Strange PP changes when changing parts

  • Thread starter Meythia
Screenshot 1

No intercooler, no power restrictions, 598.35 PP

Screenshot 2

Changing Intercooler to racing, PP goes up as expected, 601.38 PP now with no other changes

Screenshot 3

Wanted to stay within 600PP so ECU reduced to 99, dropping to 587.06 PP, thats quite a huge drop

Screenshot 4

Changing intercooler back to default, now PP actually increases to 596.55PP instead of dropping.

Only changes between these 4 screenshots are ecu 100/99 and intercooler default/racing, screenshot 3 is the odd one and I cant come to a different conclusion than to call it bugged. Anyone else ever noticed something similar (not talking about Tomahawk glitched PP).
Did you turn the ECU back to 100? If it does not go back to 601.38pp then that is a problem.

Many settings are bugged, like having the pp drop 14 for ECU 100 to 99. It can make tuning cars into a game to use these bugs to increase performance. You can change a setting that drops the pp but does not cause a noticeable effect on handling, then increase ECU for more HP. I don't mess around with ride height or transmissions much, but that is where the crazy stuff happens.
Really kind of wish there was a virtual mechanic you could hire within the game to work on the tuning to a certain degree so that we didn't have to get bogged down into the minutiae of all these tiny little glitches.
The PP system does sometimes do unexpected things. Adding Anti Lag can sometimes decrease PP, and as you move from off-weak-strong, sometimes weak is the best of them all. Is this indicative of real performance - I don't know?

Moving the ECU percentage, and certainly adding an intercooler, can very subtly change the powerband shape. The Power Restrictor really changes the powerband, but even using the ECU percentage, If I stand close to my TV I can see a little flutter. Perhaps the PP system is sensitive to these small shape changes, but I am shocked by the almost 10 PP increase with the standard intercooler!. Did your "accel performance" stats change in the same pattern as PP?

There must be an optimum for setting PP, some of the GT5 (or 6?) guides had info on which upgrades to add and how to stay within a PP limit and have the actual best performance. I think there will be an optimum in GT7 but as the tuning is more complex and PP includes tyres now, I think it will be a very tough nut to crack, especially in these early days of the game.
@Meythia - Just yesterday, I found another car that seems to have problems calculating its PP value when certain changes are made to the Custom LSD:

Initially a stock TVR Tuscan Speed 6 has a PP value of 566.51


If you then purchase and install the sport soft tires, the PP value increases to 594.01

If you then purchase and install the Full Custom Suspension, the PP value increases to 603.11


If you then purchase and install the Custom LSD, the PP value decreases to 463.37
This is with the initial custom LSD settings of 10/40/20 as shown::boggled:


The glitched PP values are not seen for all LSD settings, just some (setting the acceleration sensitivity to 35, 39, 43, 46, 48 also reduce the PP values significantly). At the LSD setting of 10/51/20 the PP value gets reduced down to 460.02 which was the lowest I could find.


I went back and purchased a second TVR Tuscan Speed 6 and found that you can see this PP reduction when you are purchasing the LSD itself (after first purchasing the SS tires and the Custom Suspension):


I found that the order of your parts purchases/installations matter as installing the SS tires first was a requirement to see this glitch.
Also, if you change the settings for your custom parts, this changes the PP values to what I would consider the "normal" PP values that you would expect, but if you reverse your changes, you get right back to the glitched values.

I wonder what calculation is being looked at to cause such a significant drop in the PP value with these specific parts and LSD settings.:confused:
@Meythia - Just yesterday, I found another car that seems to have problems calculating its PP value when certain changes are made to the Custom LSD:

Initially a stock TVR Tuscan Speed 6 has a PP value of 566.51

View attachment 1161212

If you then purchase and install the sport soft tires, the PP value increases to 594.01

If you then purchase and install the Full Custom Suspension, the PP value increases to 603.11

View attachment 1161213

If you then purchase and install the Custom LSD, the PP value decreases to 463.37
This is with the initial custom LSD settings of 10/40/20 as shown::boggled:

View attachment 1161214

The glitched PP values are not seen for all LSD settings, just some (setting the acceleration sensitivity to 35, 39, 43, 46, 48 also reduce the PP values significantly). At the LSD setting of 10/51/20 the PP value gets reduced down to 460.02 which was the lowest I could find.

View attachment 1161216

I went back and purchased a second TVR Tuscan Speed 6 and found that you can see this PP reduction when you are purchasing the LSD itself (after first purchasing the SS tires and the Custom Suspension):

View attachment 1161215

I found that the order of your parts purchases/installations matter as installing the SS tires first was a requirement to see this glitch.
Also, if you change the settings for your custom parts, this changes the PP values to what I would consider the "normal" PP values that you would expect, but if you reverse your changes, you get right back to the glitched values.

I wonder what calculation is being looked at to cause such a significant drop in the PP value with these specific parts and LSD settings.:confused:
Take a look at the high speed rotational Gs. 0.35. That is really bad if it was true. The old alpine racer has the same bug. Tune from Reddit

The bug is very simple but incredibly hard to recreate. I believe it is related to the instability that occours when the car changes gear. My theory is that when the game tests the rotational Gs, it does so, by actually simulating the car on track. And if the car changes gear right as the rotational G is measured (240 kmh) then it might record a wrong value. It seems it uses the automatic gearbox at around half throttle for the tests. The timing is incredibly tight, and I have not been able to recreate it, so it is very exciting to see the tune you have found.
The primary reason the bug is hard to recreate, is because the calculation always uses the gearbox as if no changes are made to it. So even if you use the custom gearbox and change the gearing, it will still calculate the PP as if you had the "stock" custom gearbox.

This bug is so overpowered though, that it almost deserves a dedicated thread where we can mindstorm how to use it on other cars and share tunes.
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