UAP and Skinwalker Ranch News and Discussion

  • Thread starter Dotini

Unknown objects swarm the most advanced US naval vessels but are detected by multiple radar from multiple ships, as well as night vision scopes.
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NASA to set up independent UAP study.

Joe Rogan with Michio Kaku.

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Due to a wealth of new information becoming available, the thread title has been modified to include Skinwalker Ranch news and discussion.

In UAP news, prominent Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (who currently chairs the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) responds to citizen questions on UAP investigations currently going on across the entire US intelligence and military communities.

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@Dotini I figured you'd probably like this and since it's relevant to this thread I'll post it here.

Yesterday, my wife and I figured we should actually go out to Skinwalker Ranch since it's only a couple of hours from where we live. We knew full well that we couldn't get close to it, but it was interesting enough to see the mesa and explore the area around the ranch.

Here's the top of the mesa, which you can get to by some pretty rough roads:

And this is as far as you can actually get:

This is the sign that's posted too:

And here's the main gate with the mesa in the background:

Within about a minute of being there, flood lights came on, strobes began to flash, a siren went off, then a voice told us to leave immediately. We never crossed the cement barrier since that would be trespassing, but where we were was definitely a public road. It was kind of weird, but I get that they do take security pretty seriously. Other people had likely been there that day or the day before judging by the tire tracks.

It's weird being there though. I thought it would be more remote than it was, but Roosevelt, Utah isn't all that far away, and just behind the ranch is the Ute Nation's correctional facility, school, and all the tribal offices. It wouldn't explain all the lights they see at the ranch, but I'm guessing it accounts for some of it. It's still eerie out there though and the town is strange as well, but I'd say that more to it being Eastern Utah than anything else. It's hard to explain, but it's very much redneck Mormon country which feels pretty backwoodsy.
Due to a wealth of new information becoming available, the thread title has been modified to include Skinwalker Ranch news and discussion.
"A wealth of new information" is disingenuous at best. I suppose it works if you consider a ton of anecdotes, hearsay, and open-ended speculation as "information".

Considering that we have instruments capable of reasonable accuracy in reading the atmospheric chromatography of planets located parsecs away from Earth, I find it hard to accept that anything 'paranormal' could actually be occurring here on our planet. If it was, surely it would have been detected and analyzed by now by some entity that doesn't have the word "alternative" in its name or mission statement.

We can build a sensor array capable of detecting neutrinos that mass something on the order of 1x10^-6 as much as a single electron. Surely it's more than a political matter of institutionalized denial that prevents us from locating, isolating, and cataloging actual data about Bigfoot and ghosts and flying saucers.
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The Administrator of NASA says that he has read all the classified material on UAP, and reached the conclusion nobody knows what they are. So now he intends to repurpose NASA satellites to look for alien life. IMHO, he will not find it.

Pentagon establishes office to track UFOs in space​

By Brett Tingley published 6 days ago
The office will also attempt to study objects that appear to travel between air, space and water.

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As noted recently at Scientific American, thinking about UFOs is no longer presumptive evidence of membership in the lunatic fringe:

On June 9, with only a few hours’ notice, NASA held a press conference to announce a study it was commissioning on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). The acronym is a rebranding of what are more popularly known as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, a topic usually associated with purported extraterrestrial visitations and government conspiracy theories. The question on the public’s mind was why one of the U.S.’s premier scientific agencies was getting involved in something often considered to be at the farthest fringes of respectability.
The Pentagon’s UAP (UFO) report also signaled a similar sharp attitude change last year, pledging to go “wherever the data takes us.”
"A wealth of new information" is disingenuous at best. I suppose it works if you consider a ton of anecdotes, hearsay, and open-ended speculation as "information".

Considering that we have instruments capable of reasonable accuracy in reading the atmospheric chromatography of planets located parsecs away from Earth, I find it hard to accept that anything 'paranormal' could actually be occurring here on our planet. If it was, surely it would have been detected and analyzed by now by some entity that doesn't have the word "alternative" in its name or mission statement.

We can build a sensor array capable of detecting neutrinos that mass something on the order of 1x10^-6 as much as a single electron. Surely it's more than a political matter of institutionalized denial that prevents us from locating, isolating, and cataloging actual data about Bigfoot and ghosts and flying saucers.
I love how a month later this post is still sitting there being ignored.
I love how a month later this post is still sitting there being ignored.
So I can give you some input on Skinwalker Ranch since it combines things that are of interest to me and happens to be only a couple of hours from where I live.

There were some pretty extensive experiments done there and bankrolled by the government, however the information is classified so the private team working out there now needs to more or less start at square one. The current investigation is doing so through private funds provided by Brandon Fugal who's a wealthy real estate mogul here in Salt Lake. He's worth an estimated $400 million, so while he has the money it's not government money. Also, the current team is fairly small, and while they're knowledgeable, they're still pretty limited. The ranch itself is also located on Reservation land, so there are some weird legal things about what they can and cannot do since it's kind of the US but kind of not at the same time. Utah land use, especially when it comes to digging can be a bit odd at times too. Plus, since it's considered a cultural site, in order to do any mass excavation, they'd need to conduct an archaeological survey, which is time-consuming and expensive (I did it back in college).

There's also the added layer of trying to make a TV show while carrying out experiments. So they have to make it somewhat entertaining and do things that don't really make sense some of the time. They also have a limited time to actually carry things out since that part of Utah is in the high Unitas and gets really cold. Ideally, they'd work year round but I get why they don't want to live out there during the winter months. The infrastructure is pretty sparse as well and while Roosevelt is a town, it's still not very big and is mostly seasonal due to the oil fields.

I'm not sure how much is paranormal at the ranch, but there are plenty of unexplained things that can be corroborated by the people who live around the area as well. There are UFO/UAPs that have been seen in the sky, and while they might not be aliens, they're something that doesn't currently have an explanation that's unclassified. There's something under the mesa too that has some weird metals in it and while I don't think it's an alien craft, I do think it's something strange. My best guess is that the previous owner, Robert Bigelow, was conducting some research and using the mesa as a way to naturally shield what he was doing from electromagnetic radiation.

Unfortunately, a lot of what they do out there is cut from the TV show because it's just not interesting to the average person. However, there's the Skinwalker Ranch Insider, which actually provides a ton of information about how they plan experiments, why to do them, what work/didn't work, etc. I joined it on a whim and have been pretty invested in it since they have weekly Q&As and are constantly receiving input from people about what sort of things they could do.

Congress Admits UFOs Not ‘Man-Made,’ Says ‘Threats’ Increasing ‘Exponentially’​

The new budget for America’s intelligence services directs the Pentagon to focus its UFO investigation on those objects that are explicitly alien.

After years of revelations about strange lights in the sky, first hand reports from Navy pilots about UFOs, and governmental investigations, Congress seems to have admitted something startling in print: it doesn’t believe all UFOs are “man-made.”

Buried deep in a report that’s an addendum to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, a budget that governs America’s clandestine services, Congress made two startling claims. The first is that “cross-domain transmedium threats to the United States national security are expanding exponentially.” The second is that it wants to distinguish between UFOs that are human in origin and those that are not: “Temporary nonattributed objects, or those that are positively identified as man-made after analysis, will be passed to appropriate offices and should not be considered under the definition as unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena,” the document states.

The admission is stunning chiefly because, as more information about the U.S. government’s study of UFOs has become public, many politicians have stopped just short of claiming the unidentified objects were extraterrestrial or extradimensional in origin. The standard line is typically that, if UFOs exist, then they're likely advanced—although human-made—vehicles. Obama refused to confirm the existence of aliens but did say that people have seen a lot of strange stuff in the sky lately when asked directly on The Late Showwith James Corden, for example. But now Congress seems to want to specifically distinguish between objects that are “man-made” and those that are not.

A “cross-domain transmedium” threat is one that, by the Pentagon’s definition, can move from water to air to space in ways we don’t understand. In July, the Pentagon announced it was opening the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to investigate these threats. The bill would reclassify Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (the government's term for UFOs) as Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena and rename the Pentagon's office in line with the new designation. Last year, a leaked videothat was confirmed by the Pentagon as being authentic appeared to show a UFO seamlessly flying beneath the waves.
Senator Marco Rubio, the vice chair of the Senate Select Committee overseeing intelligence that issued the report, has publicly said he wants the UFOs to be aliens and not foreign weapons.

A large question, of course, is why Congress is seemingly admitting this now, in public. After all, lawmakers are privy to classified information that the general public isn't. “It strains credulity to believe that lawmakers would include such extraordinary language in public legislation without compelling evidence,” Marik von Rennenkampff, an Obama-era DoD official, said in an op-ed in The Hill about the budget. According to the op-ed, the comments were first noticed by UFO researcher Douglas Johnson.
"This implies that members of the Senate Intelligence Committee believe (on a unanimous, bipartisan basis) that some UFOs have non-human origins," von Rennenkampff continued. "After all, why would Congress establish and task a powerful new office with investigating non-'man-made' UFOs if such objects did not exist?"

"Make no mistake: One branch of the American government implying that UFOs have non-human origins is an explosive development."
A bipartisan group of U.S. legislators has long put pressure on the Pentagon to figure out what the strange lights are that Americans are seeing in the sky. In 2021, the DoD issued a report detailing more than 100 sightings that it investigated. It said some of what it studied could not be explained with current scientific models and asked for more time and money to study the phenomenon. Congress has given it to them and now it’s asking the Pentagon to focus only on those objects that haven’t been designed by human hands.

It looks as though these objects are trying to make contact and communicate with us. But we just don't get it.

My comment: Nothing to worry about. These things have been around for at least 75 years and are not ET.

Edit: The Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis may be where we're headed.

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If the US has a program for dealing with discovered extraterrestrials, they kept it from Trump for sure. Because that guy would have told us by now.
If the US has a program for dealing with discovered extraterrestrials, they kept it from Trump for sure. Because that guy would have told us by now.
He'd have straight up suggested it as a COVID cure along with injecting bleach and sunlight.
Kind of wild Congress is actually taking this seriously, which leads me to believe there's at least something unexplainable out there:
Or cranks downwind of crackpots?
Maybe it's the pod people and they got McConnell. Somebody call Donald Sutherland.
If the US has a program for dealing with discovered extraterrestrials, they kept it from Trump for sure. Because that guy would have told us by now.
Early in his presidency he was asked about ufo subject and said he didn't think it was real. At the end though he said he had seen some very interesting things and appeared to have changed his mind. This was because he had been briefed by Elizondo and Mellon as well as navy pilots who were all speaking out. The last bill he put through included the original demand that the pentagon from ow on must produce the uap report which has been expanded since.

But it was Trump who basically started this going at govergovernment level.
...but obviously he doesn't know anything. Because he'd have told us.
No, he knew, that's why he put the need for the UAP report in that last bill. He had been briefed by the same navy pilots you just saw in the hearing

That's a bit different from knowing what's going on though, he just knew the pentagon was up to something. No president since Bush senior has had access to these projects