COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
I bet @Warte saw this coming.
Well... He will be indicted (and later convicted) for that.
And for a vulgar attempt to steal presidential gift jewelry from Saudi Arabia.
And for his attempted election overthrown, and Coup. All those processes will run at the Supreme Court (the same that he tried to overthrown, so... yeah it's a matter of time).

Not to mention that he is barred from running at least until 2030, since he used government staffers, the state television channel and the presidential palace in Brasília to tell foreign ambassadors that the country’s electronic voting system was rigged.

Unfortunately, I don't believe that it will be possible to make him pay for the thousands of people that died because of his perverted behavior during Covid... But my brothers in Christ, he will rot in jail.
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After multiple bouts of Covid last year, mainly due to having virtually no immune system due to medications I have to take, I finally became eligible for my fourth booster on the 20th of this month. Unfortunately I fell ill on the 19th so I had to cancel my appointment.

Come today, the 25th here, I did another RAT (after being negative on the 20th) due to me totally losing my sense of smell last night, and wouldn't ya know it, positive once again.

I am normally eligible for the antiviral that's available and did have great success with it last time, but of course this only happens on the sixth day this time so I'm no longer eligible for the antiviral due to being outside the allowed 5 day window.

24 hours out... twice! Damn you Covid!

Oh well, at least I'm not as bad (so far 🤞) as the first couple of times I had that nearly put me in hospital... and have an absolute angel of a wife that looks after me.
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The FDA has authorized a new drug, Pemgarda, for immunocompromised people.

Also, apparently, double-jointed people have a higher risk of long-COVID, which is certainly a study I would've never thought of. Supposedly, double-jointed people are 30% more likely to have it.