F1 2013 Codemasters - All Setups (Dry & Wet)F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Adrianf1

After the success that had the video with the setups of last season with over 200,000 views and over 1,000 likes, this year I again bring a video compilation of the best setups that I've made for all tracks of F1 2013™ game in dry and wet conditions. All setups that appear in the video are compatible with all cars and are valid for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. As either one has a driving style, is posible that making some changes in the setup, you can adapt better, so also, It will serve you of reference for finish it.


After the success that had the video with the setups of last season with over 200,000 views and over 1,000 likes, this year I again bring a video compilation of the best setups that I've made for all tracks of F1 2013™ game in dry and wet conditions. All setups that appear in the video are compatible with all cars and are valid for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. As either one has a driving style, is posible that making some changes in the setup, you can adapt better, so also, It will serve you of reference for finish it.

Perfect setups mate. Many thanks! Its amazing nobody had replied to your post yet!!!
Hi just like to say thanks for the setups Adrianf1 just joined the site today and found the set ups great with a bit of tweeking here and there i have got them working fine even with my DFGT wheel so again thanks
Are these setups geared more for qualifying or racing? In other words how are they in regards to tire wear?. Thanks for your efforts, AdrianF1!

After the success that had the video with the setups of last season with over 200,000 views and over 1,000 likes, this year I again bring a video compilation of the best setups that I've made for all tracks of F1 2013™ game in dry and wet conditions. All setups that appear in the video are compatible with all cars and are valid for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. As either one has a driving style, is posible that making some changes in the setup, you can adapt better, so also, It will serve you of reference for finish it.

This is great work. Thank you. Obviously lots of time and effort put in. My question. I'm new to F1 2013 and downloaded it a few days ago from PS Store. Do I have to reach a certain level to unlock the ability to tune my cars? So far the only place that has this option is is through the Racenet screen. Also is there some online tutorial for game navigation? I'm having a lot of fun racing, but feel like I'm missing a lot of key features as compaired to GT5 and 6. Perhaps a bad download? I don't know.
This is great work. Thank you. Obviously lots of time and effort put in. My question. I'm new to F1 2013 and downloaded it a few days ago from PS Store. Do I have to reach a certain level to unlock the ability to tune my cars? So far the only place that has this option is is through the Racenet screen. Also is there some online tutorial for game navigation? I'm having a lot of fun racing, but feel like I'm missing a lot of key features as compaired to GT5 and 6. Perhaps a bad download? I don't know.

Never mind. Just discovered the TV monitor on the car in the garage. Duh! It's a whole new game now!
Hi been searching for help with setups......great thanks works perfectly finally got to win my first race at Hungary. Many thanks.

After the success that had the video with the setups of last season with over 200,000 views and over 1,000 likes, this year I again bring a video compilation of the best setups that I've made for all tracks of F1 2013™ game in dry and wet conditions. All setups that appear in the video are compatible with all cars and are valid for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. As either one has a driving style, is posible that making some changes in the setup, you can adapt better, so also, It will serve you of reference for finish it.

Nice setups, better than on http://ezaysetups.moonfruit.com/
just...on brazil dry condition...thats not the best, but all others are great, thanks!
you cant change setups when you choose 1 lap qualification, you have to let open park to change setups just before race. if you are in championship, save all setups dry/wet for every race, so you just have to load , when somebody want start race you have 30 sec. to adjust setups and race strategy
Hey Adrian , these setups are very nice for control and grip ,makes my drive feel a lot smoother.....

BUT the setup kills my tyres big time! I do a lot of 25% races and always loose seconds and I mean loads of seconds a few laps b4 pitting mega red tyres b4 I pit.

My other setups are fast and quite good for wear but harder to control, I'm always looking for setups and keep trying new ones and so far urs is best for grip and control ... But like I said tyre wear is to extreme on the setups, any chance of any tips to improve your tyre wear on them , don'treally under stand much on the setups always using setups from online.


Hey play on xXbox .

The main setup use for raw pace on most tracks is this:

1\1 or 2\1





11/1/1/1 for long straight tracks


I have the first 6 right to the Max and then gear 7 3 clicks left from Max and gear 8 5 clicks from Max

After the success that had the video with the setups of last season with over 200,000 views and over 1,000 likes, this year I again bring a video compilation of the best setups that I've made for all tracks of F1 2013™ game in dry and wet conditions. All setups that appear in the video are compatible with all cars and are valid for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. As either one has a driving style, is posible that making some changes in the setup, you can adapt better, so also, It will serve you of reference for finish it.

Your set ups are amazing!! Thanks a million!!!
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After the success that had the video with the setups of last season with over 200,000 views and over 1,000 likes, this year I again bring a video compilation of the best setups that I've made for all tracks of F1 2013 game in dry and wet conditions. All setups that appear in the video are compatible with all cars and are valid for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. As either one has a driving style, is posible that making some changes in the setup, you can adapt better, so also, It will serve you of reference for finish it.

Hi, how do I get to see the setups? It shows as private
Hello Adrian; I am late to the party here! The videos now say private and I can’t access them. Is there any way I can access your settings please mate? Thank you.
Hello Adrian; I am late to the party here! The videos now say private and I can’t access them. Is there any way I can access your settings please mate? Thank you.
Hi Mercury1, I have the same problem. Have you got access to the setups yet?