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How does 2020 play on PS5, anyone got it? I'm guessing the exact same as PS4 Pro with the backwards compatibility?
How does 2020 play on PS5, anyone got it? I'm guessing the exact same as PS4 Pro with the backwards compatibility?
It doesn’t have a PS5 patch so it just runs the way it did on PS4 Pro, minus any frame drops if there were any
Looks like I'll have to add you guys to the list of people who can't spell Ilott's name right. It's spelled Illot in the article but the correct spelling is Ilott. Also, and this is particularly funny considering I'm a Kiwi, Codemasters have mistakenly named Marcus Armstrong as a Australian in game rather than a New Zealander.
Looks like I'll have to add you guys to the list of people who can't spell Ilott's name right. It's spelled Illot in the article but the correct spelling is Ilott. Also, and this is particularly funny considering I'm a Kiwi, Codemasters have mistakenly named Marcus Armstrong as a Australian in game rather than a New Zealander.

I thought something was up. I watched F2 last race and noticed a New Zealand driver. When I booted the game it said Australian driver. I was like uh? I thought Armstrong was NZ lol now I know F1 game made a mistake. They’ll patch that for sure.
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It did also remove my Schumacher dlc as well. Not sure if that's been resolved since.

I played the F2 2020 cars for the first time this weekend then went back into the game to make sure the Schumacher cars were still there and they were. They might have fixed it in the couple of days since you played.