F1 Manager 2023F1 23 

  • Thread starter Spacegoat


Corneria City

First initial announcement of F1 Manager '23. Figured it's okay to start a thread here. I'll add some details about it to this post, when some are actually revealed.

Official Announcement.

Gameplay trailer.

Game details: (from Reddit)

Inbox/Email Improvements

- Dillema Emails/curveballs.

- Unexpected events, different every season.

- Some forced, some have alternatives to outcome.

- Makes seasons more unpredictable.

- World building emails, informative emails about other teams. What they are doing, progressions, buildings, general information.

- Email chains, responses to things you do.

- Example - Development delay for parts.

- Example - Wind tunnel data concern. - Wind Tunnel + Design Shutdown for 10 days.

Car Development

- Made easier to build and design parts for future races compared to F1M 22.

- Added some elements: Durability.

- New attribute for all car parts.

- After every race, update on inspection and if your parts have failed or passed.

- Lower durability = more performance but higher costs in needing more parts, higher durability = lower performance but money saved on parts.

- Focuses are more finely balanced, tradeoffs more pronouced this season between presets.

Sporting Director and Pit Stops

- In charge of pit crew and pit crew performance.

- Four skills, Training, Aptitude, Leadership and Processes.

- Training is the ability to efficiently develop pit crew skills and the loss will be less between seasons.

- Aptitude allows for a pit crew mechanic reach their full potential.

- Leadership has an effect on high-pressure situations, lessens the delay from pit stop errors.

- Processes is setting up efficient training plans, basically lessens the effect of fatigue from training and race weekends. Means your crew needs less rest.

- Pit Crew Rework with a training schedule. Can use presets with particular focus areas. High fatigue means more risk of pit errors.

- DHL fastest pit stop award is now part of the game with rewards at end of season.

- Briefing at the end of the races in terms of pit stops, errors, comparisons to other teams allowing for you to have better control over what improvements are needed.

- Pit stop errors implemented.

- Several ways to approach pit stop practice, general lower times, focus on error areas, focus on minimizing time loss from errors.

Driver Development

- Affinity with a race engineer has more impact on both driver confidence and driver development.

- Development Focus, ask drivers to focus on certain aspects.

- Seven focuses - Balanced, Driving Standards, Pace (Long), Pace (Short), Race Strategy, Wet Track, Wheel-to-Wheel.

- Balanced (Every Skill Equaly)

- Driving Standards (Control, Overtaking, Defending, Reactions)

- Pace Long (Cornering, Smoothness, Adaptability, Reactions)

- Pace Short (Cornering, Braking, Adaptability, Accuracy)

- Race Strategy (Smoothness, Overtaking, Defending, Reactions)

- Wet Track (Control, Smoothness, Adaptability, Accuracy)

- Wheel-To-Wheel (Braking, Control, Overtaking, Defending)

- Development update every month, more organic development.

- Older drivers development rate will plateau, driver not performing, particularly older drivers will regress in stats.

- Younger driver develop quicker.


- Did not notice any changes, let me know if I missed something.

Team Switching

- Coming in autumn, expected early September.

- At the start of the season you either stay at your team or try at a new one.

- Depending on your performance more teams will be avaliable to you.

- If you get sacked, you might have to go to a worse performing team. Once team switching is avaliable it seems you can get sacked without a game over.

- It is a meritocracy to it, you can work from the bottom to the top.

Race Day - Race Simulation

- Tyres now have a core temperature and a surface temperature, the core temperature is the important one. Running to hot or to cold will be negative.

- New tactics menu, consolidates 22 options into one place.

- Allows for more flexibility in terms of risks, attack, defending etc.

- Confidence will somewhat limit what you can do, as high confidence is allows for more risk, low confidence makes it more risky.

- Condifence gained from setting personal bests, overtakes, fastests laps and generally performing well.

- New ERS settings, TOP UP allows for recharching slower than recharge, a place between recharge and neutral.

- ERS Battle assist, basically automatically use of ERS efficiently from the driver.

- Pace mode rebalance. Can potentially keep tyres going for longer stints now on lower pace modes.

- Side by side action and racing lines has been revisited.

- Smoother recovery from incidents.

- DRS overtakes have been improved.

- Crashes and spins has gotten a rework.

- More dynamic races.

- Weather system improvements.

- Helmet Cam.

- Reworked damage system.

- Safe to touch lights implemented? (Basically F1 cars have a system to tell engineers/mechanics when the cars are safe to touch without getting electrocuted, greens means safe, purple means not safe. This has been implemented for more immersive pit stops.)

- Updated car liveries, chassis and materials in order to make the cars look better in simulation.

- Podiums will have new unqiue simulations.

- Car camera angles will be different from car to car.

Track Changes

- New tracks: Quatar and Las Vegas.

- DRS zone changes at some tracks.

- Barcelona updated, chicane removed.

- Marina Bay turns 16 to 19 changed.

- Updated 3D maps with DRS zones marked.

- Heat haze will now be visible on high temperature tracks where you would need to pay close attention to tyre temps.


- 6 Sprint events.

- Sprint events will have less practice leading to potentially less confidence for sprint weekends.

AI Changes

- AI react to what you do depending on what they have at their disposal.

- AI will battle depending on if they have fuel, tyres and resources to battle you, will do their best to keep their position and battle you.

- AI Teams will react to weather, safety car and potentially change tactics to pull of undercuts/overcuts.

- AI pushing to chase you down, seems AI will be more of a challenge.

Audio and team radio.

- Team radio has been improved with additional lines, an estimated 3 to 4 times more lines.

- Engineer might tell you who you are gonna battle at the end of pitlane

- Updates on cars infront and behind you.

- A more immersive system.

- Engineer/Driver chatter from other teams during replays for more immersion.


- Midsession Saves.

- Updated Tutorial, more tutorial modes depending on your experience. More of a modular tutorial mode.

Starting Grid - New Mode

- Same starting grid as the real Grand Prix.

- Same position, tyres, weather, temperatures, performance as it was during the real race.

- Any of the 10 teams can be picked.

- Allows you to experiment with the race and see if you can do a better race.

- Upgrades will be reflected.

Race Moments - New Mode

- A particular moment from a race where you will be given a challenge to reach a certain positon or a certain amount of points.

Exlusive Scenarios

- Imagined scenarios that are somewhat believable.

- 3 Exclusive scenarios for preordering Standard Edition. (Viva Haas Vegas is one of them)

- 15 Exlusive scenarios with the Deluxe Edition.

- Equal Performance scenario. All cars equal.
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I skipped on '22 due to just not having the time for it, I'll be watching this with great interest though, particularly if F1 '23 is more of the same as '22.
Will probably wait for a very heavy sale this time round - get it once they've fixed all the inevitable issues. Of course that'll be when they abandon it to prep for F1 Manager 24. I loathe yearly update games.

Still have 2022 installed - I will make Seb champion one final time !
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Played 22 moreso out of curiosity than anything else. It was fun but faded fast.

Probably won’t pick up 23 unless I blag a free code or something.
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My childhood* dreams were to be just like Lewis Hamilton, not just like Christian Horner....strip away the actual driving and my interest in this is pretty much rock bottom. I just don't really get what the point is if you're not actually involved in the driving. But that's just me.

* by which I mean, middle aged manchild.
My childhood* dreams were to be just like Lewis Hamilton, not just like Christian Horner....strip away the actual driving and my interest in this is pretty much rock bottom. I just don't really get what the point is if you're not actually involved in the driving. But that's just me.

* by which I mean, middle aged manchild.

some of us suck at the actual driving
it's like football - I am useless at FIFA, I play Football Manager instead
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My childhood* dreams were to be just like Lewis Hamilton, not just like Christian Horner....strip away the actual driving and my interest in this is pretty much rock bottom. I just don't really get what the point is if you're not actually involved in the driving. But that's just me.

* by which I mean, middle aged manchild.
I guess that's why the other F1 series exists.
I skipped on '22 due to just not having the time for it, I'll be watching this with great interest though, particularly if F1 '23 is more of the same as '22.
'22 had it's fair share of issues (didn't stop me putting probably close to 200hrs into it tho :lol:). It was a solid first up effort though and there's a good base to build off. Hopefully they'll add the ability to create your own team and/or change teams during a save.
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Nothing official yet but someone leaked some screenshots on Reddit. If this is all genuine, Sprint races are in. Also appears like parts have a lifespan now, going off the third image.



Release date announced. July 31. Going off the trailer, looks like helmet cam is thing in this years game. Frontier has also confirmed that we'll have the ability to save mid session now.

Sounds like the commentary is more or less the same which is a little disappointing.
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OP updated finally. Been too lazy to do it. Anyway, I've got the Deluxe Edition all pre-loaded and ready to go. Bring on tomorrow. Looking forward to see how it handles compared to last years. Probably will end up going with McLaren for my initial save.
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Update 1.3 notes.

From the little I've been able to play so far. Definitely feels like it's tougher than last year's (at least from the racing point of view, or maybe that's just because the McLaren cars are complete garbage to start with. :lol:) . The DRS trains are for the most part gone. It seems like you're going to have to be micro managing the tires a lot to keep the temps in the sweet spot for when you want to attack or defend. AI definitely use their ERS and are willing to push a lot more than last year.

Also, the visor cam is pointless but ultra cool.
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This came out already I thought it was coming out in August but I guess I was suffering from DidntRead syndrome 🤣 when I was looking at the info for this game
In terms of picking a team, it really helps that McLaren were once again so rubbish in real life to start the year. Much more fun to take someone from the bottom to the top. Lando, we can be world champions (again)!
Just beyond halfway thru my first season. One of the big improvements that sticks out so far, is how unpredictable the AI can be with strategies. They don't necessarily stick to the preset ones. Really makes the races more interesting and a lot more fun, as you have to pay attention to what tires the cars around you are switching to. Wet races too are no longer a walk in the park as the AI actually react to the weather changes now.

Much more fun to take someone from the bottom to the top. Lando, we can be world champions (again)!
Yeah, it's definitely is more enjoyable to start with a bottom team. Just be warned with McLaren, until you get his pace stats up, Piastri is basically Latifi 2.0. It's criminal how low Frontier have rated him.
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First season done. Was able to finish a pretty comfortable 6th in the constructors (board objective was 7th), thanks to Lando being able to finish fairly consistently in the back of the top ten. Piastri's only points came at Mexico with a 7th place finish with the help of 8 cars deciding to crash out.

F1® Manager 2023_20230803074210.jpg

F1® Manager 2023_20230803074221.jpg

Feels like research and developing parts is a lot harder this year. Gave up (aside from a small front wing and suspension upgrades late in the season) on making new parts around Hungry and just focused on research. Think if I had done that with last years game, I'd have a maybe a top two or three car for the start of the next season. This is how the car looked prior to Bahrain, after adding a new underfloor, rear wing and side pods.

F1® Manager 2023_20230803081455.jpg

Maybe I should have researched more low speed stuff. :lol:
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Okay guys if anyone is online this is an emergency strategy help request!!!!!!!!!

giphy copy 16.gif

At Baku with Ferrari, my drivers are 2nd and 3rd, there's been a red flag on lap 16 (of 51).

Both are on softs at around 60% (there was a prolonged SC early in the race) - there have been no stops so far. Fully dry no issues in race.

Do I go onto a new pair of softs or mediums and do 1 stop from here.

Or do I go onto hards and go until the end?!???

I don't want to lose this opportunity as Verstappen has had a mare in Qualy and is currently down in 15th.

@Spacegoat @Fezzik @kjb @MagpieRacer @Famine Haaaalp!
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Both are on softs at around 60% (there was a prolonged SC early in the race) - there have been no stops so far. Fully dry no issues in race.

Do I go onto a new pair of softs or mediums and do 1 stop from here.

Or do I go onto hards and go until the end?!???
Oh, jeez. That is spicy, especially with Max so far down the grid. How did it end up? Not that it's probably worth much now (apologies) but I would have gone for the hards just to play it safe and looked at pitting for softs or mediums later if another safety car or red flag happened.
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Oh, jeez. That is spicy, especially with Max so far down the grid. How did it end up? Not that it's probably worth much now (apologies) but I would have gone for the hards just to play it safe and looked at pitting for softs or mediums later if another safety car or red flag happened.
Well! I sent Leclerc out on Mediums with the view to switch to softs again later, depending how the race went. Perez took him out of the race within a couple of laps of the restart. Absolute murder which he got a penalty for but our car was forked.

I sent Sainz out on Hards to just run them into the ground which he did, ended up 3rd. Alonso, who was leading, switched to mediums and finished the race on them.. along with a few other AI cars, wasn't expecting that, solid pace as well, finished 2nd.

Verstappen overtook everyone to win the race..

Of course. :)
Verstappen overtook everyone to win the race..
Yeah, typical. :lol:

Think splitting the strategies like that was actually the best way to go. Just a shame that Leclarc got destroyed.
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Update 1.6 is out with the ability now to switch teams added.

Patch Notes.

Just starting the fourth season in my current save. Switching teams has come at the right time. Eyeing off switching to either Alfa Romeo or Haas at the end of the season.