Anyone still up for GT2 challenge?

  • Thread starter danpollard
Hi dan , I'm still hoping lol , just waitin on zero, I feel like a guy who knows he don't have the fastest car but a real good strong car and all I need is a little luck :) So I'm hangin around the track lookin up at the grid board . There may still be a 2nd race to decide the winner. fingers crossed lol
OK, I might as well post my times; Obviously I won the race, witha time of 23:12.853 and a fastest lap of 1:07.598 (told you it was pitiful against my other attempts):( . Well wecan wait and see what Z.C. comes out with.
Ahhhh, got smoked again:( . I ran a 23:50. best lap a 1:09.188 . My best lap record is a 1:08.811 in my cebera . What do you mean pitiful, That,s exceptionally good if not great. You missed your record by less than 1/2 a sec and in a race to boot . I tip my hat to ya dan,congrats . I hope Z.C. does not become discouraged and still give it his best shot. I look forward to another challenge. lol I lost my calculater but in my head I figure I was only 1:??.?? somthin behind ya a lap, totaled out to 28 secs but that,s over 20 laps. Ahh ,just lol tryin to redeem myself .ty for the race & again congrats
Cheers Cerbera.:cheers: Incidentally, I was 1.5 secs off. Try in the GT1. Talentless, I don't care what difficulty you use, as we're not worried about the race result but about the times.
I have tried and tried, but I cannot set up suspensions. If anyone knows a good set up which does not require 1 mill. corrections or has me running over everything, please give it. And I mean this for every challenge I am allowed to compete in. I try so many things and I almost always get understeer. So frustrating.

I mean my laps are about 2 seconds off!
What car did you use? I don't fine tune the suspension very much, but instead run a very high downforce setup on neraly all the tracks.
Allright i've done my time and its pretty fast, i did change my car to the r390gt1 race car. My 20 lap time was 23:15.217, and my best lap was a 1:06.295. I had an awesome string of 1min 6second laps but near the end i spun coming off the corkscrew so my time is a good 10secs what it should be, but i'm not trying to make excuses Dan but together a great time and i was a few secs off of it.
Jesus, that's close. :eek: Shall we have a rematch on a different course? As for you spinning off, well, it happens, and while I didn't spin at all, I did clunk the barrier a few times. But then, so probably did you, so it balances out. Looks like I got the luck.:D What's your record at Laguna, cause thats bloody quick in an R390.
The R390 is one of the fastest cars in GT2 and GT3, a stock R390 race car can beat and a stock 99 Toyota GT1 race car. My all-time best lap in an R390 is under 1min 6 but that was on super soft tires, in GT2 i dont have a R390 is GT3. YET!
Zero , Don't pack up & go home yet , Tho u didn't have best total time I think ,so far U got fastest lap. That means there is still a shootout between U and dan for now . Congrats on a phenominal lap.:)
dan, Yes I'm still without a ps2, and unless I come across a pretty good deal on one it will be awhile before I acquire one. I've played a little of the gt3 , the graphics are phenominal but it seemed like it lacked the connection ,the feel to the car & track.Could be just need getting use to it I guess.
Hell, I've just remembered, this is my challenge. How about a non race-car challenge? Maybe a Lancer Evo V or VI.....
Now U 2 just hold on now , in the rules agreed on there needs to be a shootout ,At Leguna Seca. Otherwise neither can be awarded the trophy, U two are awsome racers but pls don't leave things hangin, One or the other must claim victory with no ?ns asked . Buckle up & post by Sept 21st,no later than 11:59 pm. I don't mean to sound bossy but someone has to,,,,This is raceing ,a competition, bragging rights ;) And if there is ever going to be a series this could be a blueprint so to speak of the way it should be run . I hope U all grasp my intent ,GOOD LUCK...Drivers ,,,,Start your engines .
To dan & ZC . I hope that u 2 can see from my perspective, as a fan would,anticipating a great race between closely matched competitors .
Sure, we should do it in our original cars. We'll make it longer, say 40 laps race. Fastest time & lap. What we do if one of us wins each one I don't know. Tell me if you want to even out the car choice, but I'll take the GT-One '99 again. Cheers Cerb. for moving us along. I'll post soon. Very soon!
....I've just done a 1:05.340!!! Sorry to boast but WOOOHOOO!!! I've been trying to break the 1:06 barrier for ages, then I go and brea it 14 times in one race! Thank God for downforce. Seriously though, best time is as I say a 1:05.340 (Lap 39, can't remeber the speed, I can check if you want, I've saved the replay), and Total time for 40 laps is 44:59.727. Good luck Z.C., if you beat this, I will give you maximum RESPECT as I don't feel I can better that easily. (I did spin a couple of times, but I think I made up for it). Come on though, I love a challenge.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: