bugs!)
The general focus would be a driver would run all three classes, to determine the over "RACE DRIVER" Champion, plus Class Champions.

There is probably many other things to think about, and/or question etc. But If any one is interested in taking part in this, please Like or PM me.

I would probably suggest that a new thread is created in time, but for now its just an idea.

I myself will be away on holiday until first week in June, so nothing will happen from my part at least, until I get back.

Thanks for taking the time to read through, please let me know your thoughts at least.

Laters :cheers:

I think you have the right idea with the community commitment being important, but unfortunately your suggestion of a race weekend is likely to push many away as it is such a big commitment to make. I'm married with 2 kids, so even participating in a series is a commitment, let alone learning and driving 3 types of car for each event in a 'race weekend'.

I'd suggest we keep it simple... get a basic plan in place and get underway.

If we then find things that don't work so well, we can adapt and look to the future.

As a simple setup, I'd suggest something like this to start us off:

Single make grid (car tbc, but we all signed up for Clio's originally, so could do season 1 in these to prevent complication)
No tuning, again to prevent complication and keep things accessible and competitive
'Real' Assists setting in keeping with the sim genre
DS4 and wheel users grouped together - no need to split anyone out at this stage

7:30pm BST - Practice - 30 mins to allow all to join lobby
8pm BST - Qualifying 1 - 10 mins
8:10pm BST - Race 1 - Sprint (laps calculated to fit a 10 minute race)
8:30pm BST - Qualifying 2 - 10 mins
8:40pm BST - Race 2 - Endurance (laps calculated to fit a 20-30 minute race)

All 16 entrants score points in the races - keeping people from quitting out
Depending on how easy it is to track, bonus points for Pole and fastest lap would be a nice addition

@hobbsy - I would have no problem with you taking the reins though, obviously as long as I can actually make the event we go ahead with.

As @adstomko is no longer going to run the series and things seem a little up in the air, I think it may be a good idea to do a roll call to see who is actually still active in this thread and going to participate...
@Lanius1984 thanks for your comments, and I can fully appreciate the commitment that these things take up. I myself have 2 kids too, so I can say first hand how difficult this can make things.

At this stage I'm just using this audience to throw some ideas out and hopefully get a gauge of possible interest. If I plan to do something like I suggested, I would set up a new thread anyway.
Having said that I am still happy to run with the Clio's, keeping things simple is probably the best way to start things right now with the current state of the game!

Maybe between us we can get this thing off the ground, though I do fear that the length of time this thread has been open, people may have already moved on elsewhere!

A roll call is a good shout 👍
@hobbsy Shall we set a start date to commit to, and then get a roll call going?
After a roll call, I think migrating to a new thread might be an idea anyway, as not having control of the first post and title etc will make it harder to outline any plans.

How did my timings above sound to you?... When it comes to evenings, I would have a preference for Thursday or Friday, but open to other suggestions.
In reality, I've piped up here, and will try to make as many races as possible, but may miss the odd one due to family commitments :( I would be able to help out with series standings etc though.

Maybe a start on Thursday 4th June?
I'm withdrawing too. If times are set to European time zones, I'd be having to get up at 4/5am to race. I should try and find an Australian-based league.
Sorry guys.
@hobbsy Shall we set a start date to commit to, and then get a roll call going?
After a roll call, I think migrating to a new thread might be an idea anyway, as not having control of the first post and title etc will make it harder to outline any plans.

How did my timings above sound to you?... When it comes to evenings, I would have a preference for Thursday or Friday, but open to other suggestions.
In reality, I've piped up here, and will try to make as many races as possible, but may miss the odd one due to family commitments :( I would be able to help out with series standings etc though.

Maybe a start on Thursday 4th June?

Yeah all sounds ok, apart from start time. A little later is better for me due to kids clubs etc. I'll msg you when I get back from hols (in airport now).

By the looks of it we should look to start a new thread


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