TPC Time Trials - SF19s at Fuji - Swaps Fortnightly

TPC Time Trials

It's just You vs the Track. Who will win?
Combos swap fortnightly, every two Saturdays.

The time trials are a fun side venture outside our regular series races. TTs are open to everyone on GTPlanet.
All you have to do is race a lap at the current combo, and submit your laptime.
Track limits must be followed at all times, and your lap is considered invalid if you have more than two wheels outside the white line.
Arcade TT mode is recommended for your lap due to having the highest grip.
Tuning will be OFF on all time trials, so it's best to create a new settings sheet to prevent old tunes being used by mistake.
You are NOT ALLOWED to publish your full laptime anywhere, including sharing the replay. Discussion on other platforms is also not encouraged. You are allowed to share all but one of your sector times if you wish to.
The top 3 times will require replay verification. We suggest saving all replays in case you make it into the top 3. If a Top 3 time does not have a replay, that lap will not be accepted and you will have to do another lap.
Submissions are not allowed publicly. To submit your lap time, send a screenshot of it to me in a conversation on GTPlanet.
You can also use Discord if you prefer, to AfraidRacer#2501.
You may use the same conversation to submit laps for different weeks.
This is a fun Time Trial Challenge to help you practice TTing with other people. We will not tolerate any sort of malpractice, including tuning, corner cutting, or fake laptimes.
The TT combos will be based on various different classes of cars, so there will be something for everyone. If you would like to suggest a combo, send me a DM.
Target times are only an approximation and are not to be taken seriously.
Lastly, do your best and have fun!

@Pigems, @05XR8, @250Cal, @6BK, @Adam Barber, @AfraidRacer, @Ashthebash, @bdubclub, @Chevy Heavy, @CurbHog, @Dairyworker, @DarkSideNet, @Deadpool, @DelboyD, @dlshearon, @Drex124, @El_Beardo, @fastone371, @FloridaFanGT, @golfer07840, @GOTMAXPOWER, @Graham Cundy, @Granadier, @Groundfish, @GT5Apex, @GTP_Guido, @GTWolverine, @HammyMansell, @HaydenFan69, @Jason885, @JEverettL, @Jwptexas, @K1LLD0z3R, @Kermit_2142, @kevinddr, @Kevstah2004, @Killkennyxc4, @KosmoKazi, @kungtotte_, @Kuraudo, @Leftcurl, @LeightonAVS, @master Weasel, @MaxAttack, @Michelin Man, @Mistah_MCA, @mohitraina91, @Natalie_GT, @nosoks, @NosOsH, @NoStopN, @O604, @Oshawa-Joe, @PaoloMX, @Philtaylor17, @PirovacBoy, @Qyn, @R_Goldstreiff, @RacingGrandpa, @Redneckchef, @roamingbard13, @RZQSPEED, @Satomiblood, @Stencedaddy, @sturk0167, @Supergtp, @suprajef, @Sven Jurgens, @Tea_Leaves, @The_Tullster, @Timm Sheehan, @ToddSalad, @Trone_Colby, @TurboTacho, @viper al, @watto79, @Winnie847, @x5abotagex86, @stpatty, @RX8 Racer, @KiepeYai, @Rods
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