Still cannot Tune any of my cars

  • Thread starter Nierexe
I have tried delelting both the cloud and console save and still nothing, i have bought every single part yet i still cannot tune my car. It still says i have zero parts even though the store says purchased for every single part. This is not just for the mini cooper s but for every car i have.

I am incredibly frustrated that this has not been resolved.
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Where are you attempting to tune? When you buy an item in the tuning store it should automatically apply it to the car.

If it doesn't, or if you want to swap parts, you can do it from the "car settings" page which is available from the garage or from the pre-race screens. In each section (suspension, brakes, gearbox, etc.) there's a drop-down where you can select your new parts.

Is this how you're trying to do it? Because from your description it sounds like you're looking at the "tuning parts" page in the garage, which is not the place you go to tune your cars. That just lists the parts you've won off the roulette.