chromatic9's photo work -

  • Thread starter chromatic9
This thread is just loaded with pics that help show how great F3 truly looks. I cant wait to see what you do with F4.
Thanks guys and CAMAROBOY69.

Hopefully I can get to grips with FM4. No doubt it'll be immense with many great pics from the community.


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The first one is really photorealistic! almost flawless! The background stuff are really nicely modeled too, look at them chairs lol.
The first one is really photorealistic! almost flawless! The background stuff are really nicely modeled too, look at them chairs lol.
Yup the only thing that kills that first C6 Corvette pic in post #67 is the passenger rear tire with the notorious "floating" effect. Still a great shot but hopefully the floating tire issue is resolved in F4.
I do like seeing the amount of detail in the tire treads in F3. You dont see that much tire detail in many racing games at all.
UkHardcore23, yes that's Forza 3. ZR1 is a great model which helps.

jakenj9, Capture card is installed into my PC in one of the PCIe slots and then I connect the Xbox to it through an HDMI cable.