Everything GTPDC/GTPC: FAQs, Rules, Judging and Directions

  • Thread starter Thio

Hello and welcome to the Q&As of the GTPDC and GTPCs! Here, most of the frequently asked questions are posted to help others find the answer to the frequently asked questions. If you have a question, please post it in this thread and then the members of GTP will try to answer as best as they can. So here they are:

1. I am new to this GTPDC and GTPC thing. What should I do?

Read on :P lol. Also, if you are interested in participating in the GTPDCs and GTPCs, please visit the GTPDC/GTPC Rules and Directions thread.

2. So, what are the GTPDCs and the GTPCs?

The GTPDCs, also called the GTPlanet Drift Competitions, are basically competitions held at a certain track where drifters from around the world can show off their drifting skills in a competitive environment. Back in the beginning of summer 2002, Thio and LanEvo decided to put together the first GTPDC because there was a lot of demand to know how good members are compared to others. This became a success and that is what brings the GTPDCs to where it is now. There are two divisions in the GTPDC: Amateur and Professional. Usually, new members would compete in the Amateur division to see how they fare amongst other members in the competition. Members in the Professional division usually have a lot of experience in drifting and have great knowledge of drifting. If you would like to participate in the GTPDCs, check out the thread at the top of the forum! It's very exciting to watch, so don't miss it!

The GTPCs, also called the GTPlanet Challenges, give opportunities for members to challenge one another to see who is better at drifting. There is a ladder setup by Thio that lets members see how other members stack up against one another. There are two ladders: one for individual members and the other for teams. Want to know more about the GTPCs? Click here!

For all the rules and directions about the GTPDCs and GTPCs, please visit this thread: Rules and Directions for GTPDCs 'n GTPCs

3. Is there any way that I can join the GTPCs?

Go to this thread to find out more about how to register for the GTPCs: Everything GTPCs: Ladders, Registration, and more.

4. How can I register for the GTPDCs?

If you want to join in the action, register in the current GTPDC thread and then make an entry by the deadline posted below. Also, make sure that you read the Rules and Directions thread.

5. Why do you keep on mentioning, "Read the Rules and Directions thread" so much?

Because that is the foundation of how the GTPDCs and GTPCs run. It is like joining any other tournament or competition: they make sure you understand the rules and regulations before they allow you to compete. So please read the Rules and Directions thread ;)

6. What happens if I do not want read the Rules and Directions thread?

Well, if you know how the GTPDCs and GTPCs work off the top of your head, then you do not have to. If you assume you think you understand the rules and directions make a mistake and then when a head judge asks you if you understood the rules and directions and you say no, then you are in big trouble. So make sure you read the Rules and Directions thread or else something bad may happen to you *big eyes*

7. What kind of equipment do I need to participate in the GTPDCs and/or the GTPCs?

In order to turn in an entry, you must have a video capture card to upload your replay(s) to the computer. Some members use a Pinnacle TV card and then record the replay to the computer. Other members use Dazzle and or some other brand. Here's what they say:
Well, ofcourse! I personally use the Win TV USB...which is decent for 40 dollars but it's not AS clear as pinnacle ones etc.
Do you have money?
If so: Buy a video capture card...
I'm not sure how good this one is... but it's cheap (in no way am I advertising it... it's just what I found)
One way to record your drift clips is to get a video capture card, like a Pinnacle PCTV or something similar. You plug in the RCA connectors from the PS2 into the card and then use the software that comes with it to record your drift clips directly from your PS2. It also lets you watch TV on the computer :D
Well, now that you have heard from them what kind of video capture card they use, go get one and join this place of fun and excitement!

8. What if I do not have a video capture card? Can I still participate in the GTPDCs and/or the GTPCs?

I only know of two ways that you can participate. Here's one way: find a friend who has a video capture card and ask them to record your replay onto their computer and either you or your friend can upload the entry onto a server. Another way is that if you have SharkPort and you have the ability to upload your replay onto your computer, then you can send it to another member on GTP who has a SharkPort and a video capture card and you can ask them to make the entry for you. So far, those are the only two alternatives that I know of if you do not have a video capture card. Other than those two alternatives, you cannot participate in the GTPDCs and/or GTPCs without a video capture card.

9. I feel like I have enough experience in drifting. Is there anything else I can do other than compete?

Yes as a matter of fact! You can become a judge or even a head judge of the GTPDCs and GTPCs to help evaluate entries and manage events! Go to the Judging thread to find out more about what it takes to become a judge or a head judge.

I hope that I have answered some of your questions. If you have anymore questions, please send a Private Message to me at Thio, find him on AIM at dn12tennis or email me at dang1087@gmail.com.

In this post, the rules and directions will be laid out and must be followed at all times during these events, so here they are:

-RULES- *Statements mentioned below apply to the GTPDC and the GTP Challenges*
  • Entries must include these items in the replay: Speedometer, Lap Time and G-Force Meter. Entries that do not include these items will be disqualified from the competition/challenge.
  • Entries must be seen through the perspective of a "Normal Replay." Entries that do not use this perspective will be disqualified from the competition/challenge.
  • Entries must NOT contain the name of the competitor. If the entry does include the name of the competitor, then the entry is disqualified from the competition/challenge.
  • An unedited replay of either a full lap or a particular set of corners which the competition/challenge takes place must be submitted. Any form of editing the replay will disqualify it from the competition/challenge.
  • The competitor must make sure that they will have enough time to obtain an unedited replay to turn in as their entry before the due date. If the due date has passed and the competitor has not turned in their entry, then they are disqualified from the competition/challenge.
  • It is suggested that the entries must be kept around a file size of 10 to 15 megabytes to keep the file easily downloadable for the judges and for those who have a narrowband internet connection.[/list=*]

    -> GTPDC Directions <-
    1. Upon entering a GTPDC, the competitor must state what the drivetrain of the car they will use and what division they will compete in to the Coordinator of the WEEK. They must concur to the requirements mentioned in each division before entering.
    2. Once the competitor has submitted their entry to the Coordinator, they must make a video file of their replay on their computer. For more information, please go to this thread (How to make videos) or use the search function.
    3. When the competitor has finished working on their best entry, they can either host their own entry or contact Ryen49 or Swift either on AIM or through Private Messages to see how they can upload their entry onto their server.
    4. Once the challenger has uploaded their entry onto a server, they must send a link (URL) to the Coordinator.
    5. When the Coordinator says that they have sent the PMs to the judges, wait for a week. By the beginning of the following week, the scores shall be posted.
    AMATEUR COMPETITORS:Do not turn in a whole lap replay for your entry. Include the corners specified, but make sure that you include the initiation of the drift in the beginning and then include the end of the drift in the end of the entry. If not, then it is up to the Coordinator to decide whether the entry is valid or not.

    -> GTPC Directions <-
    1. Upon making a GTPC, a competitor, or a team, must challenge another competitor, or a team, three positions above or below, in order to qualify a challenge.
    2. The competitors/teams must discuss what course, horsepower limits, tire limits, a due date and/or certain corners where the battle will take place.
    3. After making an agreement upon the circumstances mentioned above (among others that can be made between the challengers), each challenger, or team captain of each team, must contact one of the head judges to notify them of a challenge and the items mentioned above.This head judge will become the Coordinator of this challenge.
    4. Once a thread has been made with the challengers' names in the title: "GTP Challenge: (Team A) vs. (Team B)"by the Coordinator, the challenge has officially begun.
    5. When the challenger has finished working on their best entry, they can either host their own entry or they can contact Ryen49 or Swift either on AIM or through the Private Message System to see how they can upload their entry onto their server.
    6. Once the challenger has uploaded their entry onto a server, they must send a link (URL) to the Coordinator.
    7. When the Coordinator says that they have sent the Private Messages to the judges, wait for a week. Eight days after the Coordinator sent the Private Messages to the judges , the scores shall be posted.

    This applies to everyone: judges, head judges, competitors and challengers. This is similar to the, "Three strikes, you're out!" rule: Except you only get 2 Strikes
    • JUDGES: When a judge either misses the deadline to turn in scores, then there is a mark next to their name. If there are two marks within the two-month term, then the judge is not able to be on the Panel of Judges until the next term.
    • HEAD JUDGES: When a head judge either misses the deadline to turn in scores or does not compile the scores on time, then there is a mark next to their name. If there are two marks within the two-month term, then the head judge is not able to be a head judge the following term.
    • COMPETITORS: When a competitor is unable to turn in their entries on time, then there is a mark next to their name. If there are two marks within the two-month term, then they are unable to participate in the next GTPDC.
    • CHALLENGERS: When a challenger is unable to turn in their entry on time, then there is a mark next to their name. If there are two marks within the two-month term, then they are unable to challenge the same person again within the same term.

    However, if any member keeps on getting penalized, then it is up to the head judges' discretion on what their punishment is, no questions asked.

    The Three-Strikes Rule restarts every time there is a new rotation of judges.

    If the directions are not comprehendible or they do not make sense to you, please contact Thio either through a Private Message or on AIM at dn12tennis.

    *Edited on March 26, 2005 by Thio

-Exhibition Drift Judging Procedure-
Points will be awarded out of the maximum amount listed below:
Style (10 points)
Angle (10 points)
Smoke (5 points)
Control (10 points)

  • Smoke makes the drift more exciting. The more the better.
  • Style consists of how a person controls their car differently from the average drifter (how they drift the course). Points are awarded for uniqueness... etc...
  • Angle... the more the better. Because the above is completely left to personal judgment no point scale will be developed, but judges are expected to evaluate in an unbiased fashion.
  • Control consists of how smooth the car is being handled while drifting, Points are taken off for wall hitting/sliding, lots of stuttered counter-steer, poor line taking, etc...

-Racing Drift Judging Procedure-
Points will be awarded out of the maximum amount listed below:
Time (10 points)
Speed (10 points)
Style (5 points)
Control (10 points)

If more than two wheels leave the track the challenger must enter another video.

  • Style consists of how a person controls their car differently from the average drifter (how they drift race the course). It also includes a score for smoke (the more smoke is not better), unnecessary smoke as well as not enough smoke will count toward point deductions, but in general smoke from four wheels rather than two and moderate levels of smoke will be what the judges are looking for…
    *Speed and time will be determined by a submission of the following from the analyzer: speed, average speed, sector times, and lap time. Only the head judge will score this portion, in the following ways…*
  • Time will be scored on how fast the drifter is going. The faster competitor will receive a score of 10, while the slower one will receive a deduction of 1 point for every second lost to the opponent. For fractions of a second this proportion will be used in determining points.
  • Speed: I have done the scoring in this way because exit and average speed take more skill than entrance speed.
    A) Average exit speed in all sectors with corners will be 40% of the score for speed
    B) Average average speed in all sectors with corners will be given 40% of the score for speed.
    C) Average entrance speed in all sectors will be given 20% of the score for speed.
    In each of the above areas, the person with the higher average speed will receive a score of ten and for every MPH the slower individual will receive a deduction of .2 points in exit and average speed and .1 points in entrance speed.
  • Control will include line taking and slip angle, and will be judged by individual judges due to its nature. 40% of the score will be devoted to line taking, which involves proper apexing and the choice of a well chosen line (one that utilizes the road to the driver’s greatest advantage). 40% will be devoted to slip angle. Here the greater the angle does not necessarily grant a high score. Rather, the way that the slip angle is used will be of more importance, and things like clean exits and fast but controlled entries will be rewarded. 20% of the score will be reserved for deductions resulting from things like hitting walls and stuttered counter-steer (if these do not occur then they receive the full 20%).

*Modified on June 28, 2004 by Thio

*Modified on March 26, 2005 by Thio

-[Becoming a Judge]-

  1. Must be nominated by GTP community members.
  1. Turning in scores a week after entries have been sent to judges.
  2. Evaluating entries with an unbiased vision and give an adequate score upon what they think is the best score for that entry.
  3. Being a positive influence in the GTP community.
  4. Participating in at least 4 events, either in a GTPDC or GTPC.
  • Judges cannot compete in the events. Exception: they can make an entry for the competition, but it will not be scored.
  • If there is any sign of a biased judge toward one entry, they will be dismissed from duty.
  • Judges must be available for judging a competition or challenge. If they are not available, then they must provide a reason why. Unless excused, they must be available at all times.
  • Once judges are obliged to an event, either a GTPDC or a GTP Challenge, they are bound to fulfill their duty unless there has been a terrible situation happening with the judge. If so, the Coordinator of the event must be contacted immediately and must be excused from the Coordinator.

-[Becoming a Head Judge]-

  1. Must be nominated by GTP community members.
  2. Must be an established GTP member for more than half a year.
  3. Must have a drift video and/or display an adequate knowledge of drifting.
  4. Must be able to communicate with other judges and handle events.
  1. Handling events, both GTPDC and GTPC.
  2. Keep event(s) in check, making sure everything is on time (scores, entries, due dates, etc.)
  3. Evaluating entries with an unbiased vision and give an adequate score upon what s/he think is the best score for that entry.
  4. Being a positive influence in the GTP community.
  • Head judges cannot compete in the events. Exception: they can make an entry for the competition, but it will not be scored.
  • Head judges should be able to help each other out if the one in charge is in need of help.
  • If there is any sign of a biased head judge toward one entry, they will be dismissed from duty until the next term.
  • Once head judges are obliged to an event, they are bound to fulfill their duty unless there has been an unexpected situation on the judge. If this is the case, then contact one of the other head judges to handle the event. Pass on the necessary information (scores, entries, etc.) to make sure that the transfer of power is smooth.
  • The Coordinator (1 head judge) must manage the GTPDC. Other head judges can help if necessary.
  • The Coordinator must send the entries to the panel of judges on the GTPDC.
  • The Coordinator must compile the scores and post the results along with the entries.
*GTP Challenges*
  • The head judge that has been contacted about the challenge from the challengers will be the Coordinator. They will manage the challenge and make sure that everything is going as specified.
  • The Coordinator must manage the GTPC. Other head judges can help if necessary.
  • The Coordinator for the challenge must send the entries to the panel of judges on the GTPC.
  • The Coordinator must compile the scores and post the results along with the entries.

If you want to know how the entries will be scored, please visit this thread: How the Scoring Works

There are four positions for Head Judge and ten positions for the panel of judges. Here is the most current update (Will be updated after current nominations and voting):

Director: Thio

Head Judge:
1. TankSpanker
2. Ryen49
3. Swift
4. BreakerOhio
5. CMD

Judging Panel:

Judging Panel:

1. Droptop Chick
2. dking
3. NK4E
4. Suzuki
5. ForcedInduction
6. TRi
7. Sheron
8. Xsyorra
9. Delphic Reason
10. ToyotaDrifter
11. burnout060
12. 194GVan
13. Vinsion

There will be a thread every two months for a new Panel of Judges and new Head Judges. This is to help keep the Panel of Judges fresh.

I hope to see many new judges in the future!

Drift on...


*Edited on March 26, 2005 by Thio
maybe if i get a high-speed connection in the the future, i can provide judging help if needed.

good to see it back up. keep up the good work, thio.
Ranking System Suggestion

noticed the whole ladder thing has been removed (or skimmed past it without noticing it).

this is taken from the GTPDC Month 1 thread:

This might be a stupid idea, but I think we should have a points series here, kind of like the D1 series. Have 9 different competitions, at different tracks. That way, the competitiors would have 3 months of off time. We could have one every month even.

I got this idea while watching some D1 vids. I think it'd be a great idea to try here.

this got a few wheels turning upstairs in my head.....

reply to 123abc:
the problem with a points system is that someone who begins in the middle of 'a season' is at a natural disadvantage in the final points standings. If you plan to run the series 9 months there will be many people afected by this. Also, judges can make serious entries when they are on the panel, so they will also be disadvantaged.

the GTPDC thread talks about a ladder system sorta thing. I dont remember all the specifics at this point in time, but its there if you want to look at it.

Another way to rank drifters in a manner that doesnt handicap members who start late is by taking their average scores from all events entered.

ie) lets say that I score a 29 on this run. In the next two I score a 33 and a 28. Then I have an average score of 30.
now say..... Ryen doesnt make an entry this round b/c he's a judge. But in round 2 he gets a 33. Then on the third round he pulls a 27. Then he also averages out to a 30.

Such a scoring method (if we want to implement such a thing) is more forgiving to those who begin later, and will work with people's individual schedules better. On the flipside - once someone has entered many competitions their avg score will change less dramatically for each additional score considered. (sorta like my GPA...gets harder and harder to bring up each year)

to get around that, you might reset all scores every 5 events or so. Members who get off to rocky starts, but improve over time then will not have their initial, lower scoring entries pulling down their average. It would be a better way to analyse and compare members on a more isolated time frame.

or perhaps averaging only the most recent 5 scores, rather than dropping them. so when you get run your 6th competition, your first score gets dropped. so, for example, if you bomb on your 6th comp, it will just average in rather than sending you down in the hypothetical rankings. just an idea I got from reading yours. :D

I'm all for the combination of GVan's idea with mine. Average the scores of the most recent 5 entries (or less if just beginning) from drifters and create a leaderboard based on that. The head judge for the most recent competition could be responsible for compiling everything and creating an excel spreadsheet (or what-have-you).

so, the wheels are still turning... Now to expand upon this further:

the problem is it doesnt promote activity. Maybe average scores from last 5 comps held, instead of the last 5 entered? if someone enters three of last 5, take average of those three. that way it will compare everyone over the same 5 comps.... You wont end up with someone sitting on the leaderboard that hasnt participated in the last year or more. Kinda like the WRS leaderboared that flat-out slaves over (if you're familiar with it), except we wouldnt have to assign points to finishing positions - the judging takes care of that automatically.
just a thought, post yours.

concept leaderboards:
2 boards - 1 for race, 1 for exhibition.
each could have a column for driver name,
column for pro or amateur,
5 columns for the most recent scores,
a final scoring column for average score.
Then, on the next round, the scores from the first column would be dropped, the 2nd through 5th scores would be bumped back one, and the new entry is made. Once a template is created, updating would be incredibly easy. I'm happy to create it myself if there's interest in this concept.

if a drifter makes the transition from amateur to pro, they start fresh (unfair to carry scores due to different point distribution in judging) - and vice versa. Same holds true if they jump from race to exhibition, etc etc.

still looking for more feedback.

Do we want a leaderboard?
How do we want to rank drifters if we have one?
post your thoughts on this concept, or on your own ranking scheme.
Hmm...well. I see no reason not to have a current ranking display. It would be much easier then searching through all the GTPDC threads and trying to figure it out.

Also, dropping scores after a certain period of time makes sense. Especially if we get this thing going like it should. But that still shouldn't effect the current competition. For instance, TS is going into the third competition with a score of 30 and 31 for the first two. The third competiton results come it. TS gets a 27 and TRi got a 28 and this is TRi's first entry. Well, TS would have a higher average of 29, but TRi should still win that particular comp. See what I mean?
Hmmm....I have a couple of Idears..

the problem is it doesnt promote activity. Maybe average scores from last 5 comps held, instead of the last 5 entered? if someone enters three of last 5, take average of those three. that way it will compare everyone over the same 5 comps.... You wont end up with someone sitting on the leaderboard that hasnt participated in the last year or more.

How about this. Keep a rolling Average on each competitor for each season. Let them Drop the lowest after each event. If they are inactive for so many events they are penalised.
For example: Someone who enters one event and misses the next one. They are warned. If a person misses two events in a row or a certain number of events in a given period. Their best score would be dropped and average adjusted. In repeat offenders their Scores would be completely reset. That would keep activity up.

if a drifter makes the transition from amateur to pro, they start fresh (unfair to carry scores due to different point distribution in judging) - and vice versa. Same holds true if they jump from race to exhibition, etc etc.

I agree mostly. Going from Amature to Pro, scores are Reset. However, Switching from Exhibition and Race. No, just keep the scoring on entirely separate boards.

And Tanks Idea for the Board Setups: Perfect
How exactly are the D1 drivers scored and how does that work with the driver search and what not?

It would be cool to include a driver search sort of thing.
How exactly are the D1 drivers scored and how does that work with the driver search and what not?

It would be cool to include a driver search sort of thing.
Im pretty sure D1 scores are based on a combination of all competitions scores throughout an entire season.
...Maybe average scores from last 5 comps held, instead of the last 5 entered? if someone enters three of last 5, take average of those three. that way it will compare everyone over the same 5 comps.... You wont end up with someone sitting on the leaderboard that hasnt participated in the last year or more...
I like that idea, if you dont enter the competitions regularly, you dont hold your ranking. I also think its a good idea to have a leaderboard of some sort. Is that something that is within the capabilities of this board or would Microsoft Excel have to be involved?
dunno..... i'm pretty Jordan has some sort of software for constructing a leaderboard. Recall, he briefly had a forum setup for best lap times (like GTTimes). So...it might be possible. Swift, anything to add here?

I would personally just prefer excel. That way we know almost everyone can use it (don't need special forum status to edit it). Also, there's less new stuff to learn for me.

i'm really confused by this 'driver search' idea of yours. I know of it in real life.... but I dont think it would work well here. People should be free to enter whatever category of GTPDC they want without going through much preliminary hassle to get in. We need entrants more than anything.
dunno..... i'm pretty Jordan has some sort of software for constructing a leaderboard. Recall, he briefly had a forum setup for best lap times (like GTTimes). So...it might be possible. Swift, anything to add here?

TS, I think the leaderboards you had setup for the speed challenges would work just fine. I also agree that basing it in excel makes it a bit easier overall. Though I know some don't have excel.
TS, I think the leaderboards you had setup for the speed challenges would work just fine. I also agree that basing it in excel makes it a bit easier overall. Though I know some don't have excel.

(Luxy made the ISCC Leaderboard actually - and ya, it was sexy :sly: . I just did the car cost spreadsheet)

well then, that's that. Now I have a project for this afternoon.
I'll be back to this thread later with an excel attachment, and hopefully get some feedback on it.
(Luxy made the ISCC Leaderboard actually - and ya, it was sexy :sly: . I just did the car cost spreadsheet)

well then, that's that. Now I have a project for this afternoon.
I'll be back to this thread later with an excel attachment, and hopefully get some feedback on it.

Excellent. Bust it out bud. That should suffice quite well!
ok, here's the beta release of the leaderboard spreadsheet.

Just to give myself a more difficult time of coding it, I left the 7 most recent events in the spreadsheet. This offers slightly more flexibility in terms of participation. (you are penalized for missing 3 events, instead of 2). This can easily be changed - I just wanted to open up a few more options in terms of what the spreadhseet can handle.

play around with it, gimme some sort of feedback.

one thing to realize is that 0's are not to be entered prior to an individuals first entry. This really messes things up. the first entry should be made to slot 7, and then bumped to 6 and so forth as new entries are made. If an event is missed, then the score from 7 would bump to 6, and a 0 would be place in slot 7. If you play around a little with the spreadsheet this will all make some sense.

the jist of what I'm saying is: don't put in 0's as placeholders prior to a time that a member began competing, just leave the space blank. Only put in zero's after a member begins competing when they miss an event.

Also, if a member has entered less than 5 events, 0's should not be entered for missed comps. This is a little confusingat first, but after using the spreadsheet a bit it should make sense. This would penalize them on their first missed event, instead of their third. I'm trying to get the spreadsheet to figure this out for itself, but I haven't succeeded yet.
I'll continue working this out and see if I come up with anything.

ok, here it comes. attachment below.

edit: old attachment removed...see next post
ok, spent some time makin an even bigger nested-if statement and i think everything is now working as intended. You may place zero's within the first 5 missed events and all that stuff.

I put an example on this spreadsheet of three sample scoring scenarios just to demonstrate how the spreadsheet functions, and how the scoring can play out.

I would like to put either radio buttons or command buttons in row 5 below each heading but I cannot remember (or perhaps never knew) how to do the VB to make it work. What I would like, is for the button to be clicked and then the column beneath it would be sorted in descending order. If anyone can implement this into my spreadsheet or instruct me on how to do it, it would be greatly appreciated.

i'd also like to put my logic statements into VB instead of filling up the formula bar with some very unintelligible looking gibberish. But I have never used VB with excel - and the last time I used VB for anything was 4 years ago, so I'm more than a little rusty with it.

right, the new one is comin up...


  • GTPDC Leaderboard.zip
    9.3 KB · Views: 123
I'll see if I can't mess with it bud. Is this one locked?
I would like to join your guys drifts and events , i might not consider myself a pro but ive been drifting in gran turismo games for 6 years now with g25 and controller PSN: DriftKing9