America - The Official Thread

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it concerns me that people who've had a seventh grade civic class buy into the BS
Who Is That Jeremy Renner GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
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I can forgive the apartheid born illegal immigrant from South Africa for being ignorant of how things work in America, but it concerns me that people who've had a seventh grade civic class buy into the BS that immigrants can vote. Immigrants, and sometimes illegal immigrants, can vote at the municipal level, but they can't vote in federal elections. And what's even weirder is that it's mostly boomers buying into it too. It's like, you guys were force fed American values your entire life, how they hell don't you know who can and can't vote?
I guess one very technical caveat to that is that immigrant US citizens (like my daughter) can vote. But I think generally people don't think of US citizens as potentially being immigrants, which I understand.
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I gather that was automatic? Never thought about it before.
I'm not sure how much of that I could describe as automatic, because there was a lot of paperwork involved. We had to have a Chinese Passport, a US Passport, a US VISA, and all of the adoption paperwork handled, and with that she was a citizen as soon as her passport was stamped in Seattle on the flight from China. I guess that counts as automatic, but it felt like a lot of work.
I'm not sure how much of that I could describe as automatic, because there was a lot of paperwork involved. We had to have a Chinese Passport, a US Passport, a US VISA, and all of the adoption paperwork handled, and with that she was a citizen as soon as her passport was stamped in Seattle on the flight from China. I guess that counts as automatic, but it felt like a lot of work.
Of course, I just mean that an immigrant adopted child of citizen parents is automatically a citizen. No naturalization period.
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I can forgive the apartheid born illegal immigrant from South Africa for being ignorant of how things work in America, but it concerns me that people who've had a seventh grade civic class buy into the BS that immigrants can vote. Immigrants, and sometimes illegal immigrants, can vote at the municipal level, but they can't vote in federal elections. And what's even weirder is that it's mostly boomers buying into it too. It's like, you guys were force fed American values your entire life, how they hell don't you know who can and can't vote?
Don't forgive the billionaire moron. He knows full well illegal immigrants aren't allowed to vote at a federal level, that's why he's already tried to actually explain how the "importation" of illegal immigrants "by Democrats" is being used to take over the federal government.

In his words to Don Lemon, go to 24:20 & 26:10 because I think hearing him explain this nonsense does a better job than me trying to sum it up. But, it basically has to do with the census & how the states they are in will get an increase in House seats and the Electoral College. That somehow, no illegals coming causes the Dems to lose 20 seats or something towards the Presidential vote.
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In his words to Don Lemon, go to 24:20 because I think hearing him explain this nonsense does a better job than me trying to sum it up.
You can research this very easily on the internet, it's pretty straightforward to research this. [snip] The Democrats would loose approximately 20 seats in the House if illegals were not counted in the census.
I'll take a stab at this.

Illegal immigrants per state:

According to Google, House seats are increased for each (approximately) 750,000 people so...

California (3), New York (less than 1), Illinois (less than 1), New Jersey (less than 1), Georgia (less than 1), Arizona (less than 1), Washington (less than 1) would lose a total of... three. Ten if you round up for all of them. And another 2 if you include half of the "other states". Not quite the 20 that he claims.

It also doesn't account for Texas (2), the less than one for the other red states on the list and the other half of the "other states".
Don Lemon
I don't believe that your information on that is right.
I hear Lemon had his own share of controversy while working at CNN. I don't think he's as bad as Musk, but I don't think there's really a "good guy" in this.
Here's a gift link to a WaPo article for all you schadenfreuders out there...

Small-time investors in Trump’s Truth Social reckon with stock collapse

Some Trump supporters who invested in his social media company have seen their share values plunge -— and see it as a test of faith

18th century pub song.

Never fight uphill, me boys
Never fight uphill
A cannon shot off both me legs
Never fight uphill
What an odd interjection.
With his trial upcoming I think the naartjie nazi sees the general's plight as a metaphor for his own struggles since everything is about him, like a narcissitic Grandpa Calvin without the Hobbes.
18th century pub song.

Never fight uphill, me boys
Never fight uphill
A cannon shot off both me legs
Never fight uphill

Land lubber's sea shanties we've been singin' since the Germans bombed Pearl Arbor.
I don't know what a pog champ is, but I searched it and this came up on Reddit, so I'm assuming it's just Donald Trump playing with Pogs. Or am I being a bit too 1990s here?

View attachment 1346833
It was an emoji on Twitch - which I don’t even use anymore - until the guy depicted in it, who goes by the alias “Gootecks” went nuts in 2020.
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What's a sea shanty unrelated to the sea? Is there another name?
A folk song. I don't think there's a specific name for it outside the tradition of work songs, which you'd sing whilst on the job; railway workers, dockers, steelworkers, factory workers etc.
A folk song. I don't think there's a specific name for it outside the tradition of work songs, which you'd sing whilst on the job; railway workers, dockers, steelworkers, factory workers etc.
I think that's why I went "pub song," because infantrymen doesn't quite fit among workers in the traditional sense but I think you could find them all in a pub.