Endurance Races

New Zealand
New Zealand
I following the Cafe Menu route for now but getting a little worried by lack of endurance races. Can someone confirm there are A Spec 24 hour endurance races (not time compressed)?
I following the Cafe Menu route for now but getting a little worried by lack of endurance races. Can someone confirm there are A Spec 24 hour endurance races (not time compressed)?
Not yet as far as I can tell. Not until menu 38.
I think they may be added as updates.
I following the Cafe Menu route for now but getting a little worried by lack of endurance races. Can someone confirm there are A Spec 24 hour endurance races (not time compressed)?
Is there really any need for them, given that you can set up any race you like in Custom Race?
I take great pride in having completed the previous 24-hour endurance races each over a weekend using only pause to go toilet. I was deeply disappointed when GT6 has compressed endurance races. GT Sport was even less satisfying. I pray GT7 has full-length endurance races but at menu book 35 I am not getting too excited. I guess it is just a symbolic venture giving evidence of my love of this game.
Yes, because I don't want to just set up some meaningless custom race. By your logic, why have any races in single player campaign mode at all? You can just set up whatever you want in custom race. It's not the same and you know it.
100% I agree here ridiculous arguments some people just to justify endurance races not being in.

All power to you my friend.

Most of us don’t have time to be doing these races. So I don’t see the point for them to add it.
I do endurance races in my free time even do it with a friend or a cousin at times.

Just because you dont see the point does not mean it deserves to be cut.
I take great pride in having completed the previous 24-hour endurance races each over a weekend using only pause to go toilet. I was deeply disappointed when GT6 has compressed endurance races. GT Sport was even less satisfying. I pray GT7 has full-length endurance races but at menu book 35 I am not getting too excited. I guess it is just a symbolic venture giving evidence of my love of this game.
Nope, no endurance races in menu books. It ends at 39 with a 2-7 lap group 3 championship. I love that championship, but it's no endurance.
It may be added later though in an update.
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I don't understand why it's so hard for Polyphony to just give people what they want. Read the comments on this forum. Most of us basically want a classic GT single player mode with all that entails, something akin to GT4, with current technology graphics and physics. If they do that they have a guaranteed money-maker. But no, they waste resources on rubbish like Music Rally that most people will play once and then never again, and leave out stuff that is fundamental to the classic GT experience like single player career mode endurance races. Baffling.
Is there really any need for them, given that you can set up any race you like in Custom Race?
Why even have any events at all then?
Most of us don’t have time to be doing these races. So I don’t see the point for them to add it.
Most people never complete the career mode at all. Not even the current extra small career mode, probably. Extra events should be for the people that do. The people that clearly have enough time.
Ofcourse it's possible. It was possible in GT5. There are other racing games that have/had it.
But is it also possibe in GT 7 when creating a custom 24 hour race? Can you save midgame?
Ofcourse I know you can create 24 hour races in GT 7. But is it possible to save them, do something else and return after a while to complete this race.

Or do you have to pause the game and put PS5 in restmode. But then you have the risk of the game force quiting itself.
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But is it also possibe in GT 7 when creating a custom 24 hour race? Can you save midgame?
Ofcourse I know you can create 24 hour races in GT 7. But is it possible to save them, do something else and return after a while to complete this race.

Or do you have to pause the game and put PS5 in restmode. But then you have the risk of the game force quiting itself.

Custom races are an afterthought considering the extremely low payouts. They've directly copied the custom races system from GT Sport and added a bugged custom grid feature. They're not going to put a feature like mid race saving in the game for custom races. Only if there's something in the career mode that warrants it, but considering there are no long races there is no point in having mid race saving so far.
Endurance races don't have to be 24 hours. A three hour race is considered endurance in the real world, and I think it's fair to consider 60 mins likewise on a video game.

I don't think there's a single event in GT7 that requires more than one pitstop, and even those that do (10 laps max?) are only due to exaggerated tyre wear and fuel consumption.

Appreciate that Polyphony have good form for adding content, but the omission of any sort of proper endurance races or championships at launch is really disappointing.
You can still recreate endurance events, 240 minutes of Le mans, set time factor to 6x, gives you 24 hour period compressed into 240 minutes, add weather as needed.

Custom Race mode is a welcome bonus, but needs more refinement, that said probably where I spend most of my time

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