The 12 lap Race C in daily races...

  • Thread starter jrbabbitt

Did you like the 42 minute 12 lap race C in the daily races this week?

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United States
Charleston, SC
I loved the idea that PD finally gave us a good long daily race but they killed it after one day by cutting it down to 6 laps. IMHO there is no real strategy for a sprint race. 1X fuel and 6X tyres on 6 laps sprint is not a challenge and is all up to when you pit to do the mandatory tyre change.
I want to hear your thoughts and possibly someone at PD will see it was a good thing of 12 laps.
Most likely it was a mistake made by PD as they probably wanted 6 laps instead of 12 , evidence being the time required for the race which always been 30minutes, but did they changed the tyre wear?
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A mistake for sure, but when you see positive feedback and it's not costing you anything as a company, leave it alone.

To change it back after a full day with it running is just not reading the room at all.

Pretty sure I saw Erieees or whatever he is called did a video on it so they should have definitely seen something about it.
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I think that there is nothing stopping them introducing an hourly race "D" that lasts for 40 mins or so? Would there be a demand? And would there still be lots of cars running at the end, or do people quit long races if things are not going well?
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12 laps was a welcoming change, especially with a bit of tyre strategy and felt like a proper endurance race. Only bummer that the BoP has no balance since the old Gr.C is way too fast for the modern LMP1 which leads to crashes with no obvious offender.
Let's hope PD learns from it and actually listens to the player base (LOL)
I think that there is nothing stopping them introducing an hourly race "D" that lasts for 40 mins or so? Would there be a demand? And would there still be lots of cars running at the end, or do people quit long races if things are not going well?
Monday's Race C would've been a perfect test bed for this. Let it run for the week, even if the 12 laps was an accident. Gather the data and go from there.
Yet again, PD have managed to mess with Sport mode drivers.

They change a race that by all accounts was being enjoyed by most drivers on the same day that they allowed BB to be used which should have been allowed since day 1.

Customer relations must be at an all time low. We don’t know this, however, as they still refuse to interact with the folks that drive their profits. The “Iron Curtain” didn’t fall, it was bought by PD.
I loved this race. Probably the best Daily Race that PD has hosted to date, since creating GT7. So it's only natural that they killed it. Was able to do it 3 times yesterday. Came in dead last (lol) then 2nd and 2nd :)
PD could give us more dailies -- 5 at least. They could also propose a variety of races and invite the players to vote on which are most appealing each week. They could also create mini championships -- like doing all the dailies in sequence with one group of players. They could also promote different payouts beyond $, like liveries, special parts and body kits.

Many interesting options that could be explored, and some may naturally not work, but getting some fresh ideas injected into the dailies would entice players like me that is just flat out bored with the same old format first introduced in GTS to rejoin.
I've mentioned in the daily discussion; I was enjoying it. I got two in yesterday and I didn't see any more DNFs than any other race. My problem was the quality of driving on monday, a gr.3 or gr.2 might have had better driving standards to try this experiment. But most drivers would improve as the week wore on.

One week for an 'experiment', even if it was a mistake, is just a blip in the life cycle of GT7. Let it run and then evaluate numbers. Would that have hurt PDs bottom line? Doubt it. Had they let it run, maybe they would have seen a need for a race D? I mean, I do understand that a 45 minute race is not everyone's wish. But from the reactions of this forum, it is clear that there is a demand for an endurance race.
PD could give us more dailies -- 5 at least. They could also propose a variety of races and invite the players to vote on which are most appealing each week. They could also create mini championships -- like doing all the dailies in sequence with one group of players. They could also promote different payouts beyond $, like liveries, special parts and body kits.

Many interesting options that could be explored, and some may naturally not work, but getting some fresh ideas injected into the dailies would entice players like me that is just flat out bored with the same old format first introduced in GTS to rejoin.
There'll be someone along in a minute to explain why PD can't ever take any risks so as not to offend the 6 people still playing the daillies.
I really enjoyed the one attempt I had. Longer races give more time for the race to develop and for more strategies. It's kind of why I tend to avoid race B, I'm not too much of a fan of the shorter races, hard to make up any ground from incidents that often happen lap 1. Wish they'd just add a Race D category for a 40+ minute race.
Sigh. I was away from Daily Races for two weeks due to dull Daily Races and then due to being busy. Then this wonderful mistake arrived and I was lucky to have one chance to play it. Only one.

The mistake fix has bummed me so hard that I can’t bring myself to play Daily Races this week anymore.
I loved the idea that PD finally gave us a good long daily race but they killed it after one day by cutting it down to 6 laps. IMHO there is no real strategy for a sprint race. 1X fuel and 6X tyres on 6 laps sprint is not a challenge and is all up to when you pit to do the mandatory tyre change.
I want to hear your thoughts and possibly someone at PD will see it was a good thing of 12 laps.
I've done it 3 times now, I have some wierd bug with my CSL cuz much over 165 the occilations are just a white knuckle wait for the braking point.

but to your point, I was in the zone, and didnt realize the extra time passed
Only bummer that the BoP has no balance since the old Gr.C is way too fast for the modern LMP1 which leads to crashes with no obvious offender.
Let's hope PD learns from it and actually listens to the player base (LOL)
Yeah the complete difference in performance of different eras within gr. 1 make it so that I think they would be better off adding a sub-requirement to these races and seperate them by year.
For example, you could have group c races and have a requirement of pre 1995 (or whenever) and if you want the lmp1s then have the year requirement post 1995.
Cant these guys do anything properly?

Cant sport modes be split with daily and weekly.

Also add more like d, e and f.

So much stuff to make the game better they do this.

God its pissing me off so bad. Even have a sport mode lobby where two people face each other or the old school GT way with 6 people.

So much stuff!!
PD needs to separate the Group C cars into their own category.
Exactly this. I did a mega qualifying lap in the 919, faster than I could in the Group C's despite its comically unrealistic low top end. Come the actual race, you fully expect the C's to power past you down the straights. The problem arrives when it comes to the proper parts of a race circuit - corners. The old cars suffer under braking and cornering but the LMP1's don't even need to brake. Unfortunately this can rarely be tried out because their's half a dozen identical 787B's (get some liveries people - be individual!) wobbling through the Porsche curves and beyond. This destroys any possibility of making that time back up if you want to race clean and avoid massive shunts. These mixed era categories are absolutely ridiculous.
Sci-fi stupidities such as VGTs powered by magic and unicorn farts have absolutely no business being on track against early 1980s Group C cars and LMP1s.

And they'll never do it because this would require some fine BoP tunning and some proper motorsport knowledge.
And the weird thing, GTsport hase it all. Gr.1, gr.c and gr.x for the vgts

if i had some to say @porsche or @toyota i would take away the licence from PD.
Porsche 919’16 and Toyota’16 both are the dominent forces in that time and both exeed 340km. Kobayashi set the laptime record with a 3:14,791
But in GT both are not able to reach 300kmh. Thats a mad joke PD
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Sci-fi stupidities such as VGTs powered by magic and unicorn farts have absolutely no business being on track against early 1980s Group C cars and LMP1s
That is exactly why I sold all my VGT because they are not real... including the Ferrari, the tommyhawks, Buggatti, etc....
If there are any VGT that are real and not a mock up for display then they have to earn it to be in my garage
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