CyberPunk 2077

Gameplay looks exquisite.. You can tell they have put everything they have into it.

The driving mechanics don't look great at the moment, but I'm hoping that is because of the pre-alpha nature.
The thing that impressed me the most is that it "looks like a real game". While they kept repeating that a lot of the stuff on display is work in progress, I have to say that it looked pretty damn impressive for a title that has no release date yet.
I haven't been following this much but saw the playthrough vid. I have to say I wasn't impressed with the graphics. It looks average and reminds me of how Watch Dog's was supposed to look (E3 trailer) vs what we actually got (gameplay). Probably hindered by this generation of consoles which are nearly at the end of their lives.

However the gameplay (or rather the potential scope of stuff to do) looks excellent and seeing as it's an open world game with so much going on I can slightly forgive it. I think the only devs that could do a better job with open world realism would be Rockstar but they have endless experience, resources and money.
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I felt it was so cliche. The way people talk the accents etc.... been here done that, only in a different setting. Maybe I’m just getting old.
Even more then at the anouncement I am even more disppointed it isnt a third person game. Personally I just cant enjoy FPS games.
Opposite for me. I cannot stand third person in any game that clearly could work in first person.

I know my opinion is not supported by many. It is weird, but the larger pov immerses me more into a world. The limited pov just gives me a feeling of tunnelvision. In a 3d world with height, climbing jumping all seem unnatural to me. Especially climbing something, they require you walking up against a wall or tree.

I am curious though, why dont you like third person view?
I know my opinion is not supported by many. It is weird, but the larger pov immerses me more into a world. The limited pov just gives me a feeling of tunnelvision. In a 3d world with height, climbing jumping all seem unnatural to me. Especially climbing something, they require you walking up against a wall or tree.

I am curious though, why dont you like third person view?
Because I don't look at myself from above and behind in the real world. I look through my eyes. I expect games to let me do that. I do play 3rd person games but not if I think they could work as well in 1st person. That's why I didn't buy Anthem. I downloaded a demo looked through the options couldn't find 1st person, tried the game and couldn't understand why it was locked to 3rd person. Deleted it and I will never buy it.

I get your point about FOV and agree. In Destiny 2 if there is any jumpy platformy thing to do I equip a sword. That switches me to 3rd person and I can see where I'm supposed to jump.
I suppose the choice of perspective (1st or 3rd person) realy depends on what the developer is trying to do with the main character and how you are supposed to relate to them. In some 1st person games, the idea of using that perspective can sometimes be to draw you into being that character, you see thier world in the same way you do our own. Whereas with 3rd person perspectives you are always controling someone else, you may be able to customise that character and even make them resemble you to some degree, but the feeling is of controling someone else from a distance rather than being them.

I personaly do feel that first person games draw me into the character in a different way than 3rd person games do. Both have thier place and both can not just have an effect on gameplay but also on the story telling too and certain games will suit one perspective over the other.
Because I don't look at myself from above and behind in the real world. I look through my eyes. I expect games to let me do that. I do play 3rd person games but not if I think they could work as well in 1st person. That's why I didn't buy Anthem. I downloaded a demo looked through the options couldn't find 1st person, tried the game and couldn't understand why it was locked to 3rd person. Deleted it and I will never buy it.

I get your point about FOV and agree. In Destiny 2 if there is any jumpy platformy thing to do I equip a sword. That switches me to 3rd person and I can see where I'm supposed to jump.
I suppose the choice of perspective (1st or 3rd person) realy depends on what the developer is trying to do with the main character and how you are supposed to relate to them. In some 1st person games, the idea of using that perspective can sometimes be to draw you into being that character, you see thier world in the same way you do our own. Whereas with 3rd person perspectives you are always controling someone else, you may be able to customise that character and even make them resemble you to some degree, but the feeling is of controling someone else from a distance rather than being them.

I personaly do feel that first person games draw me into the character in a different way than 3rd person games do. Both have thier place and both can not just have an effect on gameplay but also on the story telling too and certain games will suit one perspective over the other.

It would be great if developers would cater to both preferences similar to GTA 5. The best of both worlds.
News of delay until sept 17th 2020 on n4g. Im waiting for a ps5 enhanced version, not just a backward compatible port. I think they will make a ps5 version with enhanced everything even physics, at least im hoping.
Im guessing there will be a choice of just using your ps4 copy with ps5 compatible enhanced patch or pay for a full ps5 upgraded version.
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Well that sucks, I'll wait until the PS5 comes out before I get this. It seems like it will be a similar to the GTA 5 launch.
There's an online live event in 40 mins i think on youtube for 2077.
New gameplay, trailer and dev discussion..

Edit:looks like there will be sort of investigative parts in crime scenes that seem inspired from detroit become human. Looks pretty neat. Was cool to see a little more gameplay and explanations of it.
Looks immersive, im intrigued to try it , hope vehicle feel is fun, not so convinced on that from cockpit view i just saw. I did miss some parts, they showed 3rd person driving i think, I'll try look for it.

Nov 19th 2020 release date.
Edit: surprised they seem to say it launches on that date on all platforms including newgen consoles ps5, series x.
Edit2: of course that was an ign guy saying that, although he was talking to Pawel the dev and he just nodded like agreed, but on the trailer at the end it just says also plays well on ps5, series x. So i guess means whenever those are available.
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I think they mean that the PS4 and XB1 versions will be compatible with PS5 and XBX respectively when the consoles launch, but the proper PS5 and XBX versions of the game will be launched when they're ready. They have talked a lot about gatting a free upgrade to the XBX version if you own the XB1 version as well.
I’ll be very surprised if a higher quality ps5 version isn’t available when that console launches.
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Wow... this place is dead quiet. Am I the only one extremely excited about this game or what?
This most likely will win many GOTY awards, if it is actually released this year.
Now that the dreaded day 91 has passed (the last two delays have been exactly 91 days before the release date), seems like it actually will be out in November.

Anyway, here are a few of the latest videos.

Night City Wire Episode 1:

Night City Wire Episode 2:
Wow... this place is dead quiet. Am I the only one extremely excited about this game or what?
This most likely will win many GOTY awards, if it is actually released this year.
Now that the dreaded day 91 has passed (the last two delays have been exactly 91 days before the release date), seems like it actually will be out in November.

Anyway, here are a few of the latest videos.

Night City Wire Episode 1:

Night City Wire Episode 2:

Game looks great, just seems like most of the buzz has been around the new xbox and playstation, hopefully it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
Game looks great, just seems like most of the buzz has been around the new xbox and playstation, hopefully it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
I wouldn’t worry about it. My worry is that it will not live up to the hype. Seems to good to be true, but CDPR has a good track record, so I hope they deliver again.
I wouldn’t worry about it. My worry is that it will not live up to the hype. Seems to good to be true, but CDPR has a good track record, so I hope they deliver again.
I'm extremely excited for this game, but there's not much discussion going on here haha. It's a PC purchase for me. All of the people who have had a few hours with it have given great feedback so hopefully it will live up to the hype.
What life path are you going to pick for your first play through? Nomad, street kid or corpo? I’m thinking corpo. I usually play as stealthily as possible and try to avoid direct confrontation with enemies if at all possible, so I think my style fits well with corpo’s background. So far we know that the prologue will be different for each lifepath and there will be specific dialogue options for each, but I really hope there is even more than that.

I usually don’t do multiple playthroughs for games partly because I don’t have much time to game, but also because new ones don’t feel different enough. Having some uniqueness to each lifestyle (on top of already allowing you to customise your character quite a bit) may have me change my mind this time.

Still debating whether to get it on PC (I only have GTX 1070) or PS4 (and then upgrade to PS5 for all the ray tracing goodness). I think PC will give me better graphics and framerate at launch, but once proper PS5 support arrives (probably early next year) that version should be better. Probably will start with PC and if the game as good as I hope upgrade to PS5 later on.
I'm leaning towards corpo too, I prefer not to go guns blazing and take my time and try to find different ways around a situation. But I also like the idea of the Nomad, starting outside the city and then going in as part of a job and getting caught up in everything from here.

Street kid is the one I'm least interested in, but it still sounds interesting, I'll probably give the the game a couple of play throughs if I can.

I'm running a GTX1080 powered laptop at the moment, but I'm planinng a tower PC build once the proper 4th Gen Ryzen processors and the 3000 series RTX cards are out. It's going to be a media centre and gaming machine.