"Daily" Race Discussion

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Did a few quali laps for race C and am I the only one who totally hates the first sector? Basically just the bit we don't use for N24.
Good Ol Herman Tilke. That's who you need to speak to about it. And also tells you everything you need to know.

So with a day off due to my Birthday yesterday I was able to hop on this morning for a go at the Dailies.
I was the only one flying the BRZ flag in Race A. (I prefer Scooby to Toyota generally)
I start 8th with a time similar to Norrin's. I go slightly deep into turn 1 but ahead are 3 cars in the gravel and 2 with a penalty. So I'm into 4th by turn 2. However one of the cars came back on and tapped my rear quarter. I never knew but got 2 seconds for it. I will post the video in the penalty thread as it truly belongs there. I get past 1 guy but lose a place again having to defend for 2 laps. So I finish 4th. Not bad.

Race B. Break out my Pug as I haven't used her in a while. Qualify 11th. The car in first decides to do some breakdancing on the grid.

This is a lesson in what will happen. I make decent progress as carnage ahead takes out some people. I pass a WRX on the outside of turn 4 and he plays very fair. Next up is the dancing VW with 1 bar. I pass him after they take a penalty. However into the church corner they decide to send it and knock me wide. This allows the WRX back past and the VW gains a 2 second penalty. They are then slow up the hill and I repass them after the brow. I am fearing the worst. I brake and make the corner fine on the inside but the VW shoots on into the barrier. They then quit. I feel it was all lag on their part and it is better they are out of the race. I pass the WRX again by dint of having more grunt. I'm slowly catching a Dutchman in a Jag battling with a couple of VW's. Last lap and a VW runs wide in the kink at the top of the hill. The Jag goes to the inside and the VW tries to wall them. The Jag must be focused on the VW as he runs into the other VW at the last hairpin almost spinning them. Both VW's run wide allowing myself past on the run out of the corner. The Jag gets away scott free. I cross the line in 5th. But I may have had a better result if I wasn't hit off by the laggy Italian.

Race C. Very frustrating. This isn't my favourite track on this game. I jumped into the RC-F as it is Super GT's favourite combo. The car felt o.k. It could do everything well. Qualified 15th with my snail paced lap. Again made some positions due to other's misfortune. A Frenchman was diving everywhere and got passed me rudely twice constantly picking up penalties. However I eventually got onto the back of a Spaniard in an AMG. He had just been passed rudely twice himself and must have had enough. He was blocking and brake checking me everywhere. I got annoyed so forced myself past when they opened the door at Warsteiner. I expected a revenge punt at the NGK but it never came. Instead I run a little wide. This puts the AMG up my inside for the last corner. I give them space on the inside but get the better exit, they did not like that. Well see for yourself.

They go full power and turn into my rear quarter. Boom round I go. Tyres ruined I still manage to pass a crawling Beetle. However into the NGK they hit me and round I go again. I thought that was a mistake but looking at the replay they only brake at 5% only going full brake once they hit me. Why? Just why?
I run around after that DFL only passing those who quit including my Spanish friend.
Good Ol Herman Tilke. That's who you need to speak to about it. And also tells you everything you need to know.

So with a day off due to my Birthday yesterday I was able to hop on this morning for a go at the Dailies.
I was the only one flying the BRZ flag in Race A. (I prefer Scooby to Toyota generally)
I start 8th with a time similar to Norrin's. I go slightly deep into turn 1 but ahead are 3 cars in the gravel and 2 with a penalty. So I'm into 4th by turn 2. However one of the cars came back on and tapped my rear quarter. I never knew but got 2 seconds for it. I will post the video in the penalty thread as it truly belongs there. I get past 1 guy but lose a place again having to defend for 2 laps. So I finish 4th. Not bad.

Race B. Break out my Pug as I haven't used her in a while. Qualify 11th. The car in first decides to do some breakdancing on the grid.

This is a lesson in what will happen. I make decent progress as carnage ahead takes out some people. I pass a WRX on the outside of turn 4 and he plays very fair. Next up is the dancing VW with 1 bar. I pass him after they take a penalty. However into the church corner they decide to send it and knock me wide. This allows the WRX back past and the VW gains a 2 second penalty. They are then slow up the hill and I repass them after the brow. I am fearing the worst. I brake and make the corner fine on the inside but the VW shoots on into the barrier. They then quit. I feel it was all lag on their part and it is better they are out of the race. I pass the WRX again by dint of having more grunt. I'm slowly catching a Dutchman in a Jag battling with a couple of VW's. Last lap and a VW runs wide in the kink at the top of the hill. The Jag goes to the inside and the VW tries to wall them. The Jag must be focused on the VW as he runs into the other VW at the last hairpin almost spinning them. Both VW's run wide allowing myself past on the run out of the corner. The Jag gets away scott free. I cross the line in 5th. But I may have had a better result if I wasn't hit off by the laggy Italian.

Race C. Very frustrating. This isn't my favourite track on this game. I jumped into the RC-F as it is Super GT's favourite combo. The car felt o.k. It could do everything well. Qualified 15th with my snail paced lap. Again made some positions due to other's misfortune. A Frenchman was diving everywhere and got passed me rudely twice constantly picking up penalties. However I eventually got onto the back of a Spaniard in an AMG. He had just been passed rudely twice himself and must have had enough. He was blocking and brake checking me everywhere. I got annoyed so forced myself past when they opened the door at Warsteiner. I expected a revenge punt at the NGK but it never came. Instead I run a little wide. This puts the AMG up my inside for the last corner. I give them space on the inside but get the better exit, they did not like that. Well see for yourself.

They go full power and turn into my rear quarter. Boom round I go. Tyres ruined I still manage to pass a crawling Beetle. However into the NGK they hit me and round I go again. I thought that was a mistake but looking at the replay they only brake at 5% only going full brake once they hit me. Why? Just why?
I run around after that DFL only passing those who quit including my Spanish friend.

I've had similar experiences today, in my first race I started in P4 and almost at the back was a driver named after a American prairie wolf and the devil's number. I thought I was safe. Then the player in p3 doesn't like that I pass him cleanly in sector 1 so he goes inside in the turn before the penalty zone and pushes me off to DFL...
Well, back on the horse (Corvette in this race) and giddiup again. When I come up behind the player with the wolf and devils number they are in full battle with a French player. I hang behind and wait. They run in to each other and I can make a clean pass.
I finished as p11.
Next race, a friend and the Player with the wolf name and the 666 in their name is there too.
I greet both and wish them a good race and food luck. This time my time of 1:57 gives me p11.
Again I am pushed off going around on the outside. So fighting back up. Come up behind the player mentioned before, in full battle with someone else, but see me and make room for me to pass!
I was surprised and happy to see that! I for one is going to continue to be polite to this player.
Finished p5 in the end.
Took a few laps in the RCZ afterwards and improved my Q to 1:56 so going to test that tomorrow I think. A little worried about the tire wear though.
OJ I don't think he meant it as he initially tried to avoid contact. Looks like a D-pad player tapping and when he released his finger the car swung wide.

The AMG is usually good around NGK as it can FLY over the last chicane and when it lands there's no TC bog down, it just bites and goes.
I've been running the RSR around NGP. I love that car at this track, it's like it was made to match the turns. 4 of my 5 races have been really good with respectful driving and some fantastic side by side battles. The last was ruined by a single moron who thinks it's ok to just push everyone off all the time. I am ashamed to say that the second time he punted me I snapped and sought some revenge. Partially successfully (he finished second last, I finished last). Despite a heinous brake check and a full punt, I only lost 1 DR point. Go figure.
Race C for me this week on one of my better tracks pace wise. Managed a 54.9 in the genesis but both the genesis and merc show optimal of 54.4.

The merc is an odd character, cannot cross the second sector line below a 1.2.0, just cannot. But I gain MASSIVE amounts of time through the final chicane. I can hurl it through there on tc2 and as she land get on full throttle and she just goes, every other car bogs down or spins. Porsche in particular is miserable.

Did 2 races, strategy gains me a few places but I am REALLY struggling on the last lap of each tyre. I do 4M, 6S and the last lap on each set I am losing 2 seconds a lap to people around me.

My qualy time puts me mid pack against A drivers so let's see what happens this week.
I’m kinda opposite.
Brands was a much better race setup. With Nurb GP I don’t see any strategy. You have to stop so theres not a no stop option. There’s really no advantage to tire saving. Just two sprint stints. I raced a few tonight using the Mustang.
I went no qual in the Twitch/you tube special room and pretty much got destroyed. I didn’t warmup but even after I did I only ran a 55.5 in qual in the Stang.
I used to like this track but it’s become n100 Tsukubaesque with dirty play.
One race I started twentieth and 19th was mid chicane and I got his inside turn one so he laid back a bit then floored it and rammed me.
Later he divebombed and got through so I didn’t stop and waited up to greet him.
Last race I blew by an R8 and in the twisters it’s tap tap moving me offline a bit keeping me from my exit so finally I ran him off.
That race was going well until lap six I was just ahead of a car exiting the pits and he just made like he was gonna go straight to apex with me AND another car coming, he pit maneuvered me and I was reset. Ruined that race then I passed him later after he wiped out.
I’ve had a long string of crap luck at GP and I just don’t enjoy racing it.
I will try A this week maybe, should be absolute carnage but to be expected.
Race C is dirty if you don’t have crazy 53 pace.
I dunno what happened there everyone got way faster except me.
I used to be fast there.
I did have 2 races with the top room where I picked up a total of 17 spots but I didn’t have to do much to get it they were I guess taking each other out…
To me Nurb GP is a dirty one, OR maybe excellent if you are out front with a person or two to race.
At 55 pace it’s just a bloodbath.
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Like a lot of folks who have had the game since day one I only play every now and then. Last night was my first real session with the game this year.

Had a great time in race B!

Never drove Sardegna before so no-qualied it for a few races running round the back in a lambo for gits and shiggles and found a place here and there.

After a couple hours I was loving the track and even the penalty system seems to have been improved a bit since the last time I played.

Every time I come back to gt sport I almost forget how much fun the game within the game is - trying to drive clean but aggressive at the same time, improving just a place or two... hopefully by the end of the week getting to the point where I can challenge for a podium semi-regularly.

Good times.
Last night I had time just to run a bunch of Q laps at B and C, to see what sort of times I could run and see which cars I want to use for this week's races.

I dislike using the META, so the Scirocco was out of the question for Sardegna, and I first ran the GT-R and then the RCZ. I think it's mad an RCZ can run faster times than a beastly GT-R, but it can, and it did. I managed a 1:50:825 with much improvement left to be made. I'm not good at this circuit, at all, so I think it'll take a lot of practice before I'm capable of respectable lap times here.

Then old NGP. There wasn't a META when I was on (not sure if that's changed?) so I opted for the Hyundai Genesis for a first attempt, to see if it's balance of handling and power would work here - only managed a 1:57:2XX after 5 laps and couldn't find a good rhythm in it. So then I went back to the garage and hopped into the RCF and went faster on my opening lap which was messy at best! After a few more attempts I got that down to 1:55:830, which is getting there, but there's still much work to be done to be competitive.

Off to study the lap guides...
Last night I had time just to run a bunch of Q laps at B and C, to see what sort of times I could run and see which cars I want to use for this week's races.

I dislike using the META, so the Scirocco was out of the question for Sardegna, and I first ran the GT-R and then the RCZ. I think it's mad an RCZ can run faster times than a beastly GT-R, but it can, and it did. I managed a 1:50:825 with much improvement left to be made. I'm not good at this circuit, at all, so I think it'll take a lot of practice before I'm capable of respectable lap times here.

Then old NGP. There wasn't a META when I was on (not sure if that's changed?) so I opted for the Hyundai Genesis for a first attempt, to see if it's balance of handling and power would work here - only managed a 1:57:2XX after 5 laps and couldn't find a good rhythm in it. So then I went back to the garage and hopped into the RCF and went faster on my opening lap which was messy at best! After a few more attempts I got that down to 1:55:830, which is getting there, but there's still much work to be done to be competitive.

Off to study the lap guides...
From experience the genesis is the better race car. Have done 2 in the RCF and singles in the genesis and atenza so far. No qually off the backish went 17 to 7 in the RCF then 15 to 2 in the genesis and just went 16 to 5 on the atenza although that could have been 3rd with a better exit from the last corner after I tried the outside and we went 3 wide over the line. 0.258 between 3rd and 5th.
From experience the genesis is the better race car. Have done 2 in the RCF and singles in the genesis and atenza so far. No qually off the backish went 17 to 7 in the RCF then 15 to 2 in the genesis and just went 16 to 5 on the atenza although that could have been 3rd with a better exit from the last corner after I tried the outside and we went 3 wide over the line. 0.258 between 3rd and 5th.
Interesting! I definitely feel the Genesis is the more nimble car, but I feel more planted and generally faster in the RCF. And every race is different, right? I had some brilliant races at DTG in the Genesis a while back, and since then it's been one of my most-used Gr.3 cars. Felt like giving the RCF a try as it's more of a power car and that's what seems to work better for NGP. I'll definitely try both in the races though...
Tyre wear is better to me in the genesis than the RCF. The RCF is my manufacturer in the FIA series so I'm trying to use it as much as possible but also trying a few other cars tonight for fun.

Just ran the 4c and was nowhere
Race B...tried most of the garage except FF, best for me being the Mclaren.
And then up pops the Mustang, a car I could never get on with and thanks to @Groundfish's advice on driving it I set my fastest qually of 51.8 (but that's just me).
BB 0, TCS 2, early light braking and drive it roooound the corners and I'm loving it.

First race and players are pushing and bumping all over. One guy in a Scirocco pushed past me twice, crashing out after each one. ( No help from me, honest). The third time he came up against a blocking TT and had a bit of a tussle, during which I slipped past. Going up the hill he came alongside and kept pushing and bumping me over to the right. At the left over the brow I just turned as normal and unfotunately he got squished against the wall. Up to the sharp left with the TT behind I braked early and stayed right to watch him spear the wall. Kept 7th to the end with a CRB!

Through all this the Mustang never budged an inch! Thanks 'fish.
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Headed out to rep the BRZ in race A for a bit. Such a fun race once you get past turn 1 at the start. Room for some side by side. Some mid to big braking zones, rhythm sections. And with the speed and grip of that car there is a solid amount you can push and hustle the car to make it work on some sections. Had 1 rogue amongst the fields tonight but otherwise good racing.

And 3 CRB so more joy there than wrestling cars around that Nurb GP track that I just find hateful. The car and track combo for A is just so nice.
I have also really enjoyed it... at least at this point earlier in the week. Was able to post a pretty good QT and also able to repeat it so that I was really comfortable racing. In fact, my fastest laps have been in the races, as I keep leaving tenths out there when qualifying.

Was able to snag one win (ironically from 5th before I had put in a good time), but otherwise had a series of podiums while trying to keep up with a super fast Brazilian who was really fun to race with. I was getting faster and faster but was never going to catch him. a 2:13.8 was the best I could do after a few hours' work.

Also raced against the guy who has the top QT in the Americas... you are only shooting for 2nd place when that happens.

But I agree... the Toybarus are so fun to drive and race. So linear in throttle on and throttle off, and when you are right, it pays off with big chunks of time gained. They would make perfect instructional cars and they are really suited to GT Sport's physics model, with great feel, both on the steering and with the throttle control.

IMG_5087.JPG IMG_5088.JPG

Headed out to rep the BRZ in race A for a bit. Such a fun race once you get past turn 1 at the start. Room for some side by side. Some mid to big braking zones, rhythm sections. And with the speed and grip of that car there is a solid amount you can push and hustle the car to make it work on some sections. Had 1 rogue amongst the fields tonight but otherwise good racing.

And 3 CRB so more joy there than wrestling cars around that Nurb GP track that I just find hateful. The car and track combo for A is just so nice.
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Tried the WRX and the M6 at NGP.

I find the WRX a real handful on mediums. and tyre wear is an issue. I lost about 1.5s per lap on the last lap with each compound.

The M6 is a fun car to drive, but it is very tail happy. It’s no doubt a real weapon in the right hand, but so spend too much time counter steering to get the best out of it.

I’ll be mostly sticking to the RSR I think.
I tried the m6 too and it like to both slide under brakes and the tc cuts in too much on the gas.

The Porsche feels great until the last chicane, I have to tip toe through there, its just not happy and I lose a full second to the merc through there.

Also tried both lexuseseseses and got down into the low 55s but when pressing hard the tc is too intrusive.

Tyre wear on the merc is crazy bad so will try genesis tonight after qualifying well with it last night.
First Race C. No qualy to see how the SLS performs. Had a battle win an EVO. Ebbed and flowed not holding each other up as we swapped positions a couple times. I extended my gap, but got .5 for being on the edge of the left-hander, at the back end of the circuit. Was able to stay ahead of the EVO after serving the penalty.
SLS is faster, but the EVO held its tyres better. The Lap 5 stoppers were coming back to us after we both pit end of Lap 6.
A pack of four ahead of us, were just not giving any room for the last two laps. Their races were over as tyres were worn. I had gotten ahead of the Evo end of the penultimate lap. At the final turn, a Ford GT and WRX were fighting. The WRX rode the GT to the outer edge of the track. I went all the way to the right nearly on the pit wall as I expected something bad was about to happen.
Yep, GT stayed on the throttle and pitches perpendicular towards the flag box. I can't slow down and I'm stuck. T T-bone the right front tyre of the GT as it ghosts into the pit wall. No penalty.
That was enough for the Evo to outbrake me at T1 and I held station to the finish. Clean racing by that player.

Qualified for the next one in the RSR. Started ahead of the same player as they set a time as well. This time, switching to the previous race winning M POWER M6. Started mid corner. Got good traction to round the corner and gap the M6. Set my sights on a WRX ahead to see if I could maintain pace.
RSR is a beast. Passed another RSR that was so cautious. It set a qualy faster than me, but was ridiculously slow.

Caught and passed the WRX. Pulled away as I set on the Mustang 2 seconds ahead. The gap was fluctuating until the leaders pit Lap 5. They were on the RS.
I pit and come out 4 seconds behind the Mustang. Out lap, the gap stays the same. Next lap, it's all go. LAP 9, shaving time and getting to within one second. Mustang lets me go easily into T1 and I'm able to attack the Evo ahead.

Last lap, closing it quickly. Back straight, I catch it and wait for the chicane. We clear the chicane and I get the traction on corner exit to the final turn. Round the corner cleanly as the Evo gave room. Finish and congratulate the top three, as well as thanking the Evo & Mustang for Clean racing.
So I did some Daily Race Bs and it was eventful at best.

Tried the Veyron first until after the race, a DR A+ driver recommended me the RCZ as according to him, its quicker on the left handers of Sardgena A so I decided to try it then and I'm glad that I took his advice.

Had a couple of podiums but I'm just here to rebuild my DR and not do some crazy stuff.

There this moment where I took advantage of a situation where these two Sciroccos were just going at it at each other so I waited my opportunity and was able to strike.

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First Race C. No qualy to see how the SLS performs. Had a battle win an EVO. Ebbed and flowed not holding each other up as we swapped positions a couple times. I extended my gap, but got .5 for being on the edge of the left-hander, at the back end of the circuit. Was able to stay ahead of the EVO after serving the penalty.
SLS is faster, but the EVO held its tyres better. The Lap 5 stoppers were coming back to us after we both pit end of Lap 6.
A pack of four ahead of us, were just not giving any room for the last two laps. Their races were over as tyres were worn. I had gotten ahead of the Evo end of the penultimate lap. At the final turn, a Ford GT and WRX were fighting. The WRX rode the GT to the outer edge of the track. I went all the way to the right nearly on the pit wall as I expected something bad was about to happen.
Yep, GT stayed on the throttle and pitches perpendicular towards the flag box. I can't slow down and I'm stuck. T T-bone the right front tyre of the GT as it ghosts into the pit wall. No penalty.
That was enough for the Evo to outbrake me at T1 and I held station to the finish. Clean racing by that player.
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Qualified for the next one in the RSR. Started ahead of the same player as they set a time as well. This time, switching to the previous race winning M POWER M6. Started mid corner. Got good traction to round the corner and gap the M6. Set my sights on a WRX ahead to see if I could maintain pace.
RSR is a beast. Passed another RSR that was so cautious. It set a qualy faster than me, but was ridiculously slow.

Caught and passed the WRX. Pulled away as I set on the Mustang 2 seconds ahead. The gap was fluctuating until the leaders pit Lap 5. They were on the RS.
I pit and come out 4 seconds behind the Mustang. Out lap, the gap stays the same. Next lap, it's all go. LAP 9, shaving time and getting to within one second. Mustang lets me go easily into T1 and I'm able to attack the Evo ahead.

Last lap, closing it quickly. Back straight, I catch it and wait for the chicane. We clear the chicane and I get the traction on corner exit to the final turn. Round the corner cleanly as the Evo gave room. Finish and congratulate the top three, as well as thanking the Evo & Mustang for Clean racing.
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That was me in the GT I was sick of the guy punting me all race so tried to hold my line and he just bombed me straight off the road. Passed the guy 2 times the same lap and each time he bombed up the inside from a mile back and punted me wide. Hard enough in the mid engine cars without dickheads like that ruining your day. I had done the same as you and pitted lap 6.
First Race C. No qualy to see how the SLS performs. Had a battle win an EVO. Ebbed and flowed not holding each other up as we swapped positions a couple times. I extended my gap, but got .5 for being on the edge of the left-hander, at the back end of the circuit. Was able to stay ahead of the EVO after serving the penalty.
SLS is faster, but the EVO held its tyres better. The Lap 5 stoppers were coming back to us after we both pit end of Lap 6.
A pack of four ahead of us, were just not giving any room for the last two laps. Their races were over as tyres were worn. I had gotten ahead of the Evo end of the penultimate lap. At the final turn, a Ford GT and WRX were fighting. The WRX rode the GT to the outer edge of the track. I went all the way to the right nearly on the pit wall as I expected something bad was about to happen.
Yep, GT stayed on the throttle and pitches perpendicular towards the flag box. I can't slow down and I'm stuck. T T-bone the right front tyre of the GT as it ghosts into the pit wall. No penalty.
That was enough for the Evo to outbrake me at T1 and I held station to the finish. Clean racing by that player.
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Qualified for the next one in the RSR. Started ahead of the same player as they set a time as well. This time, switching to the previous race winning M POWER M6. Started mid corner. Got good traction to round the corner and gap the M6. Set my sights on a WRX ahead to see if I could maintain pace.
RSR is a beast. Passed another RSR that was so cautious. It set a qualy faster than me, but was ridiculously slow.

Caught and passed the WRX. Pulled away as I set on the Mustang 2 seconds ahead. The gap was fluctuating until the leaders pit Lap 5. They were on the RS.
I pit and come out 4 seconds behind the Mustang. Out lap, the gap stays the same. Next lap, it's all go. LAP 9, shaving time and getting to within one second. Mustang lets me go easily into T1 and I'm able to attack the Evo ahead.

Last lap, closing it quickly. Back straight, I catch it and wait for the chicane. We clear the chicane and I get the traction on corner exit to the final turn. Round the corner cleanly as the Evo gave room. Finish and congratulate the top three, as well as thanking the Evo & Mustang for Clean racing.
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I’m genuinely puzzled by the fact there aren’t more RSRs in the lobbies. I find it’s so good at carrying speed through corners and I can get on the power nice and early with minimal wheel spin. When you add this to the fact that even I can do a 4m6s strat it’s just made for this combo. Yet, I never see more than a couple in a lobby.

The new car du jour seems to be the Beetle. Man I dislike that car with a passion. Everything about it just grinds my gears.