F1: 2014 on PS4/Xbox One/PCF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter 0zzy
Hey guys. I love the Codie's F1 series, its up there with Gran Turismo, Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid for me. Then again, I'm an F1 nut so kinda biased.

Anyway, F1: 2014 hasn't been formally announced but the developers have obviously started working on it. They said there are obvious improvements to be made; like the jump up to 1020p (HD) and 60FPS. They claim to be quite ambitious with the next iteration, or as they said "cooking up a storm". They also said that because of the power of the new consoles, instead of completely coding the game themselves, they can port F1 race teams simulator data straight to the console... not all of it, but some. Sources provided at bottom.

What's on your guys wish-lists? Be realistic, things that could realistically be put in.


1) A harder difficulty: I run all aids off (apart from auto gearbox on some tracks, i.e Monaco). The AI is to easy, I can take poles in a first year Caterham and win the championship in a Torro Rosso.

2) Tyre management: I felt the way I drove didn't affect tyre degradation at all, it would always wear out at the same rate. The feeling of the car once it was worn was good though. Also, warming up the tyres must also be a challenge. Guys like Kimi struggle with the fronts all the time, I'd love for my engineer to be telling me to be more aggressive on the fronts and actually feel the cold tyres.

3) Improved AI: Not much to this, AI is okay, better than GT - just more improvements

4) Race start/ Launch: Some sort of functionality which lets you actually control the start instead of full power wheel spin. I've tried modulating and all the AI shoot past you. Maybe pulling a gear or hitting a button when the lights go out and minimizing wheel spin?

5) Better damage!: Damage was horrible

6) More safety car: The safety car was awesome whenever it came out, felt great and really made the race come alive. Sadly, its only happened a handful of times despite some serious crashes.

7) Revamp R&D: There was no real 'r&d', it was just a gimmick. How about me choosing what my priority is, i.e front downforce, rear mechanical grip, brake stability etc - then the more laps I do in practice the further along the part comes until I have access to it. Some parts should slow me down, some should work but be unreliable. This would add worth to practice, let me adapt the car around me and add deeper customization into the game.

8) Cool down / victory lap: Once I've won, I don't wanna swap straight out to the menu. I want to soak in my winnings and enjoy it, let me run around with the team in my ear as I pick up marbles and park in parc ferme.

9) Press conference / podium / interview: They had it in the earlier games. Tbh, I'd love an extensive list of questions that effect your circumstances, but I know we wont get that. Some form of press conference/ podium or random interviews would be good though.

10) Warm up lap: Had this in F1: CE, does get irritating if you restart a lot. I can live without this, but would be cool.

Sorry for the extensive list, I'm really looking forward to it. Let me know what you think of my ideas, and share your own. I know how under-ambitious game devs can be, but I think my list can be easily implemented. There's no real elements, its just refinements and little bits added here or there to improve the overall package.

- http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/...-is-approaching-next-generation-consoles.html

- http://www.videogamer.com/xbox360/f..._a_storm_for_f1_2014_on_ps4_and_xbox_one.html

Regards, the 0zz.
I agree with everything there. The parade lap for me was really cool in F1: CE and I hope it comes back. Also full HD is 1080p not 1020p.
I just want them to make the cars perform like they do in real life, not get to say Austin and Vettel is 9th in the championship and Paul di resta 5th, you know what I mean?
Do they? Since when did Gutierrez finish 3rd in a gp? Or max Chilton finishing 8th, as an avid f1 fan that's just crazy. As mentioned before, more damage and to be able to get bogged in whatever sand traps remain.
Do they? Since when did Gutierrez finish 3rd in a gp? Or max Chilton finishing 8th, as an avid f1 fan that's just crazy. As mentioned before, more damage and to be able to get bogged in whatever sand traps remain.

Never seen it myself. Vettel took all 3 championships in the first 3 seasons of my career. Weirdest result I've seen is Sutil on the podium which has happened in real life before anyway.
Never seen it myself. Vettel took all 3 championships in the first 3 seasons of my career. Weirdest result I've seen is Sutil on the podium which has happened in real life before anyway.

Iam in my 4th season.

And Vettel finished 3rd in first season and alonso champion followed by Hamilton. I've won the last 2 back to back and had to battle it out with Hamilton on both attempts. And leading current championship in season 4 at Bahrain with webber in 2nd ATM, Vettel is 5th.
Iam in my 4th season.

And Vettel finished 3rd in first season and alonso champion followed by Hamilton. I've won the last 2 back to back and had to battle it out with Hamilton on both attempts. And leading current championship in season 4 at Bahrain with webber in 2nd ATM, Vettel is 5th.

Tbh, generally they do follow the right trend.

Freak results do happen - but that also happens in real F1. I've never seen a Marussia/Caterham score a point, apart from a wet Singapore where half the field crashed out.

The only issue I have is team mates, I see Roman Grosjean and Webber beating their world champion team mates - something that is very rare in real life.

P.S Guys, post your own wish-lists! I wanna see what everybody else wants.

+ I wanna add something else to my list (tell me what you think)

11) This is simple, but could make a big difference. In a 5 year season, I want atleast 2 seasons DOMINATED by a single driver a la Vettel (10-13) or like the Schumacher years. Why? It feels realistic, the idea of going into a season knowing you have one BIG rival. Also, its easy to win a championship when all the AI are falling over themselves and stealing points off each other. If my main AI rival was super consistent, constantly on the podium and winning, it'd make the overall championship very difficult even if they dont increase the difficulty of the AI (which I want). As I said, this continuing for 2-3 years would be cool.

12) Testing. Simply rebadge the 'young drivers' test and use testing. The game already has Jerez and Bahrain so it'd be easy. I hated the tutorial, instead let Testing be the kickstarter for season development. Let us pick a few parts we want prioritised and on the car for Australia, then lets run laps round which would allow us access to those parts. Idk why, but going relatively slowly, but doing consistent runs, would be fun.
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I agree with the testing, surely only so many years in a row they can milk the young drivers test before the not so young drivers among us get bored of doing the same tests year in year out.
I wish I could force feed my list down Codemaster's throat. Its so easy to transform good games like GT6 or F1:2013 into AMAZING games all they have to do is listen to the gamer. They all say they do, but I've never noticed something implemented that was player dictated.
Safety car, starting with a top team, mid race saves and classic F1.

Pretty good considering.

I'm talking about F1: 2014, I agree '13 was a pretty good game.

P.S I completed all the young drivers tests many times. This time, when I rebooted my career I chose Ferrari and decided to go for gold throughout the tests so I could jump right into a top car. But after getting all gold it only let me choose up to Lotus... RB, Mclaren and Ferrari weren't there? I thought you were able to choose the team you tested for if you got all gold.
I'm talking about F1: 2014, I agree '13 was a pretty good game.

You misunderstand my post.

I wish I could force feed my list down Codemaster's throat. Its so easy to transform good games like GT6 or F1:2013 into AMAZING games all they have to do is listen to the gamer. They all say they do, but I've never noticed something implemented that was player dictated.

All of what I listed were requested by players.
You misunderstand my post.

All of what I listed were requested by players.

Oh I see...

Okay, I'll admit I'm a bit wrong. Just venting, I still think the picked the 'odd' player ideas to implement. Why put in classic cars, when far more fans were demanding a higher difficulty?

Overall I agree though, Codie's is one of the better studios for that.
Oh I see...

Okay, I'll admit I'm a bit wrong. Just venting, I still think the picked the 'odd' player ideas to implement. Why put in classic cars, when far more fans were demanding a higher difficulty?

Overall I agree though, Codie's is one of the better studios for that.

they put a higher difficulty into F1 2013, the second hardest difficulty became the same difficulty as legendary was on 2012 and legendary on 2013 became much harder.

The problem is, fans demand beyond what is reasonable. I expect we will see good things on next gen due to the fact they have to rewrite a lot of the engines and underlying things such as the AI, damage, tyres and so on.
they put a higher difficulty into F1 2013, the second hardest difficulty became the same difficulty as legendary was on 2012 and legendary on 2013 became much harder.

The problem is, fans demand beyond what is reasonable. I expect we will see good things on next gen due to the fact they have to rewrite a lot of the engines and underlying things such as the AI, damage, tyres and so on.
Beyond resonable? Most that has been stated has been on wish lists since 2010, it's the age old "we know what they want" attitude. Codies I applause you on a great game but we both know it would be off tha hook if you listen to us. But then it won't be a codies game hey?
Beyond resonable? Most that has been stated has been on wish lists since 2010, it's the age old "we know what they want" attitude. Codies I applause you on a great game but we both know it would be off tha hook if you listen to us. But then it won't be a codies game hey?

Length of time wishing doesn't make something more reasonable. As a Newcastle fan I could constantly email for 10 years telling them to sign Lionel Messi, doesn't mean it will happen and doesn't make it a reasonable request.

A lot of what people request is pointless stuff that the majority of the people who play it would ignore/not use. Whatever Codies do is wrong in most peoples eyes. If, for example, they gave in a did some animated podium scenes, a heavily requested thing, people would complain, and sometimes the same people who wanted it, about the fact that dev time has been taken away from important things to do it. This happened with classic mode, a hugely requested thing, they gave it to us, people complained that the rest of the game will now suffer. Don't request it then.

In my opinion, the only constantly requested thing that I think would be of any actual benefit to the game is formation laps. Particularly for 2015 with the banning of tyre warmers, making it more important.

Things like people asking for better racing, more realistic physics etc is a futile effort. Codies will develop a game that the F1 fan masses can play and relate to. To me it's always seemed like Codemasters make their physics to drive how F1 looks if that makes sense. Making it so the cars behave like they do on TV regardless of who is playing it.
Length of time wishing doesn't make something more reasonable. As a Newcastle fan I could constantly email for 10 years telling them to sign Lionel Messi, doesn't mean it will happen and doesn't make it a reasonable request.

A lot of what people request is pointless stuff that the majority of the people who play it would ignore/not use. Whatever Codies do is wrong in most peoples eyes. If, for example, they gave in a did some animated podium scenes, a heavily requested thing, people would complain, and sometimes the same people who wanted it, about the fact that dev time has been taken away from important things to do it. This happened with classic mode, a hugely requested thing, they gave it to us, people complained that the rest of the game will now suffer. Don't request it then.

In my opinion, the only constantly requested thing that I think would be of any actual benefit to the game is formation laps. Particularly for 2015 with the banning of tyre warmers, making it more important.

Things like people asking for better racing, more realistic physics etc is a futile effort. Codies will develop a game that the F1 fan masses can play and relate to. To me it's always seemed like Codemasters make their physics to drive how F1 looks if that makes sense. Making it so the cars behave like they do on TV regardless of who is playing it.

I get what you're saying but my list is VERY reasonable.

If I take one thing from my list such as the 'consistent AI for championship battle' - (where the AI actually fight for the championship are consistent, and dont fall over each other and finish 1st, 11th, 8th, 1st.. etc) thats very reasonable and would make the title fights way more fun and difficult, it'd be easy to implement too.

Funny thing is, I never wanted the classics mode. I've played it once tops, to me running around in a time trial can only be so fun.
I wasn't trying to specify yourself in particular, just in general across codemasters forums etc.

I am agreeing with you though.

Codie's are by far one of the better dev's to listen to fans, compare with Polophony and its shocking.

But Codie's, nor any developer, haven't quite reached the level of fan-feedback that, say, pcars has reached.
I am agreeing with you though.

Codie's are by far one of the better dev's to listen to fans, compare with Polophony and its shocking.

But Codie's, nor any developer, haven't quite reached the level of fan-feedback that, say, pcars has reached.

IMO, they have to listen to us, otherwise who will buy it?
IMO, they have to listen to us, otherwise who will buy it?

I'd like to think that was true, but isn't always the case.

Ghosts is the best selling next-gen game, the whole COD franchise is the best selling PS3/360 generation series - each game is exactly the same and they do not really implement any feedback from fans.

I love F1 so much I'd probably buy the next installment if they ignored everything players said and just had cars running around the track. The same is true with GT.
I'd like to think that was true, but isn't always the case.

Ghosts is the best selling next-gen game, the whole COD franchise is the best selling PS3/360 generation series - each game is exactly the same and they do not really implement any feedback from fans.

I love F1 so much I'd probably buy the next installment if they ignored everything players said and just had cars running around the track. The same is true with GT.
I would still buy it too lol, Redbull not looking crash hot in testing, maybe change of guard now, merc are flying.
I'd like to think that was true, but isn't always the case.

Ghosts is the best selling next-gen game, the whole COD franchise is the best selling PS3/360 generation series - each game is exactly the same and they do not really implement any feedback from fans.

I love F1 so much I'd probably buy the next installment if they ignored everything players said and just had cars running around the track. The same is true with GT.

Not talking about COD here, I believe he is still talking about F1.
What I feel would make the race more exciting, Having control of the start of the race dropping a gear as soon as the lights go out also pit stops are often flawless how about when you go into the pits you have to quickly press a button combination that comes on the screen to either have a fast pit stop or for your pit crew to be slow or even make a mistake, keeping you more involved and or the edge simply because when you go for a pit stop you can normal just relax.
Just a though
I use the pitstop for a quick break, the button combo is a good idea but I would rather pitstop dummies instead, like your team pretending to do a stop to force the others to react and then you can decide if you want to go through with it or do a dummy.
What I feel would make the race more exciting, Having control of the start of the race dropping a gear as soon as the lights go out also pit stops are often flawless how about when you go into the pits you have to quickly press a button combination that comes on the screen to either have a fast pit stop or for your pit crew to be slow or even make a mistake, keeping you more involved and or the edge simply because when you go for a pit stop you can normal just relax.
Just a though
F!:CE on the PS3 did that.

I'd love to see a driver transfer market. It's unrealistic that in F1 2013, Mark Webber could stay at Red Bull beyond your first season, and there's no influx of new drivers to replace under-performing ones.

A team management mode would be nice too. You could try to hire drivers who already have F1 experience, or go for a rookie from a pool of GP2 and GP3 drivers.
I'd love to see a driver transfer market. It's unrealistic that in F1 2013, Mark Webber could stay at Red Bull beyond your first season, and there's no influx of new drivers to replace under-performing ones.

A team management mode would be nice too. You could try to hire drivers who already have F1 experience, or go for a rookie from a pool of GP2 and GP3 drivers.
The licence means drivers can't move.
I'd love to see a driver transfer market. It's unrealistic that in F1 2013, Mark Webber could stay at Red Bull beyond your first season, and there's no influx of new drivers to replace under-performing ones.

A team management mode would be nice too. You could try to hire drivers who already have F1 experience, or go for a rookie from a pool of GP2 and GP3 drivers.

This or atleast have other drivers that replace current drivers during the season, like for eg could of had Heikki kovalainen replace kimi for the last few races and so on.