Borderlands 3

  • Thread starter MeanElf
United Kingdom
Solid Gone
No news yet, so calm down :)

This tech-demo though was posted yesterday which looks at how Gearbox anticipate adapting the cell-shading style to this current generation of consoles.

Personally, I think it looks like an interesting effect adding more 3-D to the current look.
I hope Borderlands 3 is a thing, and maybe better than the Pre-Sequel. Heard it isn't as good as Borderlands 2. But most importantly, it'll be a nice kick from Battleborn's imminent failure.
I hope Borderlands 3 is a thing, and maybe better than the Pre-Sequel. Heard it isn't as good as Borderlands 2. But most importantly, it'll be a nice kick from Battleborn's imminent failure.
B3 is definitely real - it was announced a good while ago (almost a year ago Google tells me ;))

The Pre-Sequel was a mini-game in essence, too big to be an addition to B2 which had originally been the plan, so they expanded it further to make a stand-alone. I thought it was a lot of fun and brought some interesting new weapon types as well as low-G which has also hinted at in the tech demonstration above (well, variable gravity.) I also liked the extra back-story aspect.

Sorry, but are you saying B3 isn't as good as B2 or did you mean the Pre-Sequel? As far as I'm aware nothing is really known about B3's story or gameplay other than the usual fan speculation. As for Battleborn, I didn't try it as I don't really like MP only games.
Battleborn I think was a flop.
I tried it and well I sold it shortly after.

BL2 is still good just wish you could still do farming runs and glitches.

I mean as long as you are in solo it shouldn't of been an issue.

Pre-Sequel is okay. I was playing this for a awhile then I just kinda gave up and that's when The Crew, and other games got updated.

Bl3 I think (If I remember correctly) that they would hint maybe a 2018 release? So with some tech demos then at lease it's something to maybe verify the 2018
Picked up the handsome Collection again the other day. I wanted to start a playthrough again as destiny 2 is rather fustrating me with the incredibly slow leveling process. Thought i still had it but didnt. Luckily its quite cheap nowadays. Shame no one i know will give it a chance. As a full playthrough with a full squad would be the dream.

Roll on the day when Borderlands 3 is actually anounced with some actual details.
Oh man, well that's just no good. I'm losing hope there will ever be a 3rd game, but I am happy that the 3 existing games are good enough to keep me going back to them (played them recently in fact), so I wouldn't be too bummed overall if Borderlands 3 never happens.

I wonder how a Borderlands game would be like today anyway? I imagine tons of micro-transactions and probably some battle royale mode. But isn't that what Battleborn was supposed to be and that game was completely overshadowed by Overwatch?
Maybe it's a hush hush thing and it gets revealed at E3 this year.
Hasn't most BL games been kinda hush hush until a big conference?
I have to wonder what a Borderlands game would need to do to stand out now. Neither the cel-shaded art style nor the concept of procedurally generated loot are new anymore, and people seem to be a lot less interested in the HAHA ALL THE MEMES style of humor that the series has become known for, for better or worse. But at the same time, you take any of that stuff out and... well, it's not really gonna feel like a Borderlands game at all.

So, where would the next game have to go to avoid coming across like a post-Battleborn cash grab attempt? Cause you know that's going to get brought up at some point.
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Looks a lot like the first Borderlands, which is 100% fine by me, it's one of my favorite shooters of all time. Been waiting for Borderlands 3 forever, happy with the trailers.
Surprised the free (if you're on PC! Console players will need to buy it) remaster of Borderlands and the updates to Borderlands 2 and TPS, due on Wednesday, haven't been mentioned yet - I suppose it's not BL3 news though:

Highlights of the Borderlands remaster:
  • Optional BL2-style minimap
  • limited character customisation (five head options each, I've read),
  • the golden key system with 75 keys if you own BL2 and/or TPS (not sure if that's 75 per game or up to 75 if you have both),
  • new unique weapons, a randomly-selected couple of which will be given to you for free when you start the game, I think?
  • the ability to lock gear or mark it as trash for easy management,
  • a revised final boss and
  • you also get the GOTY version for free if you didn't have it already.
Then Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel get:
  • A 4K texture pack,
  • revised model geometry,
  • high-resolution shadows,
  • better anti-aliasing and
  • ambient occlusion.
I played over 800 hours of BL2 then lost my saves (where I had multiple characters and tons of gear at level 72), I haven't had the will to go back to it since but I think this will bring me back, at least for a while.

Edit, here are the trailers:

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My copy of Borderlands is on PS3, so no free upgrade for me on that but I've got the handsome collection for PS4 (as well as Borderlands 2 psvr) so I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks on my PS4 pro. And back on topic I'm really looking forward to BL3 being released. It's a good marketing strategy to give the free upgrades to get people playing BL again so they remember how much fun they are and hopefully (for them) jump straight to BL3 on release.
From reading it, that "free" is only the upgrade if you have borderlands already.
Not the whole game.
So it's most likely a clickbate title.

Could've been worded better, both by them and me. PC owners get the upgraded version of Borderlands free if they already own it, everyone else has to buy it separately. I think the other stuff is free for all existing owners?

Also there's a well-discounted Borderlands bundle on Steam that doesn't double-charge for stuff you already have, so I could get all the DLC for TPS (which is the only stuff in the bundle I don't own) for just over £2. Might just do it, even though I didn't really like the game when I first tried it I might get into it this time.

Not sure about BL3, it'll have to be pretty spectacular to beat my expectations and I don't think Gearbox can deliver. Everything they've done since BL2 was awful, as were large parts of BL2 and its DLC. Still, maybe it'll be great, I'll keep an open mind.
Leaked September 13th release date along with Gold skin weapon pack for pre-order.
Exclusively on "Epic Stores"
Urgh not this epic store exclusive crap again. I will not be getting it if it is, I already have enough game launchers as it is. I was really looking forward to it as well, At least I will be able to enjoy the remasters.
Urgh not this epic store exclusive crap again. I will not be getting it if it is, I already have enough game launchers as it is. I was really looking forward to it as well, At least I will be able to enjoy the remasters.

I think the reason why they would do that is "Cross-Platform" co-op.
Just my thoughts.
2K/Take Two has exclusive publishing rights for Borderlands 3 and makes all decisions regarding price-points, territories, distribution and platform partnerships. Please direct all inquiries regarding any of those topics to 2K. We are *just* the talent. As a customer, I’m happy to shop in different stores – already do! I’ve bought games from Xbox, Playstation, Switch, Steam, Origin, GOG, Humble, Uplay, Epic and other stores. To me, exclusives are fine when they come w/ advantages and when they are short – say, six months For what it’s worth, 2K’s decisions aside, myself and the team at Gearbox have a very keen interest in cross-platform play. We believe multi-platform support is a pre-requisite and Epic’s leadership with cross platform support is helpful to our interests there.
Cross platform play was possible between the Steam and PS4 versions of Rocket League long before the Fortnite thing, this is just Randy shilling for Epic. Cross-platform play in Borderlands would be horrible for most PC players anyway, the gap between keyboard & mouse and controllers would mean they'd be doing all the work... It's not as if BL2 struggled for players either, SteamDB's graphs for it look pretty healthy.
Just been confirmed.
September 13th.
PC - Epic Store Exclusive. (Will come to other store fronts in April 2020)
Microsoft has confirmed also Cross Platform for Borderlands 3.
lol Randy, It's about a decade too late for people to believe you weren't the one who suggested the idea in the first place.
So borderlands 3 will come in 4 different packages.
Super Deluxe

Standard game: $59.99
  • Pre-Order bonus of Gold weapon skin pack.
Deluxe Game: $79.99
  • Retro Cosmetic Pack
  • Neon Cosmetic Pack
  • Gearbox Cosmetic Pack
  • Toy Box Weapon Pack
  • Equippable XP & Loot Drop Boost Mods
Super Deluxe: $99.99
  • Season Pass
  • Deluxe Items.
  • Pre-Order Bonus.
Collector. $249.99
  • Loot Chest.
  • Super Deluxe
I'd likely get the Deluxe version of the game, won't risk the season pass stuff anymore. Though, Borderlands 1 and 2 had DLC worth getting, the Pre-sequel was a disappointment and I regretted the season pass (the game itself was good, the DLC not so much).
(Will come to other store fronts in April 2020)

Looks like I'm waiting until 2020 then. Unless the game is amazing, anyway, but from what I can tell from the couple of trailers I've seen (so obviously not much) there's not really any major innovations over Borderlands 2.

I won't support Epic's exclusivity drive, it's greasy and I don't like it. But, I am a gamer so I get extremely weak-willed when the game in question is actually good.
Looks like I'm waiting until 2020 then. Unless the game is amazing, anyway, but from what I can tell from the couple of trailers I've seen (so obviously not much) there's not really any major innovations over Borderlands 2.

I won't support Epic's exclusivity drive, it's greasy and I don't like it. But, I am a gamer so I get extremely weak-willed when the game in question is actually good.

Here is something that is kinda funny.

Borderlands fans are angry because it's a timed "Epic" store game.
"Randy" Blames 2K for it.
Here is something that is kinda funny.

Borderlands fans are angry because it's a timed "Epic" store game.
"Randy" Blames 2K for it.
it most likely is 2K as randy says they are just the "talent".
people like to point out that epic give a bigger cut to publishers, I am only guessing here but I would think the people that are making this will get paid a yearly salary(maybe a bonus for targets, game launches). So since the game is probably going to be same the price the only people better off are 2K.
Genuine question, not a jab at anyone. I am not a PC user, but what’s the problem with Epic store exclusivity? For the uninformed (me) it just looks like a competitor trying to draw in users, seeing the success of Steam and trying to emulate it. I can understand that Steam users might want all their games in one place, especially on a platform as well established as Steam, though.
Genuine question, not a jab at anyone. I am not a PC user, but what’s the problem with Epic store exclusivity? For the uninformed (me) it just looks like a competitor trying to draw in users, seeing the success of Steam and trying to emulate it. I can understand that Steam users might want all their games in one place, especially on a platform as well established as Steam, though.

Other than the ****** move to pull a game that was marketed and pre-sold on/for steam. (they already said stuff like that won't happen anymore, lets see..) Nothing really, other than ppl moaning about getting another launcher.

Then again, epic store/launcher still objectively is much worse in all kinds of features compared to Steam.

Other than that... no good reason to cry about it.. :)