Are these real people in my Career Mode?

  • Thread starter slthree
United States
Fact Central Florida
I play my racing games offline for a variety of reasons.

I'm trying to do the career mode and I notice that these drivatars appear to be real people (or, at least that's what the names hint at) in my offline career and I don't understand it.

On top of that, they're crashing me like this is some kind of wreckfest game.

I'm new to the Xbox and I bought Forza Motorsport 7 for more serious racing and I bought Forza Horizon 4 for more arcade fun.

Is there a way to keep real people from joining my offline career mode? I would like to race just against the AI
Forza uses AI loosely based on real profiles, these are called Drivatars and more or less suck. There is also a setting to limit aggression which helps a little.
Forza uses AI loosely based on real profiles, these are called Drivatars and more or less suck. There is also a setting to limit aggression which helps a little.
First, thank you for the quick reply. This has been driving me crazy.

Does this mean that I will never race against the AI?

These drivatars are ruining my playing time and I don't get a lot of playing time. sometimes they squeeze me from the side and almost gets stuck to my car and make it impossible for me to turn. I know that sounds weird but I don't know a better way to explain it.

I want to race without the rewind feature but when I do I continually have to restart because they pushed me off the track.

If the mistake is mine I let everybody pass and I rejoin and I race from the back. I deserve it so I don't mind doing it. And, sometimes it's fun like that

Even if the mistake from them is something minor that cost me a position or two, I live with it because that's racing. What I'm talking about is some really blatant stuff that just infuriates me and ruins the experience.
The Drivatars ARE the only form of AI in the game.
Thank you.

Does anyone know if the setting for "limit aggression" should be turned to on or off? I've read that it's reversed but other people say it's not.

I guess what I'm asking is what kind of settings can help mitigate the AI driving poorly?
Does this mean that I will never race against the AI?

You are racing against AI, it's just that each one is finely tuned to mimic the profile it's based on. At least that's how they advertise it, in reality it doesn't work very well and the AI just aren't all that enjoyable to race with.

One of the things I hope they do for the next Forza game is remove the Drivatar system and just make some actual decent AI.

The Drivatars ARE the only form of AI in the game.

There actually is a way to compete against different AI. If you start a new save while offline and never take it online it can't download any Drivatars so you just get the base ones. I tried this with FM5 awhile back and found it actually made for a more enjoyable experience. Obviously the one big downfall of this workaround is you can't use most of the features that make Forza what it is.
The only fix during the career I know of, is to lower their skill level, which makes them less aggressive.
I prefer Free play though, as you can reduce the size of the grid or have staggered start times for each row, which helps avoid first corner pile ups.
You're not missing out on much from the career doing free play races instead, as you still get prize cars or money if you race with cars you own.
The only fix during the career I know of, is to lower their skill level, which makes them less aggressive.
I prefer Free play though, as you can reduce the size of the grid or have staggered start times for each row, which helps avoid first corner pile ups.
You're not missing out on much from the career doing free play races instead, as you still get prize cars or money if you race with cars you own.
Now, this is really interesting. I didn't realize you could make money in freeplay because, being new, I'm very short of money.

If I'm interpreting this correctly, I can stagger the time it takes for each row to roll off the grid? If that's true, it's brilliant and I can't wait to start tinkering with it.

Thank you for taking the time to write this up
Now, this is really interesting. I didn't realize you could make money in freeplay because, being new, I'm very short of money.
As long as you own the car you drive in the race.
Using mods from the race shop is a great way to improve your funds, stay on the track for the race is a good challenge with some cars/tracks.

If I'm interpreting this correctly, I can stagger the time it takes for each row to roll off the grid? If that's true, it's brilliant and I can't wait to start tinkering with it.
Yep, you can do it by each car or by each row of the grid.

Freeplay is great, but it can be buggy at times. If you get into any problems, you may need to restart the game or reset to default on the freeplay main menu by pressing (Y). One cause I find of this is trying to do a one make race. The easiest way I know to avoid it, is going into Homologation before the race and making your car stock.

Thank you for taking the time to write this up

My pleasure!
Yeah free play is the way to go, race what you want, where you want, when you want. I did all the career races initially because there were several locked cars that you could only get that way but now they are all unlocked so you can buy anything you want.

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